Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1706 Golden Eyed Tortoise

Suddenly, Shi Yue frowned, pinched his fingers, and the green flying boat shone brightly. After a blur, it appeared dozens of feet away. At the same time, a faint space crack flew past. If Shi Yue's reaction was a little slower, they would all die.

"There is a moving space crack here, which is really troublesome." Xiaoyaozi frowned and said.

"If it weren't troublesome, the Jade Moon Golden Lotus would have been picked long ago. Let's move on!" Shi Yue pinched his fingers, and the green flying boat shone brightly and continued to move forward.

Two days later, they flew out of the yellow desert and a lush forest appeared in front of them.

The dense forest was full of towering trees over a hundred feet high, with lush branches and leaves, blocking most of the sunlight, and only a small part of the sunlight could float in.

"Two seniors, we will reach our destination after passing through this forest, but there are two fifth-level holy beasts guarding it." The young woman in the green skirt pointed to the dense forest and said.

After seeing the strength of the two cultivators from the Immortal Grass Palace, she was not worried about any interference from the fifth-level holy beast.

"Let's go! Pick the Azure Moon Golden Lotus as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible."

They walked towards the dense forest together, and hundreds of soul-eating bees flew around them to avoid triggering the ban.

Along the way, they encountered many poisonous insects, which were quite numerous and not of high level. Xiaoyaozi easily solved them without Shi Yue's help.

Three hours later, they stopped and hid behind a bush about ten feet high. Following their gaze, there was an open area in front of them. There was a black lake of more than one hundred acres a few hundred feet away. There were two palm-sized green lotuses growing in the lake. The lotus buds were blooming, and the lotus seeds were golden, emitting a strong medicinal fragrance.

The lake was calm. As soon as the divine consciousness touched the lake water, it was immediately blocked, which was very strange.

There were many poisonous insects here. The two Azure Moon Golden Lotuses could grow to this point, so they were naturally guarded by powerful monsters.

Shi Yue's mind moved, and dozens of soul-eating bees flew towards the Azure Moon Golden Lotus. Just when the soul-eating bees approached the lake for five feet, the calm lake water suddenly boiled, and a large piece of black water shot out, covering all the soul-eating bees at once.

The black water splashed on the soul-eating bees, and a puff of green smoke suddenly rose. All the soul-eating bees evaporated and disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared.

A drop of black water splashed on the ground, corroding a huge pit.

"What a terrible toxicity!" Shi Yue was secretly surprised.

The monsters that can survive in this environment are naturally poisonous beasts. Speaking of it, Shi Yue has killed many monsters, but very few of them are highly poisonous.

Xiaoyaozi sacrificed a palm-sized green gourd, which instantly expanded and flew over the lake. A powerful suction force emerged out of thin air, and countless black waters rushed towards the green gourd.


An angry roar sounded, and a huge monster emerged from the water. This monster had a dragon head, a turtle body, a snake tail, and a neck several dozen feet long. Its eyes were golden, and there was a wisp of water vapor coming out of its nostrils.

"It turned out to be a golden-eyed dragon turtle. This kind of monster is extremely poisonous. If a cultivator of the Void Refining Realm touches its venom, his soul will be scattered." Shi Yue understood immediately.

The water level of the lake dropped rapidly, and the golden-eyed dragon turtle was in trouble. It opened its mouth and sprayed a large piece of black light, covering the green gourd.

The green gourd did not dare to take it head-on and quickly avoided it. However, at this moment, a thick black lightning flew out from the bottom of the lake and hit the green gourd accurately. The green gourd's spiritual light fell, and it was shaky, as if it would fall down at any time.

A foul-smelling purple liquid fell from the sky and landed on the green gourd. The green gourd emitted a puff of green smoke and disappeared without a trace at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiaoyaozi snorted and offered a yellow spirit bean. The surface of the yellow spirit bean was covered with runes. It turned and turned into a huge yellow giant. The yellow giant was naked and his muscles were clearly visible. This was a bean soldier in the early stage of refining the void.

The yellow giant grabbed the ground with both hands, and yellow stones as big as millstones flew out and hit the golden-eyed dragon turtle.


The lake water was boiling, and the waves rose hundreds of feet high and hit the opposite side.

A series of roars sounded, and all the yellow stones were smashed by the black waves. The golden-eyed dragon turtle rushed to the shore and wrestled with the yellow giant. With its huge body and hard shell, the yellow giant could not do anything to the golden-eyed dragon turtle.

Xiaoyaozi frowned slightly. It was not that he could not kill the two golden-eyed turtles, but he was worried about hurting the Jade Moon Golden Lotus.

He offered another bean soldier in the refining void period. These refining void bean soldiers were all high-end combat forces refined by Shi Yue.

The two bean soldiers joined forces, and the golden-eyed dragon turtle was somewhat overwhelmed and fell behind. The yellow light and the black light collided, and powerful waves of air burst out.


An angry roar sounded, and another golden-eyed dragon turtle flew out from the bottom of the lake and joined the battle.

The two golden-eyed dragon turtles fought fiercely with the two yellow giants, with constant roars and flying dust.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Yue took out a green cloak and covered himself with it. With a flash of green light, he suddenly disappeared.

With the help of the roar of fighting, Shi Yue came to the lakeside not long after. He did not pick the Azure Moon Golden Lotus, but controlled hundreds of soul-eating bees to fly towards the Azure Moon Golden Lotus at a very fast speed.

Just as hundreds of soul-eating bees approached the Azure Moon Golden Lotus, the calm lake water suddenly boiled, and dense black water arrows shot out, piercing all the soul-eating bees.

"Sure enough, there are monsters in the lake."

Shi Yue was confident of his extraordinary strength, and he would not be stupid enough to joke with his own life. All things in the world are interdependent, and no one is invincible. The golden-eyed dragon turtle is a famous poisonous beast, and he does not want to try the poison of the golden-eyed dragon turtle.

Xiaoyaozi understood, sacrificed a golden talisman, and turned into a golden-clad armored warrior about ten feet tall, rushing towards the lake.

As soon as the golden-clad armored warrior approached the lake, a smaller golden-eyed dragon turtle rushed out from the bottom of the lake and pounced on the golden-clad armored warrior.

The hands of the golden armored soldier shone with golden light, and dense golden threads were released, hitting the golden-eyed dragon turtle.

The golden-eyed dragon turtle sprayed a ball of blue light, and the dense golden threads hit the blue light ball, like mud and the sea, without any sound.

It suddenly turned into dots of blue light and disappeared. The next moment, a wisp of water vapor emerged around the golden armored soldier, and after a blur, it turned into a golden-eyed dragon turtle.

The golden-eyed dragon turtle opened its bloody mouth and sprayed a thick black lightning, which struck the golden armored guard. A large piece of black lightning flooded the body of the golden armored guard.

This was not over yet. It bit the golden armored guard like lightning and tore it in half.

At this moment, a green light suddenly swept across the lake and picked up two green moon golden lotuses.


The golden-eyed dragon turtle found that it had been fooled and hurriedly called its companions.

The two golden-eyed dragon turtles in the Void Refining Stage quickly left the battle group. A green light flew away, and the two golden-eyed dragon turtles turned into two blue lights and chased after them.

Xiaoyaozi put away the two bean soldiers and told the young woman in green skirt beside him: "Let's go! We succeeded."

"Isn't the other senior being chased by the golden-eyed dragon turtle? Shouldn't we help him?" The young woman in green skirt was slightly stunned and asked in confusion.

"He has a way to get out by himself. Let's go out and wait for him. Maybe he is already outside." Xiaoyaozi smiled mysteriously.

They returned along the way they came. As Xiaoyaozi expected, when they returned to the edge of the desert, Shi Yue had been waiting for a long time.

He used the space magic to escape from the hands of the two golden-eyed dragon turtles. The magic of the two golden-eyed dragon turtles was not small. The most powerful thing was the venom they spewed, which was extremely poisonous. Fortunately, Shi Yue was more cautious and did not confront them head-on. He directly used the space magic to escape.

Of course, if he wanted to kill the two golden-eyed turtles, it would not be a big problem, but there were many restrictions here, and the Azure Moon Golden Lotus had already been obtained. Shi Yue did not want to cause any trouble, so he left as soon as possible.

"Are you okay?" Xiaoyaozi asked with concern.

Shi Yue chuckled and said, "What can happen? Let's go! Leave here as soon as possible."

He suddenly remembered something and said to the young woman in green skirt, "By the way, last time you said you found the skeleton of a water unicorn. Since you have come to the Falling Immortal Sea, let's go there by the way!"

A skeleton of a water unicorn, it would be a waste not to take it.

Shi Lin has the descendants of the water unicorn. If he gets the skeleton of the water unicorn, maybe he can promote Shi Lin to a fourth-level holy beast.

"Yes, senior." The young woman in green skirt naturally had no objection and agreed.

Xiaoyaozi would not say anything more. Shi Lin's bloodline is relatively high. If he is promoted to the Void Refining Stage, he can give Shi Yue more help.

Shi Yue sacrificed a milky white stone bead, releasing a large piece of white light to cover them, and they returned along the way they came.

Three days later, they left the deserted island, and Shi Yue released a green flying boat, carrying them to the sky.

Along the way, they encountered many monsters, but fortunately, most of them were not high-level, and there was no seventh-level holy beast, so they would not be in any danger.

There are indeed many restrictions here, some of which are difficult to detect, which made Shi Yue a little embarrassed, but fortunately, there was no danger and it did not cause him too much trouble.

Half a month later, they appeared above a pale golden sea. The sea water was pale golden, and the sky was also pale golden, which was very strange.

Shi Yue stood in front of the green flying boat. He suddenly frowned, pinched the magic formula, and the green flying boat's light increased greatly, flying to the right. A faint space crack almost passed by them. As long as Shi Yue's reaction was a little slow, there would be danger.

At this moment, the calm sea surface seemed to boil like boiling water, and dense blue water arrows flew out from the bottom of the sea. Hundreds of thousands of blue water arrows shot out and blocked Shi Yue's way.

Xiaoyaozi shook his sleeves, and a yellow short knife with aura appeared in his hand. With a slight shake, the void seemed to be torn apart, and a yellow light blade over a thousand feet long shot out, cutting off the attacking blue water arrows.


All the blue water arrows exploded and turned into water vapor all over the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of golden fish monsters floated out of the sea. The golden fish monsters had wide fangs, long tentacles, and a row of sharp thorns on their backs, which made people a little scared.

"It's the golden thorn fish monster, there are so many of them." The young woman in the green skirt exclaimed.

Shi Yue's face was normal. Xiaoyaozi snorted lightly, and his hands emitted yellow light. A beam of yellow light flew out and turned into a yellow thundercloud over a thousand feet in size. The yellow thundercloud rolled like boiling water and expanded rapidly.

Amid a huge roar, a large piece of yellow lightning flew out of the thundercloud and accurately struck the golden fish monster below.

The golden and black rays of light intertwined, and one after another, the charred fish monsters emerged from the sea. Although there were many of them, their ranks were too low and they could not resist the earth-guarding divine thunder.

In less than half a minute, tens of thousands of golden thorn fish monsters died under the earth-guarding divine thunder, and the other golden thorn fish monsters dived into the seabed and disappeared.

The cyan flying boat shone brightly and accelerated its escape speed.

Two days later, they appeared above a deserted island thousands of miles in size, with a rugged black mountain range in the center of the island.

"Two seniors, the skeleton of the water unicorn is in an underground cave in the center of the island, but we have to pass through several places, where the restrictions are not weak." The young woman in green skirt pointed to the center of the island and said.

Shi Yue pinched the magic formula, and the green flying boat slowly landed on the deserted island. There were also many restrictions on this island.

He put away the green flying boat, released the soul-eating bees to fly beside him, and they followed behind.

The soil on the ground was a little soft and wet, and there were many monsters, but they could not do anything to them.

Two hours later, they appeared on a desolate plain with potholes on the ground.

"There is a restriction of some wind attribute here, and we must fly over it at the fastest speed." The young woman in green skirt pointed to the plain and introduced.

Shi Yue nodded, pinched the magic formula, and the green flying boat glowed brightly, and the speed increased by more than twice.

As soon as they entered the plain, a sudden strong wind blew, the sound of breaking through the air continued, and a round of dense green wind and rain fell from the sky.

Xiaoyaozi pinched his magic spell, and a yellow hurricane rushed out from his body, affecting the green wind and rain.


The green wind and rain were smashed by the yellow hurricane, and circles of air waves visible to the naked eye spread out.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and more than a dozen green tornadoes over a hundred feet high attacked from all directions. As the green tornadoes moved quickly, their volume also increased greatly.

Shi Yue frowned and sacrificed a green round bead. The bead spun around, and countless mysterious green runes emerged, blooming a green glow, covering the area of ​​a thousand feet.

At this time, an amazing scene appeared. More than a dozen green tornadoes touched the green glow, and disappeared one after another, as if the spring sun melted the snow.

The green flying boat shone brightly, and its speed increased by more than twice.

In less than ten breaths, they passed through the plain and landed outside a narrow valley. On both sides of the valley were steep cliffs, covered with thick green vines, crisscrossing as if endless.

"There is a thunder-attributed restriction here, which is more powerful."

Shi Yue disagreed and offered a palm-sized black flag. The black flag was shining with spiritual light. It flew around them and suddenly turned into a thick black light curtain, protecting their whole body. The green flying boat carried them into the valley.


A deafening thunder sound came from the sky, and dozens of thick black lightning bolts fell from the sky. Xiaoyaozi tried to stop it, and Shi Yue easily controlled the green flying boat to move forward.

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