Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1070: Into the Division

First of all, Chen Hao looked for movies on this subject. There were some. He also took a look and determined that it was not his own dish. Although he knew that the darker tone of the subject of the entry into the division might have a much smaller audience, there was also a lack of popularity. The overall sense of recognition, but in his heart, he wanted this tone.

Those hands, that picture, he does n’t need any substitute ’s assistance, he can really do a post-mortem grooming on the body of a 'prop' actor, and he is willing to look and feel the whole process , To show it for yourself briefly.

In the United States, this film can be graded, but if this film is shot from a Chinese perspective, how can it be graded? Without classification, there are bound to be some pictures that cannot be taken.

It seems that before the script, the issues related to the picture are the most important.

Whenever I think of making such a thriller movie, Chen Hao feels very excited. He doesn't want to save, and doesn't want a big reversal in this film. Since he chose thriller, he will carry it all to the end. . & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Thriller is not welcomed by awards?

It ’s a scary set that relies on a sudden lens transition. My thriller will be in the gentle sound of music, with a pair of hands that are more beautiful than on the piano, with a look in my eyes The tenderness that comes out, every makeup is a display of perfect works, what kind of story will he have for such a teacher?

The more I think about the whole person, the more I feel thrilled. How can I be a real thriller, not blood, not murder, not violence, not ghosts, not sounds, not light, not switching between lenses, like a clown, I ’m just one In the camera, relying on my own performance, it makes you feel cold sweat on the soles of your feet.

Chen Hao stood up from the sand several times and paced back and forth in the room. From time to time, there was a small hyperactive movement. In the end, he found a solution to the problem that seemed to be impossible to solve: "Big deal, I It will not be shown in China. "(This script does not refer to the island country) & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

I don't allow or want my work to be modified. I would rather give up the box office and give up possible benefits. It will not be released in China, but the premise of making it by Huaxia is for those on the Internet who say I do n’t contribute to Huaxia films.

A venue, a small place, some actors, a film that can be produced at a small cost, I now need its script, and I need to realize the excitement in my heart one by one.

In the countryside, people like Chen Hao are the silly and bold bear bears in the mouths of adults, and all the pictures that flashed in his mind just now, as well as the thriller he wanted to play in the plot, did not delay his happiness. Make a rich dinner, others will feel that these hands make up the dead, think about it will be nauseous and can't eat anything, there is no pressure at all in him, the string of fear and fear in his heart does not seem to exist at all People like him challenge extreme sports such as no man's land or bungee jumping, without the powerful abilities and bodies given by the system, they dare to play. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Gangzi, Lao Kang, come over for dinner."

I thought it was to calm down and think about it. I prepared the lottery and did n’t prepare for the script. I did n’t expect that the ability and the song could help the new script. He was too lazy to be alone by himself. Go find inspiration, now that there are inspirations, why bother playing alone.

Kang Yan, Chen Gang, and Qiu Yu came to eat. They were all the people who knew him best. They knew that they must be in a good mood to have such a state.

"Boss, your new script won't ..." Qiuyu tried to ask.

"Already have ideas, take your time, don't worry, you are like this, forget it, let me contact them, find a funeral home, find some mentors, I want to experience their working environment and life."

In fact, Chen Hao can go directly to Jing Tianlin and do things that others can't do, and they will easily do it to them. The reason is to give Qiu Yu the peace of mind. I believe you. The previous news about me making a few scripts at a time spread out, and I didn't investigate it or investigate it. It didn't make any sense. People I should believe still believe that there is no reason, just pure belief. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Enrollment division?

The chopsticks with three dishes were fixed for one second. Such a profession is naturally associated with thriller and horror. It is true that the public does not understand the relationship of this profession, but think that a living person always gets along with a dead person alone. , The picture does not need to think carefully to make people's back sweat.

"I want to translate a warm character into extreme cold."

I believe that Chen Hao does not need to hide his inner thoughts to these people, I tell you, it is also a small show-off. I thought of the axis of the shooting, and of course I must share this joy with the people who trust me most.

In this regard, the three people have already experienced it. They are even more surprised by the role of the teacher. You described the cold and warm at the end. Is this the correct way to open it? Who do you tell that this profession will be warm, even if you set an unusual person setting for this profession, this direction is completely reversed? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Haha, it's okay. Have a drink together at night. I'll have a good night's sleep tonight. The creation of the entire script will start tomorrow. Come and drink quickly. I can't wait until tomorrow."

In the face of such a discourse, Chen Gang only rolled his eyes. Kang Yanzhi said that to Chen Hao, who was so self-willed to arrange his own life, he raised his thumb in secret and replaced it with another person. Now I ca n’t wait for ten days. The crazy Chen Haoyue passed. In a short time, as long as he appeared in the camera and participated in a few more gold fishing activities, it is not difficult to make a nine-figure number, but he still works at home in a stable and steady way, first "Lost" The second season, "Forrest Gump", followed by "Little Age 2", and now there is a new script based on the career of the teacher, then you can definitely count as a stream of the entire entertainment industry.


After finishing shooting the first season of the men ’s new season, Dili Reba just slept in the hotel for less than six hours, returned to Yanjing on the earliest flight, slept on the plane for a while, and slept in the car. After a while, the drowsy spirit was a bit debilitating. I looked outside through the window of the car. I was ten minutes away from home. I rubbed my temples and took a sip of water. I was thinking of going home and sleeping well. Sleep. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Without the busy years of her debut, she has gradually become a bit lazy. She used to take two or three years without a break, and she carried it down, but now it seems that the pace of life and work is more and more like his own man. Always thinking about going to sleep and resting, I blame myself for believing what he said and saying that sleep is the best beauty product for women.

He yawned and knocked on the front cover. The barrier between the cab and the back was lowered, and the assistant's face was still a little surprised: "Sister Dee, have you read the news?"

The assistant thought that it was the boss who had read the news, and then knocked off the blocking partition.

Xiao Di raised her eyebrows: "What news?" The woman was afraid of sudden trouble.

The assistant shared a news page that was not closed on the phone to Xiaodi, and said while sharing: "Just as the company released the news, the second season of" Lost "will be filmed at the designated time, not ahead of time or delayed. After ... "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This news has no meaning to Xiao Di. She has known for a long time that, based on the character of her man, basically the things that are set will not be easily changed.

The assistant licked her lips, and the news was so shocking that she still felt dry after drinking several sips.

"Mr. Chen officially announced two shooting plans." Gump of Forrest Gump "is currently selecting characters. There is also a new plan, which will be produced entirely in China and not in Hollywood. All actors will be found in China. "The name has been released ..." Knowing the temper of his boss, and where the assistant dared to sell Guanzi, he said directly, "Many people have been talking on the Internet, saying that this is Mr. Chen's impact on Oscar for the Chinese movie. Best foreign language film. "

Xiao Di frowned, and the news just made such a statement just now. The greater the so-called hope, the greater the disappointment and the pressure on him. How can the script be created and how can the film be made? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Master Zhou, let's be quicker." Now Xiaodi's full-time driver and bodyguard is also the veteran Zhou Peng who once followed Chen Hao and others to live in the wild.

As soon as the car was heard in the underground parking lot, Xiaodi couldn't wait to press the drive door ~ ~ Get out of the car and head straight to the elevator. The assistant followed closely. The remaining large luggage will wait until Zhou Peng listens to the car. After arriving at the parking space, he stumbled upstairs and entered the community. He didn't need to be a bodyguard at all times.

The elevator door opened on the floor, and the sound of ding also made Chen Gang stand up and come over from the house for the first time, this time is not the time to work overtime.

"Sister-in-law, you still have to wait to get in." Chen Gang stopped Xiao Di who wanted to open the door, which made her feel a little uneasy. She was a little disturbed when she heard the news just now. Why do you need to start so many projects at once? Slowly, was it really the rhythm on the Internet that led him to start the project "Entry Division"? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"What happened?"

"It's okay, don't worry. He didn't do anything. It's just that he made the script in the past two days. The whole person was a little weird. It's good when he didn't write the script. At this time, he should be writing the script. you."

"Scared me? Did he make a model at home to experience the feeling of being a makeup artist?" It's all a profession, and Xiaodi can guess what Chen Hao's personality might do, as long as he is mentally prepared, I can't scare myself.

Chen Gang saw that she was mentally prepared, and er, "Uh, I'll open the door for you."

Opening the door, Chen Gang was still in front. He also deliberately made some movements to let the people inside the house hear. When Xiao Di entered, he was still startled by Chen Hao sitting in the sand.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the sun was shining in from the outside. Looking at the door, the sun was the background for Chen Hao, turning his head, and a questioning smile on his face.

There was no warmth, only the cold rushed to ...

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