Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1073: Open the park

The booming construction site can be felt everywhere, and everyone you can see is full of motivation to work hard.

Workers can get high wages, never have arrears of wages for a long time, and have the highest overtime pay. New Year's tickets for the return trip have warmed the hearts of many people. Whoever treats himself is naturally willing to sell more energy. With their own words, this is what we give out. The boss treats us well, tired and sweats a little, nothing.

The staff of the project department are even more enthusiastic. Whether it is some management and technical staff from the company or investors of Huanju Times know that this is a large project. If you can make some achievements in this project, whether it is in There will be a qualitative leap in your career path or in terms of monetary benefits. Those who seek will redouble their efforts, and those who do not pursue will not reach the lost city.

After Chen Hao arrived, the acceptance team was ready to go. Under the scorching sun, all the people who felt that it was very hard to check and accept during this period of time would set their sights on Chen Hao who was always standing in front of the team.

He is always in the team, and everyone in every place will be there. When it comes to the bad weather and hot weather, everyone acknowledges that there is a ruler that can be used to measure his gains and losses, and everyone's mentality is very balanced.

For the key acceptance, what he needs to follow is the two venues needed for the second season of "Lost". The script has been prepared. With the results of the first season, the actors in the play will never have the trouble of staggering the schedule. Really If you can't make a mistake, you will also secretly adjust and abandon the other side. The opportunity on this side cannot be abandoned or missed by any Chinese actor.

Before Chen Hao came, many projects had artists come to experience it and experience the entire shooting environment in depth. Most of the effects of computer special effects in the later stages were made in reality and felt very shocking. Like some institutions with a strong sense of mechanics, although there is no real danger, when you as an experiencer, the professional people around you have told you more than once that there is no danger, and you still feel that the experience is very exciting.

The real thing, supplemented by computer special effects to increase the stronger visual impact, the entire shot will be more beautiful, and the actors will be more enjoyable when shooting. Some real micro expressions and eye changes will not be a problem, that is, the moment. True emotional feedback, no need to deliberately perform.

In the first season, we have received good feedback. The second phase of the Lost City and the construction of the future are all centered on this theme. The first phase is not open to the public yet, and it continues to enrich the content for the tourism industry. Constant debugging and experiments to ensure the highest safety factor of the device.

The enthusiasm for booking tickets online is currently only in Chen Hao's personal fan meeting, with millions of people claiming to be the first time to experience the pictures in the Lost City TV series. At the time of acceptance, Chen Hao received reliable news from Tiange. At present, there are corresponding travel agencies in the United States and more than a dozen countries in Europe. The lost city is included in the China Tourism System.

"It's great, thank you all, and thank you all for your efforts."

Chen Hao followed the acceptance for two days. There will be another five to seven days of acceptance in the future. He stands on the construction site and expresses his gratitude to all those who are working on the construction site for the entire project.

During these two days, Tian brother and several big brothers have been here for two days. At this time, please don't be a busy person. There are projects like Lost City here, and the busy people will focus on it. Put it here, the future benefits here are figures that ca n’t be fully estimated by their knowledge. Sometimes they will live here and have their own ownership of the construction of the entire lost city. This may be In terms of entity, it is worth my life to do.

Outside the Lost City, investment is attracted. Every day, there will be big names. If you want to contract a hot spring hotel, there are no less than a dozen well-known domestic companies, as well as shopping malls and cinemas. If you follow the previous style, Tian Ge Jing Tian Lin, all of them, everyone goes to a meal with them. They do n’t have time to do other things every day, they will spend time at the dinner table, walk out of this restaurant and step into the next restaurant.

"What conditions do you have, as much as you can."

In a color steel room of the project department, although the air-conditioning and air-conditioning make the temperature in the entire color steel room suitable, the rough environment is still a bit different from the person who is currently talking, and there are hanging crunches on the ground. Ringing, sofa, coffee table, chair, table, although there are people taking care of it every day, but after a few hours, you will still see a layer of dust on it.

In such an environment, talking about business in units of billions, sitting with Chen Hao, Tian Ge, and President Wang, and talking about President Wang on behalf of the family. He sees people with a lot of things. Without tangling, being able to cooperate with Chen Hao is not his family's right now. Everything has to be reversed.

Where Wanda is reached, it drives the development of an area, and there will be a supporting system to arrive along with it, all of which Wanda proposes to others to give.

In the Lost City, President Wang opened the door to see the mountains, Hao Zi, we are not strangers, I will have whatever I have, I want to come, what conditions do you need for me to come in, though.

"Quality, quality, service, parity."

President Wang does not have a big deal. These eight words are by no means a simple condition. Except that the quality is a one-shot deal, all the rest need to be guaranteed by him. There must be no difference between the future and the present, otherwise the face is Give each other, just don't turn your face when not.

Chen Hao did not wait for him to answer: "The whole commercial street, all of you to do it, there are places that do not need to be crowded or crowded, and the rules will make money, but it is not a short-term thing."

Principal Wang nodded solemnly. Between young people, sometimes there is mischief, but more often, a promise is made, and a promise made must be honored. If you fail to lose the promise, no matter How much you can earn on a project, you will lose more on your future business path.

Except for him, Tang Feng and Tong Zhonghai are the same. His business is in multiple fields. Tang Feng and Tang Xiaos have five-star hotels in their house. Chen Hao does n’t talk to the outside at all, just like this. His character is the same for both parents and friends. At first you dragged me. Now I can have a place for you to use and talk about nothing. I leave it to you.

Mr. Wang, who will almost never be responsible for specific matters, this time represents the cooperation between Wanda and the Lost City. He is directly based in Yanjing. Most of the time, he will be directly at the construction site of the Lost City. I didn't bother to go back to the city during the rest. Although the conditions here were worse, they didn't lack the money to get a big RV. As a result, the construction site was not built. The RV base was built first.

The boss is staring at the scene, the professional team provides data on the side, all the partners are strictly in accordance with the contract to fulfill their obligations, how much money you can earn in the future is your business, but if any one does not meet the requirements of the contract we originally signed No matter who you are, there is no face, just get out.

Each road is a bulldozer, which is used to clean up all the sundries. There is no way they can be leveled. There is a Shangfang sword in the hand, which can wait for a brand such as 'Lost City' to become a Chinese business card. .

After the first season of "Lost" was broadcast, the police detective played by Hu Jun sacrificed and became the first protagonist to take the box lunch. The tough guy image and the play were the simplest role in faith. Many people did not believe that he would be the box lunch. The one that is a bit contrary to the concept of watching TV dramas in the past and the invincibility of justice. Why did he die?

Chen Hao had anticipated this situation long ago, just as he had said, no matter who you are, I will never be polite when you pick up the box lunch ~ ~ The plot needs Hu Jun to die, so This pull touched many characters such as Chen Hao and Huang Bo.

In order to avoid everyone's sadness, on the night of the first season broadcast, Happy Times announced that the second season's shooting will come as scheduled, and it will start in the 'Lost City'. At the same time, the construction of the first phase of the Lost City has been completed. In view of the fact that the supporting living facilities and recreation facilities have not yet been completed, only group purchase users of designated travel agencies will be targeted to enter the Lost City for the first experience, including the first phase of the tomb here, artificial lakes and an underground tunnel. .

The highways from the national highway have been completed, and the original dirt roads have been retained. All construction vehicles are not allowed to use the newly constructed highways. More than ten kilometers from the national highways, construction sites can be seen everywhere.

Many of the designated travel agencies are also related households. Now Chen Hao waved his hand casually, which is to send out a large number of human relationships. These relationships in exchange for all aspects of interpersonal networks, such as in this designated travel agency. Human sentiment is completely the type that does not give free gifts. Anyway, I only accept a few tour agency groups. If you can bear the big background, then I will send the human sentiment, of course, if there is our own brother in it Of course, we must come to ourselves.

When the daily homepage of the Lost City announced the number of tourists it receives each day, these travel agencies have become citrons, only receiving 3,000 people a day. This number is unimaginably small. The fare of 1,000 yuan is because The facilities inside have been shown before, and everyone can still accept that the revenue from one-day project tourism is only three million. No one will think that this number can support the project of the Lost City. There are many, many people do not understand. , Lost City officially opened!

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