Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 250 Admiral And Shichibukai Meet, The Lie Of The Tyrant Bear

"Report, there is a ship in the sea ahead ....."

On the Marine warship, a signal soldier came to the two of Tsuru and Aokiji and spoke quickly.

However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by an anxious crane. At the same time, Doflamingo, who was originally resting and healing not far away, also frowned and looked over.

Just experienced with Ying and Francis S. Drake's battle, even if it ends up with Francis S. Drake and Ying chose to retreat, but he himself ~ drained a lot of physical strength.

Similarly, the damage and consumption of Tsuru and Kuzan is not small.

In this situation, Doflamingo doesn't want to have another battle when he encounters Rozi and others.

After all, now that he has done enough, Virgo will definitely be able to return.

"Ship? Could it be Rozi them?!"

"No.......... No, Staff Officer Tsuru, we saw Jinbei and Tyrant Bear of Shichibukai on a lifeboat in front. ”

"Jinbei and the bear? These two could actually appear in this position?!"

Tsuru raised his eyebrows and immediately walked to the bow of the ship.

After a while, he saw through the telescope Jinbei and the bear who were speeding towards this side in a lifeboat.

"Anyway, let them come up first."

Kuzan also came over at this time.

With Marine Admiral's order, Jinbei and Tyrant Bear naturally came to the deck of the Marine warship.

Also on deck was the corpse of a golden lion carried by the tyrant bear.

Tsuru originally wanted to ask Xiong and Jinbei if they had met Rozi, but the moment she saw Golden Lion's body, she was instantly speechless in surprise.

"Ferferfer, what a leisure, two."

"The battle on our side is over, and you have just arrived."

"Then again, since you are in this position, you should have encountered the Straw Hat Pirates.

Doflamingo walked over with figure-of-eight steps.

"I did meet it."

Tyrant Bear glanced at Doflamingo and said flatly.

"Huh? You met them, so why didn't you stop them, or you didn't plan to help.

Doflamingo frowned, he had done his best in this battle, and he certainly wouldn't be happy if the other Shichibukai didn't do anything.

"On the way, I met Golden Lion who led a crowd to make us and the Straw Hat Pirates his men.

"It turned into a three-way battle between me, Jinbei, the Golden Lion Pirates, and the Straw Hat Pirates.

"The end of the battle was that Golden Lion died, the Golden Lion pirates were wiped out, the Straw Hat Pirates left, and Jinbei and I captured a lifeboat."

Jinbei pointed to the wounds on his body and Jinbei's body, and said muffled to Kuzan and Tsuru.

Although he doesn't like to talk much, Jinbei doesn't seem like a liar, and here he can only prevaricate with Marine.

"Golden Lion, it turned out to be so dead, really fake, that's a pirate of the last era."

"And, how could you have run into him so coincidentally?"

Doflamingo frowned, took two steps forward, and swept his eyes towards the Golden Lion on the ground.

At this moment, Golden Lion's body is full of damages, a large number of bones and muscles have been shattered, and even his face is already somewhat unclear.

Up close, there is no smell of the former sea overlord, so Doflamingo is very skeptical of the bear's words.

"You can't be wrong, this man is Golden Lion."

"I didn't expect him to appear at this time."

0 begging for flowers.........

"Could it be that this guy is also attracted to Rozi's technology?"

Tsuru frowned and spoke.

At this time, Kuzan stepped forward and locked a pair of eyes on the bear's eyes and said:

"Bear, Rozi, where are they going now, and with your ability, can you take us to catch up with them?"

Hearing this, Xiong shook his head:

"Unfortunately, Aokiji Admiral!"

"Even I've lost too much stamina in the melee between Golden Lion and the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Although I can still speed up the Marine warship, I can't guarantee that I will be able to lock you in the right position.


"Moreover, I don't know where the Straw Hat Pirates are now."

"I saw Rozi pull out his Devil Fruit after killing Golden Lion in a melee."

"With Golden Lion's Lion Fruit, their current location will only be harder to find.

When the words fell, Isshin's crane who wanted to grab Rozi couldn't help but clench his fists.

"That man, actually got Lion Fruit?"

"And after fighting us, he even has the power to kill Golden Lion.

"Wait, can it be that ............. That guy used 'self-eating'?"

Tsuru said.

"If that's the case, now should be the best time to grab Rozi.

"No matter what, you have to give it a try."

Aokiji looked serious and immediately summoned his adjutant and told him to let the Marine warship sail at full speed in the direction given by Tyrant Bear and Jinbei.

It's just that at this time, Aokiji will never know that according to the wrong direction given by the tyrant bear, there may be no way to find the trace of the straw hat pirate group for a lifetime.


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