Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1161: Carry the magic to the end

Huh! !! !! !! !!

The rhythmic sound sounded, and the familiar picture was deep in the memory of many people. In the past, there were Wing Chun boxing techniques demonstrated by Ye Wen and his disciples. In recent years, the film industry has promoted Ye Wun and Wing Chun Quan to everyone. As everyone knows, the most important part of Bruce Lee ’s Jeet Kune Do is everyone is Wing Chun.

Chen Hao's Wing Chun is at best an entry level, performing with strong physical fitness, there is no problem in playing a stake, etc. When he really wants to confront the enemy, where can he remember Wing Chun, the simplest and most effective Fighting the enemy in a way that does not require any moves. Kang Yan and Chen Gang taught him the simplest fighting skills, plus the system's ability to survive in the wild. All he will learn are practical skills. Learning Wing Chun is like an actor. The same effort was made for filming.

The beating sound between the arm and the stakes attracted the attention around them. The audience began to shout okay, but this good word did not seem so lethal. Soon, they felt that they shouted before. It's too early.

Chen Hao's movements are getting faster and faster, the visual experience brought by people is getting stronger and stronger, the speed is getting faster, and the sound of crickets is getting louder.


A louder sound appeared, everyone around them drew in air-conditioners and then exclaimed, one after another exclaiming, and finally there were overwhelming applause and applause.

The first loud noise was that one of the pile hands on the stake was knocked out. After a few consecutive times, the pile hands and feet on the pile were interrupted. Finally, Chen Hao replaced his elbow and smashed it into the wood. At the center of the stake, I heard a dull sound. The location where the stake was hit severely collapsed. With the collapse and the fragmentation of the entire stake, Chen Hao spun around, leaving a place in place. Kick the side and see that the wooden stakes are directly broken.

Only then did everyone understand why the venue was so large just now, and why there were some standing pads around it.

"it is good!"

Even if it's not a celebrity, it's just a street artist. This picture is very shocking. It interrupts the wooden stakes.

Even if it is a star, it will still be suspected, whether it is a fake, but the hand is not dropped, but it is broken from the wooden stake stiffly, it will not be fake.

Everyone's inner doubts don't need to wait, the scene will explain to you immediately, and the scene will give everyone the answer.

More than a dozen media, faithfully recorded all this picture. In the distance, people carried over three identical wooden stakes to signal that people around them could go up and touch them. One was for the media and there were media. The reporter went up to check whether the experiment was genuine.

Some sharp-eyed, saw two other special wooden stakes, one turned out to be a stone similar to granite, and the other was simply made of iron pipes. What does it mean? Chen Hao still want to play this?

Three identical wooden stakes, Chen Hao showed three ways to ‘kill them’.

The first time I came up, the explosive force, from the static position, suddenly broke, and immediately broke the pile hand. The whole wooden human pile was destroyed by explosive force. The surrounding people were unconsciously grinning, the subconscious body was retracted, and the real thing was touched and tried. This thing is made of very hard elm. The human body It was scary enough to collide with him. He interrupted right away. Is this possible?

The second Mujin stake shows speed, and the third Mujin stake shows a strong and direct move. It shows the absolute power. No sudden force is needed. I maintain a strength throughout the process.蹂躏 This wooden man.

The scene that the sharp-eyed person just saw was taken out.

The hard granite stone-polished stone pile still failed to resist Chen Hao's absolute power. When he combined the speed power and explosive power together, the stone pile did not escape the interrupted and broken end in the process of pile driving. .

The scene was no longer applause and shouts, but was completely stunned. Everyone was foolish. I couldn't believe it was true. The farthest distance from the scene was not more than 20 meters. I touched it and moved from the side to the middle of the scene without leaving everyone's sight. If we say this is magic, then we can only say that the level of this magician is better than that of all the magicians in the world, and that this is not magic, Chen Hao is telling everyone in the most authentic way that what he said is beyond transcendence and tribute. It is by no means a gimmick. It is his transcendence in all directions.

After the last iron-cast iron man pole was lifted up, the audience at the scene did not know what way to express their mood at this moment, whether it is excited or excited, is incredible or just like a dream, is it really possible? ? Is he coming here?

Fortunately, this last one has not been broken, and it has not completely destroyed everyone's imaginary space for the limits of human body strength. However, bending the iron-cast pile hand and leaving traces of the impact on the iron man's pile is already remarkable. Amazing.

Chen Hao pulled up his pants, exposed his calf, and matched two arms that were completely presented to everyone. At this point, the lines and muscles were not the targets of everyone's attention. They were all staring at the wooden stakes and stones. The marks left by the human pile and the iron man pile on his body were not even traces of bruises. They could not be seen a little further away, and they were barely visible when the lens was pushed closer.

The Lost City has been prepared for a long time, and all the broken parts will be put together directly. The six piles will be placed in an area for display. In the future, it will be a small viewing spot in the Lost City. The cracked pile hands, whether they are wood or stone, or those curved cast iron pile hands, were originally placed in the display area. What all visitors saw in the future was interrupted by Chen Hao's bare hands.

After **** at everyone, Chen Hao left here, surrounded by the people around him. Today, the feature film is released to the media department, and he will continue shooting.

When Chen Hao released his words to pay tribute to the idols, there were some responses in the world. Some fighting powers were distributed in various fields. Free combat and Muay Thai were all "heavy disaster areas". Those fighting skills that had been defeated by Bruce Lee were passed down. , They can not tolerate an idol actor to desecrate the fighting he has been practicing for, and defeated Bruce Lee. It is an established fact that the individual is strong. Why do you pay homage to the idol?

"Don't make a fool, do you dare to step on the ring?"

"Popularize, pay tribute to Bruce Lee, you learn to accept the challenge first!"

"Shameless, Xiao Bailian will do your idol work, don't try to challenge us."

"Challenge, do you dare to take it?"

In the entertainment industry, everyone is happy to accept Chen Hao's behavior as an entertainment public. People in the world fighting field have quit, and they have opened their mouths and issued a statement of challenge to Chen Hao. The words are getting more and more brutal. He completely destroyed the rhythm.

On the first day of the feature film shooting, various media broadcasted the pictures in the form of news and put them on the Internet. Although some of the voices of the challenge disappeared, those that did not disappear became even more brutal. They also claimed that Chen Hao You're deceiving everyone, are you filming? Do you really consider fighting as a movie? If you want to add special effects, you can add special effects. Before, you boasted that it was in your field. We've seen it and just smiled. I'm too lazy to play with you like this, and now you are so shameless. Then we You ca n’t be polite. Do n’t think that we will believe it when you shoot such a thing. Even if you are nonsense, you will slightly converge. We will not believe that the stakes are broken. Stones and cast iron. Are you shooting science fiction? How can a human body have such self-defense ability and destructive power. Look at the Muay Thai training that is the hardest and most brutal. It is just a wooden stick tied with a twine to exercise with the body. You are fooling. Us?

Chen Hao did not have any public response ~ ~ It was just that when the shooting on the third day of the day was open to the media, the picture returned by the media was in South Korea. Chen Hao just faced the camera and made a few punches in the void. , Showing the speed of punching out, under normal shooting frames, you will only see a ghost image, you must continue to slow down, you can fully see his punching trajectory, this kind of shooting was once done by Bruce Lee However, this is a way to show extraordinary power and speed.

The viewers have watched some of the footage released on the first day, and they feel that it is not fun. We have a little time to wait for the feature film to come out, but the open footage of your media is not so fun.

Looking at your "Happy Trio" to show affection and show the warmth and tenderness of sunshine in your life, you can see the little girl's little heart fluttering like a little deer ramming.

Some big guys want to keep watching your tough guys, go ahead, and show us the absolute power as in the lost city, even though it may be false, and the effect seems to be true, we will recognize it. Take it for granted.

Why did you pull the shuttle all of a sudden? It was very exciting on the first day, just to make us play later?

Later in the day, when Chen Hao left the country by plane, a news made a shock landing. The media including South Korea also issued this news. Even if it was a sorrow, it also respected the facts.

"Chen Hao 14 seconds KO Taekwondo combat master Liu Chengbin!" Huaxia news.

"Tae Kwon Do Fighting Grandmaster Liu Chengbin lost to Chen Hao."

Huaxia News: "The real version of the game, Liu Chengbin challenged Chen Hao online. Chen Hao, a low-key player, arrived in Seoul last night. This morning, he went to Liu Chengbin's Wukan to kill each other in 14 seconds. Liu Chengbin, the master of Taekwondo combat, Forty-one years old, and studied under ... "

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