Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 401: Lei Luoxing (Part 1)

A huge cave on the ground, the law of decay collapsed, and black smoke drifted.

At one time, this was obviously excavated by the multi-eyed monster and later occupied by Du Laomo.

call out.

Lei Luo jumped down.

After a while, he came to the deepest part of the cave filled with the law of rich decay.

This is the area of ​​gold-plated veins. The Alpha Death Storm has completely dispelled the decay rule of a few meters of the surface and is covered with a thick layer of gravel.

These gravels are fine particles of various materials that have been disintegrated by the death storm, and are mixed with a large amount of metal materials.

The muddy ground once started to dry up, but it is still a rare and precious wetland, rich in rich moisture.

"this is?"

Lei Luo found that after deep excavation, a large amount of space was developed, which was obviously the legacy of Du Laomo.

He observed for a moment.

In the face of the demise of his ethnic group, the Fengling tribe's most sinful and extremely wanted person thought of it for the first time, even in this first gold-plated St. Billy Moya mining area rich in metal. Taking advantage of the special geological conditions here, the Save the information of the Fengling civilization of the longevity world to which you belong!

Under the baptism of the Alpha Death Storm Law, even if it is protected by special geological structures, thousands of years later, any Warcraft animal skin scrolls or common wing papers of the Wind Spirit family will be eroded.

More importantly, the special characters of the Fengling ethnic group are an emotional symbol that needs to be supported by the Fengling ethnic culture in order to be recognized.

And this old demon Du, the method left behind by civilization, is to use the most primitive way and the simplest painting in this miniature underground palace to destroy the evil mankind's message of beautiful and kind wind spirit clan. On the slate.

Lei Luo observed for a while, admiring the paintings carved on the stone from an artistic perspective.

The first was the centuries-old war with the mushrooms. The powerful decaying **** came to St. Billy Moya. Then the wind spirits tried to cry out to the depths of the Alpha storm. Destroyed in a short period of time, the human wizard came to the Changsheng Tree Realm based on the information of the mushroom and Luo people.

The raging evil human wizards come to life, the longevity trees collapse, the wind walls disappear, and civilization disappears.


Rello muttered to himself.

He is a pity for these stone carvings from the perspective of scholars and from the perspective of this extraordinary scholar's assessment.

This is where he provided the raw materials for shaping the real body of the astral body. At that time, under his unparalleled gravitational magnetic field, the metal material in this mining area will be attracted by all means. Therefore, the ruins of civilization here will be severely damaged and completely disappeared. In the long river of history.

But it's just a pity, Rello will naturally not pose as a hypocrite.

It goes deep into the grounds of the San Billy Moya mining area, and can be used as a sample for Rello to observe the degree of decay of the decay law here. In this way, Rello simply settled here temporarily as a temporary laboratory to make final preparations for shaping the real body of the star .


As Lei Luo called, the chubby Xiaobai took his dog legs, a flinching pea seedling elf, from the space bracelet.

The little guy looked at the left, looked at it again, and hummed after getting familiar with the environment: "Those wind spirits are extinct?"


Lei Luo took out the three-phase mouse again, and summoned a Moon Shadow Wraith, which was sucked into the mouth by this flexible little guy, squeaking beautifully.

"You are more sensitive to the change of the essence of the moon, you see if there is any change in me?"

Raylow asked tentatively.

He wanted to try through Xiaobai to find out what the strange power Du Dumo exerted on himself before he died, even at the risk of his own death.

Seemingly just inadvertently inquiring, Raylow took out the crystal lamp and a box of glass test tubes again, and some metal **** was soaked in the test tube liquid.


Xiaobai picked up some dried mud from the bottom of the pit, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed, while looking at Lei Luo, his head twitched and stretched out a small hand with a root after thinking for a while, his thumb kept on the index finger and middle finger. Fiddle around.

"Quack, one price, two copper coins."

As expected, Lei Luo smiled helplessly, threw two copper coins, and was caught by Xiaobai.

The little guy was very proud and looked at Raylo and replied: "You seem to be locked by a special moon force and become something similar to coordinates. I can sense the line and it feels like a certain A curse. "

Rello frowned.

Although the information provided by Xiaobai is not accurate, it is basically the same as what he thought.

This powerful spirit would rather sacrifice himself, but also exert this ability on himself. The things behind this are by no means simple. It is probably related to some kind of deep-rooted law of the moon, and the goal is not just yourself. Corleone asked for help.

But before that, you must complete the real body of the star!


half year later.

The violent storm of Alpha death brought endless and endless yellow sand.

Above the furnace desert, there are no traces of the evergreen tree world that once seemed like a bright pearl. Even the vast expanse of boundless sky lake has been completely covered by yellow sand, not to mention the decay laws left by San Billimoya.

Perhaps in this desert, there are still some wind spirits, fighting with the dead storms and fierce survival, but they will eventually be digested and swallowed by the world's ruthless natural laws over time.

A tiny figure, floating in the air of death storm, has been an hourglass.

He was waiting for the first light of dawn.

Even the most natural law of death storms in the star screen world cannot block the depth of the distant universe, and scholars regard it as the sun beam of truth in the center of the universe!

Its existence symbolizes the wisdom enlightenment of a new era in the human world in the land of the star curtain, reveals the light of truth shrouded in the mist and haze of faith, and abandons the true meaning of the universe ruled by the Creator to dominate all beliefs!


On the horizon, a ray of sunlight traversed the long void of the universe, penetrated the terrifying death storms in various worlds, and shone on this tiny figure hiding in the energy shield.

He opened his eyes accordingly.

Sun and moon alternate.

The glory of the sun and moon of the double pupils reflects the light of reason and learned wisdom.

It was the enlightenment roar of the martyrs who insisted on the truth eight hundred years ago. After hundreds of years of unremitting struggle, scholars started from the cognition of the humble and insignificant laws of nature. Objective rationality, gradually getting rid of ignorance and ignorance.

"it's time."

Rello muttered to himself.

He looked out at the endless desert that was raging by the storm under his feet. There was no trace of smoky smoke.

The law of God will eventually disappear under the law of nature!

He felt his cell was at the peak of unprecedented excitement, his soul was calling, eager to get the essential change, and get rid of the shackles.

The evolution of life is amazing.

In other words, the radical evolutionary evolutionary rule of the star screen world is magical.

That was the law born 40,000 years ago ~ ~ The star screen world after being blocked by the higher civilizations of different worlds on the superstar and blocked by catastrophic weapons according to the laws of the macro law The great will, which cannot be understood by the low-end life, has made radical changes to the evolutionary laws adapted by the ancient life.

In the process of continuous brutal competition and adaptation to extinction, it is like a spoon in a calm soup pot, stirring vigorously.

Immediately, the era of the explosion of rich and varied species has officially begun!

Everything under the rule of macroscopic evolution of the stars is about to rapidly evolve around the biological adaptation deformity, and to change the destiny of the star's extinction.

In the extremely harsh environment of cruel competition, how to break the macro yoke of inevitable extinction in the battle of the life and death of others, that is, hell, has become the instinctive evolution direction of all star-screen world civilizations under the Alpha Death Storm.

It, in its ability to intensify all the cruel conditions, screened out the most perfect weapons of resistance.

Under the blockade of dark plunder from another world deep in the universe, the internal struggle of the world can only be carried out from the limited resources of the microscopic field!

It is this evolutionary direction of adaptive radical laws that has led to the stormy continent of this world. At the tip of a trivial peninsula, a creature called human beings, in a short eight hundred years of scholar evolution system, a humble name called Rello Life, bravely took a small step and tried to carry out an uncontrolled mutation evolution on himself!

As for the struggle between humans and Xue Yan.

But in the context of Star Wars that lasted for tens of thousands of years, the two legions on the verge of the battlefield looked up at the cosmic star that raged on the battlefield, listening to the aftermath of the terrorist explosion of the most powerful legions in the center of the battlefield, desperately calling for war, and carefully cleaned up. The small creatures around are waiting for an opportunity to join the center of the battlefield.

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