Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1260 Escape

A dazzling fire suddenly lit up in the void two hundred miles away, and Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan fell out of the fire.

He did not dare to rest, and hurriedly took a drop of ten thousand years of spiritual milk. The fire phoenix wings behind him shone red, and the two of them turned into a red light and disappeared.

Shi Yue had two Nascent Souls, one of which was already perfect. In addition, his original mana was far superior to that of the cultivators of the same level, comparable to the cultivators of the early stage of the Spiritualization. This allowed him to use the Fire Phoenix Wings many times, constantly breaking through the space, and escaping thousands of miles before stopping.

Of course, he also consumed more than ten drops of ten thousand years of spiritual milk during this period.

Even if the other party was a cultivator of the Void Refining Realm, it would be impossible for him to chase thousands of miles in one breath!

Shi Yue breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his face.

At this moment, a dazzling green light suddenly lit up in the void hundreds of feet behind him, and the voice and shadow of the middle-aged Taoist nun appeared.

Her face was pale, and it was obvious that she had consumed a lot of mana.

As soon as she showed up, she said nothing and slashed Shi Yue with her right palm. A flash of green light appeared, and a dazzling green light flew out and headed straight for Shi Yue.

Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan wanted to dodge, but a crisp bell sounded. When they heard it, they lost control of their bodies and could not move.

Soon, a green giant blade floated above the heads of Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan and chopped down quickly.

A smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged Taoist nun. This time, Shi Yue must be dead!

In order to kill Shi Yue, she used many seventh-grade magic weapons and secret techniques.

Seeing that the green giant blade was about to kill Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan, a burst of colorful spiritual light appeared on Shi Yue's body. It was Linglong House.

The green giant blade slashed fiercely on Linglong House, and a dull sound of metal collision sounded, and a shallow white mark appeared on the surface of Linglong House.

"Seventh-grade defensive magic weapon?" The middle-aged Taoist nun was surprised. She quickly reacted and took out a blue-glowing talisman with a blue flying needle pattern on the surface.

She showed a trace of reluctance in her eyes and threw it forward. The blue talisman turned into a blue light and flew out.

The eighth-grade talisman Wanbing Talisman, even the combined cultivators did not dare to take it head-on, and it had no problem destroying the seventh-grade defensive magic weapon.

With Shi Yue's cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, it was already very difficult to drive the seventh-grade defensive magic weapon, and it was impossible to drive the eighth-grade defensive magic weapon.

As soon as the blue light approached the Linglong House, it turned into tens of thousands of blue flying needles. The surface of the flying needles was wrapped in a layer of blue flames, emitting a biting cold.

"Chi Chi" sounded loudly, and the dense blue flying needles hit the Linglong House, and there was a muffled sound of rain hitting the fence leaves.

The Linglong House was intact, with some small marks on the surface, which soon disappeared.

"How is it possible?" The middle-aged Taoist nun's eyes widened, as if they were about to fall out at any time.

"Defensive spiritual magic weapon!" The scene in front of her was beyond her expectations.

Shi Yue had two spiritual magic weapons, which was already abnormal, and he actually had a third defensive spiritual magic weapon. No wonder Shi Yue dared to go out alone, even without a guard.

What's more hateful is that this kid is obviously only in the Nascent Soul Perfection Realm, but his magic power is deeper than that of ordinary Spiritualization cultivators, and it is not difficult for him to use spiritual magic weapons.

She had just made a fatal move against Shi Yue, so naturally she would not stop at this time. Even if Shi Yue had the strength of the early stage of Spiritualization plus three spiritual magic weapons, she was a cultivator in the middle stage of Refining Void, and there was no reason why she couldn't deal with this kid.

Before the middle-aged Taoist nun could do anything, three yellow beans with spiritual patterns all over their surface flew out of the exquisite house. After spinning around, the light increased greatly and turned into three huge yellow birds, which spread their wings and pounced on the middle-aged Taoist nun.

Yuanying-stage bean soldiers, three at once.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Yue put away the exquisite house, hugged Qu Feiyan, and the two of them turned into a red escape light and disappeared.

Shi Yue had three spiritual magic weapons, one for attack, one for defense, and one for flying. She had completely lost her mind, and Shi Yue had become the person she must kill.

Three Yuanying-stage bean soldiers pounced on her, and the middle-aged Taoist nun opened her mouth and spit out a small green tripod. After spinning around, her body grew more than ten times larger, and she spit out a large piece of green flames to meet the three Yuanying-stage bean soldiers.


A deafening explosion sounded, and a large area of ​​green flames enveloped the three Yuanying period bean soldiers. The surface of the Yuanying period bean soldiers was flashing with spiritual light, and dense green spiritual patterns were revealed on their bodies. Not long after. The spiritual patterns on their bodies dimmed, and they looked like they had lost their spirituality. They returned to the form of spiritual beans and were sucked into the green cauldron by the green flames.

The middle-aged Taoist nun put away the green cauldron and magic weapon, and took out a light green short ruler, the surface of which was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns.

Her magic power was madly injected into the green short ruler, and the green short ruler made bursts of shrill sounds, emitting amazing spiritual fluctuations.

The middle-aged Taoist nun's face turned pale, and the whole person turned into dots of green light and disappeared.

A burst of fire suddenly lit up above a lush mountain range.

Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan fell from the fire, and Shi Yue was pale and sweating.

Facing the pursuit of a Void Refinement cultivator, Shi Yue did not dare to be careless. He hurriedly swallowed a drop of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Milk, and the light of the Fire Phoenix Wings suddenly increased. The two of them turned into red light and disappeared.

As soon as they left, a green light appeared in the void. It was the middle-aged Taoist nun.

She didn't have a treasure that could break through the space. She just had a seventh-grade flying magic weapon. With her deep magic power, she forced the treasure to activate it.

"Stinky boy, I want to see whether my magic power is deep or you have more spiritual objects to restore your magic power."

Just then, a piercing scream came from her.

She took out a mirror and cast a spell on it. Soon, the mirror surface blurred and the figure of the red-robed Taoist priest appeared.

"Where are you now? Have you caught that boy?"

"I don't know where he is either. I'm almost there. Did you succeed?"

The red-robed Taoist priest shook his head and said, "No, a mysterious monk suddenly appeared and kidnapped the girl. Where are you now? I'll go over to meet you and help you."

"No need, I can handle it, that's it."

The middle-aged Taoist nun didn't want her companions to find out that Shi Yue had three spiritual magic weapons. She wanted to occupy the treasures alone.

The green ruler in her hand shook lightly, and the whole person turned into green light and disappeared.

In a certain endless grassland, a huge vortex shaped like a copper coin appeared in the void. Through the vortex, a black forest can be seen, and a pure spiritual energy surged out of it.

Hundreds of immortal cultivators gathered on the grassland, ranging from the Jindan stage to the Huashen stage.

One of the white-faced and beardless old men in white robes held a hexagonal token in his hand, and his expression was very excited.

The hexagonal token made a series of piercing shrieks, and the spiritual light flashed constantly.

"There is a reaction, this is not a legend, the sitting cave of Duobao Zhenjun, there is really such a place, not a legend." The white-robed old man said to himself.

"It's a pity that there is no key, so you can't get in at all." An old woman in a blue robe said with some regret.

The old man in white robe shook his head and said, "That may not be the case. I will use the key to go in first. Junior Sister Li, you and the others will set up a formation to see if you can enter the sitting cave of Master Duobao. If not, seal off this area and don't let others enter."

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