Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 273 Sengoku: I Don't Allow New World To Have Such An Awesome Woman (See Full Order)

"After investigation, Charlotte Linlin determined to compete with Aaron under the persuasion of Long Bread a few years ago. Since then, she has focused on cultivation, quit sweets, and no longer recruited people from various clans as her husband. ,give birth to."

"Under her hard work, the soul fruit seems to have reached a new realm, it can devour other people's souls. As for how much improvement it can get after devouring, it's hard to say."

"Only one thing I can tell you with certainty is that in just three years, the number of souls eaten by Charlotte Linlin exceeded 30 million."

Sengoku stared straight at the four of Sakazuki, his voice was not loud, his tone was not heavy, but he revealed a murderous intent.


Compared to pirates who plunder everywhere, Charlotte Linlin, who swims around, can fly, has strong maneuverability, and feeds on souls, and eats the souls of civilians in a country when he moves, he is the least favorite .

If Aaron hadn't been entrenched in New World, Marine would have to take into account the thoughts of this New World owner in any actions he took in that sea area.

In fact, I didn't dare to do it on the surface, but I did it secretly.

With the help of the intelligence of the CP organization, Zephyr went out in light clothes and intercepted and killed Charlotte Linlin halfway when she was out hunting pirates.

The result was unexpected.

Zephyr lost.

In the end, Garp, who came to ask for help, rescued her, and Charlotte Linlin didn't want to start a war rashly, so she finally gave up.

After returning to the headquarters.

When asked about Charlotte Linlin's strength at that time, whether it was Garp or Zephyr, the answer was exactly the same.

It's almost like Rocks D. Xebec, even facing Aaron directly.

"Charlotte Linlin will not do meaningless actions. No matter how delicious the soul is, she cannot hunt around to satisfy her appetite. Combined with the changes in her strength, the only explanation is to devour the soul. Her strength can gain Tiwan."

"Even if a soul's improvement is negligible, but according to statistics, the number of people who know it is more than 30 million. Who don't know?"

"I'm afraid it's far more than this number!"

Sengoku's tone was as cold as a knife.

Compared with the Beasts Pirates, who seldom do things around and are almost all cultivators, he hates the BIGMOM Pirates to the bone.

Whenever the news of a country being destroyed is reported in the newspapers, it is equivalent to trampling on his dignity as a marshal.

"BIGMOM is not only looking at the soul."

"You can look at the next few pages. In the past two years, she mainly attacked the country, but this year, she seldom attacked the country. Instead, she targeted some special races, or sea creatures with the qualifications of kings. on the thief."

"According to statistics, there are more than one hundred kings who died at her hands and whose souls were eaten by her.

Crane sighed.

She should have been happy that the pirates with the qualifications of kings were killed, but she couldn't be happy when she thought that the souls of these kings had all become the rations for Charlotte Linlin's growth.

Tens of millions of people died.

She couldn't imagine what kind of demon was raised.

"A hundred kings?"

"Hey, hey, this is a lie!"

"A hundred kings, even in New World, a pirate with the qualifications of a king is not a Chinese cabbage, and it is not an easy task to gather a hundred.

Kuzan was moved.

It is true that there is a saying that in New World, the number of kings with Conqueror's Haki falls into the river, but that is also an exaggeration.

Millions of talents can produce a king, even if you are lucky, you will pay off the number of daily tires.

If you want to gather a hundred kings, you have to sweep the New World to do it.

"No wonder."

"The number of souls eaten is more than 30 million.

"There are more than a hundred souls of the king who have been eaten."

His face was full of anger, and his eyes, which had not yet been destroyed, were filled with killing intent visible to the naked eye.

For him, Charlotte Linlin's behavior is completely trampling on his justice.

No wonder when Sengoku saw the battle post published in the newspaper, he would first ask the four of them what they meant, to see if they had the awareness to face Aaron directly, and after confirming, he took action without hesitation.

"Feeding on the soul of the king is really terrifying!"

Polusalino took a look at Tufa, whose face was sinking like water and whose face was extremely ugly.

According to gossip, this Zephyr teacher who had a problem with him was defeated by Charlotte Linlin.

………… Ask for flowers…………………

Finally, relying on Garp's rescue, it was lucky to save his life.

Otherwise, Zephyr will become the only Marine Admiral whose soul was eaten by pirates in the history of Naval Headquarters.

"As you can see."

"Three years later, Charlotte Linlin is no longer the natural destroyer of the past, she is recognized by Grand Line as the strongest woman in the world."

"But no matter who she is or how strong she is, the top of the red clay will be her burial place. I will never allow such a powerful woman to exist in New World."

Sengoku paused every word, and his voice revealed an undeniable Conqueror's Haki.

It's hard to say whether the Beasts Pirates can stay in the Red Line, but Charlotte Linlin has to die.

"Mr. Sengoku, are you going to fight in person?"


"You are the marshal! Don't you need to be in the headquarters?"

"If everyone is involved in the action, who will suppress Naval Headquarters."

"If you also dispatch, the headquarters will not even have an Admiral-level combat power."

Sakazuki, Kuzan and others saw that Sengoku was going to go out in person, and they couldn't help but be convinced.

Marine Admiral plays himself, this kind of thing is very common.

But Marshal Marine also joined the battlefield, which is really very rare.

"It doesn't matter, the headquarters is not far from the Red Line, if there is any trouble, we can immediately defend it."

"I have already mobilized people from Five Elders' permission, the CPO, and Imper Prison to guard the headquarters."

"What's more, we are traveling light this time, without a single soldier. Who would have thought that the people in this room would collectively appear on the Red Line."

Sengoku wasn't alarmed at all.

He dared to leave the headquarters, so he naturally had his own considerations.

One is that this operation must have him, otherwise the high-end combat power is not enough, and he doesn't want to fail in the end because of the lack of himself.

The second is that the location of the battlefield is not far from the headquarters, and with their foot strength, it doesn't take long to go back and forth.

It is enough to have the strong men of Impel Prison, plus some CPO guards.

What's more, who would have thought that Maryford's high-end combat power would come out all at once?

Even when the Rocks Pirate was destroyed, it was not so complete.

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