Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1045: Right and wrong

The viewers of Huaxia quickly swipe the screen on the Internet, driving ridicule in good faith to those who left early and did not watch the live broadcast in full.

Who else! !! !! !! !! !!

You did n’t see it, regret it. At the end of the awards ceremony, Hao Zi led everyone and shouted out in Chinese: "Who else is there."

Really domineering.

Whoever says that our people must obey the rules of others when they are outside, and who says that our stars must follow others.

How many awards have been put aside, look at today ’s Oscars, who is the one that shines the most? There doesn't seem to be a second answer to this question.

Who can still talk and laugh on such a starry stage, and who can interact with the host to make themselves a machine for the atmosphere at the scene? There does not seem to be a second answer to this question.

Who else was once synonymous with arrogance and arrogance, and later became a funny way. Today everything is different. These three words have been given a new meaning by one person. I am here with a high profile. What about me? With this strength, there will be more good works coming out in the future. Today ’s shouting seems to be clamoring for the entire industry. What about it, I do n’t have good grades. Even if I am humble, I still wo n’t get some people ’s approval; As long as I have a high profile, as long as there are good works to keep up, those who want me to be completely finished must also smile in front of me.

how is it?

Since Chen Hao left the scene, the eyes of the world ’s entertainment media have focused on him. He is still in his own style and did not participate in various dinners, but today he made an exception and held all the trophies in a high-profile manner. Now, with all the shots staring at him, holding those trophies, showing the brightest smile.

World, I give you a copy of Shawshank's Redemption.

Fans, I give you these honors.

From the time he left to the time he entered the hotel, including the hotel where he lived until the next morning, there was a large amount of media, staring at the place in various ways to explore the people who came in and out.

Last night, did anyone come to spend a good night with Chen Hao, is it Christine, Scarlett, or Megan Fox? Did the eyebrows at the ceremony end yesterday? Is it because Chen Hao is a Huaxia man, dare not be too direct?

Some small media started to analyze this matter in detail, and it made the color very heavy. The topic of stubbornness continued to emerge, and even in the end it was related to whether Chen Hao was not using it. One was in the image. To a man who is very powerful, he is suddenly analyzed by people with reason and reason to show that he has a strong side as a man-no. The excitement is so big that the unscrupulous media doesn't care who you are. As long as my news can be viewed, it will succeed.

Chen Hao, no?

Maybe it really is n’t working. So many Hollywood beauties have thrown olive branches at him. It seems that he has never paid attention to them. The secret model, he has made most of them praise him. How about it? Except for some gossip about catching the wind, it seems that no one has ever captured anything substantial, does he have a fiancee? Is it false? He doesn't like women, or is his fiancée helping him cover up his facts?

There are many people who are right and wrong. For individuals, few people will care about whether you can do it or not. Even if you ca n’t do anything to me, I ’ll be a lively and take a look at it. It ’s big news on Chen Hao. And there is a situation that most people have discussed and explored for a long time. Even the programs of the night talk show, some guests have specifically made this out.

Chen Hao knew it the first time. She shook her head and smiled bitterly, very angry, but knowing the situation in this circle, the more angry you are, the paler the explanation, the more people who believe you ca n’t.

Sunny's phone call came the first time. Her style is definitely to call and never send a message. She likes the direct feeling instead of using the message to deal with the problem with a bit of resistance and euphemism.

The moment she answered the call, she could not stop laughing, the kind of laughter I knew you could bear, but you could n’t say, but laughed at Chen Hao: "Okay, this time It's fun. "

"It's okay, my dear, I know you can do it. Or else, you pull the guy from your house, get a car, fight for three hundred rounds, and let the media capture your fighting power?"

After her phone call, Xiaodi called and called apologetically, "I'm sorry ..."

Last night, when Chen Hao walked out of the Dolby Theater, the cell phone was on, but any woman, in the state of last night, did not call the phone to monitor it in real time. As a result, it took less than ten hours. To this extent, as a woman, she knows that a man is absolutely unacceptable to be said to be incapable in that respect, and it is more than a man who prefers to do it. But how do you say that?

Chen Hao coaxed for a long time, originally intended to return to China early to make a movie, but now I ca n’t leave. If I leave, I ’m not immediately considered to have escaped myself. Although I have n’t thought of how to deal with it, I will stand Here, you are interested in this kind of personal affairs, then you continue to talk.

What should I do? Just go to the hotel's swimming pool and gym now. The girls look at him, and they are no longer in the state they used to be. They secretly point and point, and their eyes always seem to move around his lower body. This awkward atmosphere is destroying Chen Hao's strong psychological defense line. He is convinced that he must not be able to carry it. The only thing that can comfort himself is to use it as a kind of mental training. Before he can't do it, return to China.


When Chen Hao saw Xiaodi appear in front of himself, he suddenly thought of what Sunny said, and the girl in front of her was crazy enough to ask Kang Yan to drive out a nanny car they bought here. Get out of the plane and pull yourself out.

"Hey, hey, even if you're going crazy, don't you need to be so anxious? Don't be restless, take a breath, and then you're not worthy if you get angry again." Chen Hao held Xiao Di in his arms, Soothe her emotions.

"You can stand it?"

"Can't stand it."

"That won't be over. Let's have another talk show. Let's go together, but you have to teach me how to deal with the hosts first."

Chen Hao couldn't help but kissed her on the face. This girl, in order to really fight, not only had to broadcast live to the media, but also talked about the private topic between the two in front of the public. Stance at all costs.

"Or else, or ..."

After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Di gritted his teeth: "Otherwise, it's just the body and follow them."

"What nonsense."

This girl is really crazy, there are a lot of women who have a hunch that they ca n’t see or be upset, but they agreed in person to their fiance to demonstrate the piling project with other women. There are never a few of them. She ’s really completely The main men who defend themselves have forgotten what they should have as a woman.

This kind of news is meant to catch the wind, and it doesn't make much sense. What exactly is private in your family and what does it have to do with you? Now Chen Hao is in the limelight. His little news has attracted a lot of people's attention. Naturally, the media will not let go of such an opportunity and report wildly. It can be said that Chen Hao appeared on the world stage and made a lot of people in the world. The gossip media has a wider living space.

A little trivial matter, put on him can be the most lively news in the entertainment industry around the world, continuing the attention of Oscar, watching Chen Hao's news after watching Oscar, so that many, many people take out their mobile phones every day They are willing to stay in the entertainment news section and spend more time watching the various news that appeared last night to the present.

With the arrival of Xiaodi, Xiaodi ’s desperation gave Chen Hao great strength, and her irritability calmed down. When she came, she settled down and took her to the beach for a vacation. Those behaviors could not be done naturally, deliberately It is not necessary, and it will be considered to be deliberate interpretation. Whatever it is, you should be interested and discuss it for three or two months. My Chen Hao can also be regarded as making history. In my private activity space, Personal ability problem ~ ~ Thank you for your attention, but I'm sorry, I really want to show it to you, I am afraid you will be scared if you see it.

However, something happened at the seaside that really frightened Chen Hao. He and everyone around him knew that now that he appeared anywhere, there would be someone shooting him in various ways, even if it was A small piece of private beach can't escape the all-pervading paparazzi, but when Xiao Di wore a bathing suit and wrapped around a towel, he suddenly rushed over and wanted to rest on a chair on this beach ... It really frightened Chen Hao at this moment. There is nothing left except for moving. With her character, doing this step is really already crazy behavior, she just did it.

Holding her body and not letting her go crazy to pay for herself, Chen Hao pressed her chin on her shoulder and said softly, "I know you're okay, it's okay, with you, I really don't mind To be honest, before you came, I was really full of anger and forced to keep myself from breaking out, but we Northeast pure men, have been said to be in this respect, dig-knife-child-kill-human heart Yes. But I ’m fine when you come. Do n’t you think it ’s a good thing to watch them anxious than us? ”

In addition to the arrival of Xiaodi, which gave the greatest strength, after the end of the Oscar, there was also an injection of strength that slowly calmed down the anger in Chen Hao. Didn't you use me to find the topic?蹭 My heat? There is really nothing to talk about such things, don't worry, I will let you have countless topics to report on in the future.

Because, my mainline mission is completed, and the ultimate reward given by the system, the big devil is about to be born. Those who have misconduct, you will see a big devil who can never be defeated before you.

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