Great Dao Ji

Chapter 780: First visit to your land (overhaul)

Earthly Immortal Realm.


The Great Zhou Dynasty.

Northwest Road, Youzhou, Anping Prefecture.

There are six levels of heaven, and there are heavens outside the sky.

The six-round sun shines on the vast universe, and the falling light casts endless light. The darkness of the night begins to fade away, and the four continents and seas are bright.

A new day has begun.


A slightly chilly wind blew through the high sky, beneath which the mountains were towering and thousands of peaks stood tall.

White dragon-like clouds and mist are wandering around the mountains. If there is nothing, you can see the lush green mountains and forests, and the sound of beasts roaring and birds singing can be heard from time to time.

From time to time, a low roar like thunder echoes in the mountains, followed by bursts of throbbing bloody odor.

It shows the danger and mystery of this place.

In the early morning, the dew had not gone away from the mountains, and the vegetation was moist. A young man wearing coarse cloth walked through the dewy flowers and plants, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and arrived at the surrounding forest.


The young man let out a long breath, and without resting, he relaxed his spirit a little, looked around cautiously, and then spat in the palm of his hand.

After rubbing it for a few times, he picked up the green steel ax in his hand and chopped down the trees.



The young man is not tall but tall. His slightly thin body does not have much strength, but he looks like he has been chopping firewood for many years, and his ax is very sharp.

After some chopping, a lot of firewood was piled up.


After a long time, the boy wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked up at the rising sun, and sat down on the tallest tree nearby.

Turn around and walk towards the other marked tree.

The trees in the mountains are very humid, and the newly cut firewood is heavy and cannot be burned. He cuts firewood every day, but what he carries down the mountain is only dry firewood from the previous days.

Anyway, the forest is so big and there is a lot of firewood, so it doesn’t hurt even if it is lost.

What's more, there are legends about spirits in this mountain. Few woodcutters go so deep. Even if they do, they mainly collect herbs, and few can see through his firewood.

"Once I have eighteen pieces of firewood, I need three thousand eight hundred dollars to join the 'Sanshui Gate'. Counting what I have accumulated over the years, with some time, I will be able to join the 'Sanshui Gate' and learn martial arts."

Carrying the dry firewood from the past few days, the young man raised his head, his face covered with sweat, but his eyes were very bright, seeming to shine under the sun.

Practicing martial arts is difficult and the price is high, but that is what he desires, and for this, he does not hesitate to pay any price.


Not long after walking, a sharp sound broke through the air.

The young man was startled, shook his hands to throw away the firewood, turned over, holding the ax in his hand, and looked at the source of the sound with vigilance. At this look, he couldn't help but be startled.

Above the cloudless sky, there was a purple fire coming from the east. It lasted only a moment and had already disappeared into the distant mountain peaks.

Its speed was extremely fast, and the sky where it passed was filled with purple. However, it landed silently, as if it was not a meteor in the ordinary sense at all.

Filled with an attraction that he couldn't describe.

"What is that? The legendary treasure of the immortal?"

The young man was startled at first, and then his heart started beating violently.

He had heard the storyteller in the town tell the story of the Immortal, and he was extremely envious of the protagonist in the story who picked up the Immortal's treasure and embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

Is it going to happen to me too?

The young man was thinking wildly, and finally couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart. He gritted his teeth, picked up the ax, and hurried carefully and quickly towards the place where the fire light fell.

There are dangers in the mountains, not to mention wild beasts, there are also legends about spirits, so of course the young man does not dare to be careless.

But along the way, he found that the mountain forest had become very quiet, and the chirping of insects and birds that could be heard in the past seemed to have disappeared.

But he is a very determined person. Once he makes up his mind, he will go to the dark side, grit his teeth, climb over several mountains and forests, and climb towards the top of the mountain where the firelight falls.


Amidst the buzzing sound of Ruoyouruowu, An Qisheng's consciousness slowly recovered. As soon as he woke up, he felt a sharp pain as if he was being torn apart.

"This is."

A ripple appeared in An Qisheng's heart, and everything that had happened before flowed out.

Compared with before, this time entering into a dream was the most difficult one An Qisheng had ever encountered. This world was vast and vast, even more vast than the Wan Yang Realm.

But unlike the Wanyang World, the 'cause and effect' and 'karma' in this world are so strict that it is unimaginable.

This shows that there are a very large number of strong people in this world.

Because of this, due to the entanglement of the demonic light and Daoguang, he lost Xingzang, so he brazenly exploded his soul and turned into countless fragments scattered in the world.

But even so, except for the other two incarnations of Yuanshen who carry fragments of Dao Yitu, can the other Yuanshen fragments avoid the intricate "cause and effect" and "karma" entangled skynet in this world.

It is also an unknown number.

Yes, he not only detonated his own soul, but also completely separated the fragments of the three paths and one picture.

Before the main body enters, the Yuanshen first carries two fragments of a picture and explodes, attracting the prying eyes that may exist in this world.

After the main body enters, even if it is not absolutely safe, at least it has a large space for movement.

But, how long has it been since the incarnation entered?

How many are still alive?

Is it also in the same space and time as the main body?

An Qisheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind. The worlds are very different, and it is impossible for time to be the same. Maybe it seems that they are just one step ahead, but in fact, it is not necessarily impossible that there is a difference of tens of thousands of years.

"No wonder Chaoyang is so confident, but unfortunately, how can it be as you wish?"

An Qisheng came back to his senses, his heart was dark and dim.

This world is like the former Daxuan, where you need an identity to travel. Without an identity, you can't move forward.

The proof of this identity is the soul, and compared to the "humans" who are under the most severe supervision, aliens are relatively more suitable.

This is also the reason why Chaoyang, or Qi Cun, is so sure.

But An Qisheng never puts other people's hopes above himself. If you think it's good, then what?

As he thought in his heart, he began to sense the surrounding environment.

This is a world with extremely rich spiritual energy, which seems to be even better than the Wanyang Realm after the advent of the great world.

The plants, trees, sands and stones that he sensed all contain extremely rich spiritual energy. Compared with the Jiufu Realm, it can be said that it is full of natural treasures.

This spiritual energy is so rich that even the holy land and fairy mountains after the spiritual energy of the Wanyang Realm has recovered are not as good as this, and this seems to be just an ordinary barren mountain.

Feeling the extremely rich spiritual energy, An Qisheng felt sorry.

The spiritual energy of the human world is poisonous, and the earthly immortal world is no exception. The precedent of Gu Changfeng in the human world is not far away, so he will not touch it easily.

Look outside.

This is an endless mountain range, with dense vegetation, high mountain waterfalls, and many streams flowing.

Traces of birds and beasts can be seen faintly.

With a slight sense, An Qisheng's heart sank.

He is now in a small mountain that is not conspicuous among the mountains. It is no more than 300 feet high. The top of the mountain is charred as if it was struck by lightning, with only scattered vegetation.

And more than half of his soul is now attached to a charred and withered old tree.

The other half is attached to a charred corpse tied tightly to the branches of this old tree.

But he knows his situation.

This person fell into a disadvantageous position in the fight with the tree monster and was almost swallowed by the tree monster. In the end, he used his means to die together. He came down and his soul was attached.

Half in the human body, half in the tree.

"Did this person die fighting with the tree monster?"

Sensing his own state, An Qisheng shook his head in his heart. It seemed that since the beginning of his dream, his situation has been getting worse and worse.

It seemed that the world itself was rejecting him.

When he first became a Taoist priest, Wang Quan, he was still dying. He had already started as a dead man in the human world. Although the situation was bad at this time, it did not surprise him.

It was just that

"The soul was divided into 99 parts, but now I can't feel it at all."

Sensing the fragment of Dao Yi Tu, which only had a corner left in his heart, An Qisheng felt heavy in his heart. The price he paid was huge.

Of the three Dao Yi Tu fragments he obtained, only the first one with the inscription "Entering the Dream of the Great Thousand" was left.

The other two were also like other souls, and they could not feel it at all.

"Since it's here, let's make peace with it."

With a change of mind, An Qisheng had calmed down, and all kinds of information naturally flowed into his mind.

Ning'an City. Xinglong Dao. Great Zhou Dynasty

Nanzhanzhou. Four continents, four seas dragon gods. Six-layer heavenly palace, gods, Buddhas, demons, monsters, ghosts

Tan Daozun. Desire Law, Demon Slaying Hall, Law Refining Hall. Tiangang Gate. Buddhist Xumi Mountain. Emperor's Court of the Emperor

Each person and tree were dead, but their memories were not completely dissipated. Although An Qisheng's soul was 99% slain, it was natural for him to capture this little information as easy as taking something out of a bag.

In less than a thousandth of a second, he had gathered all the remaining memories in his mind.

He was now in Nanzhanzhou, Great Zhou Dynasty, Northwest Road, Youzhou, Anping Prefecture.

The Great Zhou had been established for more than 35,000 years and was the first of the three major powers in Nanzhanzhou, with a vast territory and extremely powerful national strength.

There are seventy-two roads in the Great Zhou Dynasty, each road has nine states, and each state has hundreds of prefectures and counties. The territory of Anping Prefecture alone is so vast that even a dragon horse that travels thousands of miles a day cannot cross the east and west for several days.

It can be said that the land is vast and the population is large.

It is said that the Great Zhou Taizu was a fairy god from heaven who came to the world, destroyed the previous dynasty that was unjust, and established a great dynasty that lasted for tens of thousands of years. The kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty all claimed to be appointed by heaven and always called him the Son of Heaven.

He is one of the well-deserved overlords of Nanzhan.


While thinking, An Qisheng sensed the young man who was thinking about the top of the mountain at this time.

The old tree he was attached to was not an ordinary thing. It was rooted in the veins of this mountain, and the vigorous root system almost covered the entire hill.

With this perception, you can see the appearance of the whole mountain.

There are dozens of unknown birds and beasts, a fierce beast like a lion and tiger, and countless mosquitoes, insects, rats, and ants.

The only humanoid was the young man who was attracted by the movement of his own soul.

"That young man"

An Qisheng's mind moved, and a ripple rose in his heart.


As the young man climbed to the top of the mountain, a faint white mark slowly condensed in the surging heart.

ps: The revision process is hard to describe, and I haven't been able to complete it. I feel ashamed of everyone, but I can only bite the bullet and write it. Whatever you think, I will accept it.

Good night, good night.

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