Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1065: 1 city

There is too much money, so many people like Tian Ge who specialize in investment and manipulation of money do not know how to spend it.

More than a month ago, the construction of the "Lost City" was still in a state where Chen Hao kept adding money to it, and the shares he owned also continued to grow. Although the growth rate seemed inconspicuous, Today, that is astronomical.

The growth of the overall value of the Lost City project is even more horrible than the increase in the original stock price of the company. Now it is close to 20 billion yuan of funds on the 'plate'. You can spend whatever you want. How much you want to make this project depends on Your mind, we just make an investment, and divide it according to the investment proportion.

Now Tiange and others are not worried about how to allocate the proportion. They are really worried about how to spend so much money. The lost city is an overall big project in their cognition, but it can be said that thrown into the tens of billions, maybe this world Except for Hao Zi, there will never be a second person with such a huge plan.

This money is so much that we will not spend it. Come on.

"In terms of project land, there will not be any obstacles?" This is the thing that Chen Hao is most afraid of, and the thing that all project developers are most afraid of. The land prices around this area were speculated because of my speculation, but in the end I did not. The profit was cut off by others. The taste is uncomfortable. It is impossible to move the area. You just have to watch others take a slice of you.

Chen Hao's original plan for the Lost City was very large, and the land was operated very early. This is a very remote place in itself. The project itself also has state-owned shares. The land has always been given a very good one. The policy was that in the past few months, I had no money to get the land. I was insisting on Chen Hao's arrangement and kept going through the procedures to get the land and loan. But this month is different. The surrounding land price is the same every day. The forces formed by others and others can still maintain the area planned by Chen Hao. The periphery has been continuously taken away. By this half a month, the broadcast of "Lost" had leaked the internal planning plan of the lost city. The tentacles of some forces try to seize the planned land.

Confrontation is not the ultimate goal. Seeking to buy shares is the goal. The pressure is overlapping and Jing Tianlin and others can't carry it. They start to seek the strength of their elders in the family. Such a big thing, everyone is very cautious. Chen Hao is equal to It is a big cake full of-temptation-confusion, and now the person who wants to share food is more powerful. Everyone will be very cautious when they raise a knife and fork to take a piece.

The broadcast of the news network, with the support of the long clapper, only allowed these hands that were trying to reach back to shrink back. Everyone on the periphery made their own plans for the first lost city. The long meaning is very clear. Without any violations, give maximum support to ensure that the entire project can proceed smoothly.

If you have a long story, it means that you have a Shangfang sword, and Jing Tianlin and others have turned their attitudes into irreversible toughness without any hesitation. They have also been taught and taught by their elders at home. The elders' strength is also open to them to a certain extent.

The country needs a word-of-mouth tourism project in the direction of film and television. The goal is to create a Disney-type main entertainment city. The method is different. The century-old industry is spread all over the world. "Lost" is just a project and a big story. There are so many anime images like Disney. Than, first make the Lost City good enough, which is the best business card of its own.

"Lost" is on fire, and the project of the Lost City has become a cilantro. Not only did all the previous loans have no problems, the bank took the initiative to find more loans to the door, and the approval of the land loan made this close to 20 billion yuan. It's where it comes in.

The day before yesterday and yesterday, Tiange took someone to discuss the loan repayment with the bank. Who would not spend it when the money was in hand? The huge hole in the loan was a huge expense. As a result, people arrived at the bank and received their level. All of them have been promoted. The head office of the head office has come to talk to them. What it means is that we will give you the best policies. Loans from high-quality users like us are a great support for us. I hope we can In the days, continue to cooperate sincerely.

The people below come up with new plans and policies that have never been better. The human society is like this. People give face, can you not understand face and face? Now your lost city is a high-quality project supported by the state. We give you the best loan conditions within the scope of the rules. Do you plan to continue to cooperate with us now?

Taking out the loan, the remaining cost is different from the figure close to 20 billion yuan. It feels like money can't be spent, and it has let these people experience it severely. I believe that there is nothing that money will not spend. There are places in the world where you can spend money. Consumption is an activity that can make people feel physically and mentally happy.

This time I really feel like I do n’t know how to spend it. I ’m sorry to say that everyone has a responsibility to do a good job in this wonderful project. Even if I give you a part of the money into hospitality, I ’m sorry. Spending time and money, even if spending time and money, can cost a few dollars, today is less than 20 billion, and this figure may be over 20 billion next week.

The meaning of Tian brother and others is very simple, Haozi, you hurry up and spend it willfully, you can quickly dismiss those who have money to invest, you scourge the money fiercely and make them worry about the long-term benefits of this project Therefore, we will not come to invest. We are also more relaxed. Otherwise, it is the relationship between friends and friends who want to invest. People hold money to invest for you. How to allocate the shares is what you say, which friend ’s face is not good. , The money will be more and more, Hao Zi, you hurriedly make some consumption, otherwise, we first use the project money to buy an airplane?

Listening to the "frustration" complaint of Tian Ge and others, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid the money is not enough. Here, there is a hot spring eye underground, hit it, along the ridge, all the way to the area in front of the gate There is a self-sufficient hot spring tourist and commercial area directly opened there. The hot spring water is directly to the households. The hot spring holiday villas are built on the ridge. The quality is still our style. We must refine the value to the maximum. For the entire commercial street, we must Quality is a model for tourist attractions across the country. Since it is already a target of public criticism, then you are not afraid to play even bigger. There is support above to support us, and we will not make the project the best. I am really sorry for this support. "

"Commercial tourism resorts require quality while maintaining the same parity as the urban area. I want everyone who comes here to travel, while waiting to enter the lost city, have a place in the hot spring resort. Pleasant leisure and entertainment journey, supporting services, cinemas, shopping malls, cities, and I will come up with a script to make a performance drama similar to 'Eternal Love', which is our lost derivative story. In the entire resort area, I There are two such big theaters, and the two theaters have to perform different stories. "

"Internally, several projects are advanced at the same time. All large-scale experiential projects must be supported by the world's top mechanical technology. Since conditions are the largest, our land is also sufficient. For tourists who come to play, I will you If you stay here for fifteen days, you will not have any resistance. If you only have five days vacation, then experience a pavilion here will make you satisfied. Really enough time, want to play all our projects , Then you need two big annual vacations for almost a month to complete your travel plan. "

"If we have five pavilions to ten pavilions, how big should the entire commercial tourism resort area be? The scale of a Wanda town is inconspicuous to me. In the end, I want these dozen kilometers and the national road. The distance between them becomes zero! "

A small town, you have the overall strength of 'installing' one town after another in all parts of the country. I do n’t have the same size as you, so I will play a high-precision tip, make a good one and make it exclusive to me. City ~ ~ I want the style of travel and vacation.

The experience project of the Lost City needs to be lined up. I want to give everyone who comes in the best quality experience. The number of people receiving each day must be limited. I ca n’t make a big brand like Disney that receives tens of thousands of visitors every day. As my own brand, I receive 5,000 people and 10,000 people every day. Although the price of tickets is high, the experience I give you is also the best.

While waiting in line, you can have fun outside. Although the characteristics are not as good as the Lost City, such items as playground water park can give your vacation a relaxing environment, so you can live here with peace of mind. Play here, and in the end, I will definitely be like everyone else, and experience the most top and most true lost city here, truly restore a large number of shooting scenes of "Lost", and experience a lot of strange and strange equipment. And landscape.

When Chen Hao drew this big cake, it was not unexpected to others. At this time, he was bold enough to dare to use his imagination. A big heart allowed him to be the painter of the last big cake. Others only You need to follow the plan of this pie, and you can be responsible for what you like to be responsible for.

The lost city, this city is not an ordinary film and television city, but a real city. It seems that Haozi already had such ambitions when he thought about the name. After the success of "Lost", everyone felt that The risk is gone, and the rest is someone who posted money on us and wanted to share a meal in this bowl. After Chen Hao drew such a big cake, the risk was again. The planning of such a big city failed. What will happen

It's exciting to think about it, this is the real big deal, 20 billion, not really enough.

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