Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1124: ‘Fashion’

In the early morning of the thirteenth year, Hollywood officially confirmed that Chen Hao would be absent from this year ’s Academy Awards. He refused to appear as a guest of honor when he did not have a work, which once again confirmed a claim that he has only works. Will appear.

He participated in both the Emmy Awards and the Golden Globe Award. The best actor trophy in the TV series has already been brought back to China. The "Lost" fermentation of two seasons a year has won him this award, and some even frankly said that if In the next two to three years, there will be no super strong works. If his Lost score does not fall, he will rule in this field for several years.

There are many opinions outside, and the media is also reporting from various directions, but the client lives on his own in the early morning. In his world, these things have nothing to do with him, which is far less important than the couplet he posted.

A big family got up early and started to make the final preparations for the Chinese New Year. As early as yesterday, they cooperated with the hourly workers to carry out the final cleaning. This morning there is only one task. They will paste the couplets inside and outside, and then A big family got together for breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone prepared the evening ingredients together. Chen Hao planned to order a high-end restaurant together in the afternoon and midnight. Several elderly people did not agree. The dinner in Chen Hao's hometown was earlier than 'early'. Who The sooner the family eats, the better. There are several reasons. Some say it symbolizes good omen, and some say it symbolizes diligence at home.

Given that Chen Hao and Xiao Di are going out in the afternoon, the big family dinner of this big family is put at 2 pm. If it is in Lianquan Village, it would not be too early.

Although many people may not be efficient and may add chaos, but everyone enjoys a happy atmosphere together. The TV is on, and it is placed on the court. You can feel the Chinese New Year atmosphere along with the TV programs. Everyone also Putting on new clothes, everyone is in red Tang suit this year, with some temporary decorations in the house, not to mention, the atmosphere of the New Year in the Chen family really has the atmosphere of New Year in various advertisements.

Not only make dinner together, but also prepare some ingredients that return from midnight, mainly cooked food and cold salad, and prepare a portion of dumpling stuffing and noodles. After returning, they are now packed and eaten. In the afternoon, only a few dozen were cooked. Each paired with a large dish for dinner.

Chinese New Year's meals are based on people's living standards today. They say they are tired and eaten enough. They do n’t want to eat at all. It ’s not a bad thing for Chinese New Year. What they want is the inheritance of these customs. Each dish has its own uniqueness. The argument is that they are shouting less and less, but the ingredients are ready. After a dozen or so, this is the result of a few seafood being abandoned.

At 10 in the morning, the home was ready. The women set up the mahjong table. Chen Hao accompanied his father to play poker cards for a while. The fruit tray, dried fruit tray and a variety of drinks were available at home. The little nephew followed the older sister and brother-in-law in the countryside. Chinese New Year, otherwise children are the happiest today, the best sweets, the best fruits and drinkable drinks.

For three hours, everyone just played for a while. Winning or losing is not the purpose. What is needed is the atmosphere. Chen Hao and Xiao Di are the same. There is not much time to accompany the family throughout the year. Today is a rare opportunity, although there are only three. In the living room, there are always various laughter from time to time. Mahjong Di Huo got a big one, and some people do n’t understand the account. A lot of men are here to help with the account; men play poker cards. When there are big names, those who play mahjong there will come and take a look.

The red envelope for the first day is for the elders to the juniors. Chen Hao and Xiaodi had already prepared the super Chinese New Year gift package yesterday, and gave it to the parents of both parties, one for each. Kang Yan, the second brother-in-law and Chen Yu, the second Sister does not have a gift bag, but has a car key, her favorite Cayenne.

Money is always controversial, but when you have enough money, it does have unexpected benefits in the fusion of family atmosphere. For the elderly, there is no need to worry about the future or the income of next year. During this Chinese New Year, there is no need to worry about the cost. The tickets for the five European countries after the year are also comfortable, but they really make them the most I am happy that from the early morning until 3 pm after dinner, the two busy children are always with them, instead of taking the phone to answer the work.

Starting at three o'clock, there may only be one day of the year. The streets of Yanjing are not blocked. Not only are they not blocked, you can't see many cars on the road. Chen Hao could have been a bit late. For example, he could arrive at the Spring Festival Gala performance hall at 6 o'clock and 7 o'clock in advance. He arrived at 4 o'clock in advance to give himself and Xiaodi and people who didn't want to put on makeup at home. You need to give yourself and those who want to visit yourself enough time.

After knowing that time will come, many people will come to visit their own lounge, so after arriving in advance, first visit the performing artists. Many of these people are boxed dumplings eaten in the hallway of the Spring Festival Evening Broadcasting Hall, and many of them Just rehearse the lines on the noisy lounge chair.

Artistic achievements and fame are more recognized in the present society than the latter. As a junior in the circle, Chen Hao was not pretentious. He did not want to be a model. It was just that when he attended the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, many people were very enthusiastic and caring for him. The development status of the year has undergone a huge change. He does not want to owe anyone, nor does he want to sit in the lounge with his own influence and appeal.

A large group of media reporters carried machines and blocked the passage from the outside into the inside. The appearance of Chen Hao not only swarmed them one by one, but also many dancers and group show performers who were rehearsing. Hope, just like welcoming the super big coffee, there are people who continue to shout Chen Hao's name.

"Hao Zi, did you eat dumplings at night?"

"I ate it, but I'm going to taste the dumplings of Spring Festival Gala."

"Xiao Di, say hello to everyone."

"Good New Year, good New Year."

It wasn't just stopping, but couldn't stop, under the **** of Kang Yan and the company's several security guards, Chen Hao and Xiao Di just replied what they heard, and the person had been escorted into the lounge.

The largest lounge, along the wall area, temporarily placed a few make-up tables and chairs. Xiaodi not only had to put on makeup but also changed clothes here. Their performance time was very late, and there was no make-up in advance under this condition. Dress up, that will restrain the body. The clothes worn for the stage effect will definitely have some restraints in reality. The makeup team invited by the whole foreign country is ready here. Both Chen Hao and Xiao Di chose a later time. Then go for makeup.

Inside, there was no mass media. Only a few reporters from the courts carried the machine to interview and shoot pictures. Chen Hao, accompanied by security, walked out of the lounge and began to visit his seniors who were in the acting hall and the rest area at this moment.

Without the media, his presence still made the whole scene restless and crowded. Fortunately, when the dancers and performers faced the security of the Spring Festival Gala, they could still obey the orders to a certain extent, and refused to leave. Shout again, take out your phone to take a picture and take a video.

A brother in the Chinese entertainment industry.

In terms of popularity and performance, Chen Hao, a brother from Lele a few years ago, has successfully transitioned to the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

Chen Hao originally planned to talk more, and also thought that when he sent boxed dumplings, he would also try, but he was not allowed to stay outside at this scene, and more and more people gathered here, he was also regarded as Understand why some old artists don't have lounges, but rather newcomers with a lot of popularity can have collective lounges.

Popularity does have its unique lethality. On this Spring Festival Gala, popular lethality will destroy order and cause some changes in the value orientation that should have existed. Chen Hao is willing to believe that if one day the studio is changed, then There must be a studio where there are either no rest rooms or no rest rooms.

After three urges from the Spring Festival Gala show group, Chen Hao had to return to his own lounge. That ’s all, people outside his lounge area have begun to be crowded. There is no way to ensure that the ventilation devices here can ensure every Everyone breathes fresh air. UU 看书 www. The temperature of also climbed up. In the very cold winter, you will find that you can't even wear a sweater, and you dare not take it off. Maybe there will be a cold wind from the entrance aisle. You can penetrate your warming equipment at once and pierce your musculature.

One way is Ruixiu Zhaofeng. It ’s getting dark, at 6:30, the wind rises, the snow comes, and the sky gets colder. The audience starts to enter with it. The tension gradually begins to thicken, and the staff hurries Began to be busy, one by one entertainer also began to come to the scene, this time only arrived, almost every one of the popular performance guests this spring evening.

Jiang Shuying came early, was led to Chen Hao's lounge after he came in, and saw him carrying a box of dumplings and a bottle of vinegar. The disobedience of this picture made her roll her eyes and think about it Spring Festival Gala dumplings know that it is impossible to be delicious. They are packed with box lunches and delivered in batches. There are squeezes during the delivery process. The dumplings are stuck together during the distribution. The tendon dumpling skin is often a delicious component. , Losing this muscle, the taste of dumplings will be greatly reduced.

"Did you eat it? Did you eat it together?" Jiang Shuying shook his head with a bitter smile as he deliberately used a foreigner's accent to learn the Northeast dialect.

Chen Hao is not hungry, and he does n’t want to eat too much. He just wants to taste it. Curious people will always try different things to enrich their life experience, and come to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. I feel a bit sorry.

Almost at the front and the back, Zhou Dongyu and Gulina also came into the lounge. Everyone who came in saw the first sight of a small horse sitting at a coffee table with sticky dumplings dipped in vinegar. Chen Hao.

In the next action, they all reacted. Take a look around to see if there is a machine being filmed, otherwise he pretended to show this to whom.

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