Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1167: Take a sip and throw the rest

"The bet will be dealt with by someone in the back. You can just wait to receive the money directly." Jing Tianlin's eyes were full of smiles, and he hurried to Chen Hao and left.

Holding up a glass of juice, Chen Hao took a big sip of happiness. The rate of earning the money was really a bit fast, and the mood was extremely joyful. Those enjoyable items on the cruise ship were meaningless to the people present. The most exciting thing tonight After the race, the entire cruise ship slowly returned to the harbor.

Everyone looked at Chen Hao's eyes full of curiosity and a little awe. Now no one will think that his achievements are inferior to Bruce Lee. In the seemingly slender but not sturdy body, I did not expect that there would be such a big damage Li, how does he practice, or is it human? Even if your strength can always be very great, how can your bones be trained, and how can you withstand the feedback damage of such a destructive force on your own bones and meridians?

There are too many things you can't figure out. Fortunately, this is an era of rapid development of civilized science and technology. The invincibility of bare hands and fists can not bring too much fear to you. Can you stop a bullet no matter how powerful it is? There are more weapons than a bullet.

Chen Wudi's title brings Chen Hao another skill that he has been praised by the world. In addition, it does not have much practical significance. At most, he will not dare to argue with him face to face. If he punches him, You have to call the best surgeon orthopedist first, and you are always ready to take you to the hospital for surgery.

Until disembarking, Chen Hao didn't see Morisidov again. Then he and Carroll took another confrontation. The other side just nodded slightly. Chen Hao also nodded, which was due to his previous show. Good behavior doesn't matter whether it's true or false. Just as you can never see through the heart is a truth, just live in your own life.

Early the next morning, Chen Hao got the last night's harvest, 110 million US dollars and 220 million Huaxia coins. This time without any tax deduction, he entered his account a lot. . He doesn't know what's hidden behind this incident. He only knows that a small amount of money entered into the account is a reward given by the state.

"I have to think about how to spend it."

From the hotel where Xiangjiang lives to the airport, take a plane back to Yanjing, and go home from the airport. He has been thinking about this problem for six or seven hours, but no matter what he thinks, no matter how the various shopping sites on the mobile phone scan Goods, he feels that he is very LO, soiling the **** behavior. If you spend it this way, even if you spend a few years, it will not have a great impact on your bank account. Those things will be of little use. The furnishings at home, various types of daily necessities, various gifts, including various items that can be stored for a long time. You do n’t really need to buy food like this. The fans always send them the gifts they really prepared. All he needs to do is show the room where the gifts are placed occasionally during live broadcasts, and let everyone see what he uses in daily life. Many supplies are gifts for fans.

After returning home, he asked Qiuyu to help find expensive houses in Yanjing, including some courtyard houses in the city center and some high-end villa areas in the suburbs. Finally, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call: "Hey, old king……"

Before he could say anything, the Pharaoh student on the other side of the phone shouted excitedly: "I rub it! Niu, Lao Chen, I was not involved in the matter of last night, but it's a pity ..."

Listening to the sigh of President Wang, Chen Hao remained silent until he was finished, and then continued to ask, "Lao Wang, how can you spend money to hurry?"

"Eh!" One word was enough for the other: "You just call me for it. If you have money, you won't spend it, either invest, buy stocks, buy a house or land, or buy an airplane to buy the world. All kinds of limited-edition items in the range, a limited-edition sports car, will cost 10 to 20 million, and it is not fast to spend money. "

"I'm not interested in any investment, and I don't want to be the richest man. My money is enough for my family's son, grandson, and grandchildren to spend a lifetime. It's not good. I won some money last night, thinking about spending, but I'm not interested. I feel that the money I made last night is very unfulfilled. Tell me what is going on. "

Principal Wang was silent for half a minute, and suddenly said, "I bought two bowls of soy milk, drank one, and tossed the rest. Rub it, come to me? Chen Hao, I admit that I was stimulated by you, I It's time to work hard, goodbye. "

Chen Hao laughed while holding his mobile phone, when would he dare to think about it one day-the son of the once richest man, who could stimulate him, called directly, or at the level of wealth where he had the greatest advantage, this time he found the achievement that made money last night I felt very satisfied and walked into the room where the gifts were stored. I was in a good mood. Disassembling a gift is a kind of behavior that makes a good mood happy, especially when he dismantles a gift from a fan.

After half an hour, he was holding a large cardboard box. Usually, some people in the house were basically closed on both sides of the house, and it was impossible for others to reach the floor to open the door. The doors of the safe passage were also controlled by combination locks. The inside can be opened by the family and the property security can be opened on the outside. This can not only ensure the security of the private space, but also prevent it from being opened both inside and outside when using a secure passage.

Qiu Yu was making a phone call in the living room, Chen Gang was on the sofa watching Erqiang's legs, Kang Yan was talking with Chen Yu in his room, and he was busy with Chen Hao. It was a challenge and what was his daughter. When I was home with my worried parents, although there were no live pictures of each challenge, many before and after will become news. Which country did Chen Hao live in, where did he live, and where did he go after leaving ...

My mother was worried no matter how calm Chen Hao called. Chen Xue and Chen Yu were worried about their parents. They always stayed at home. Chen Hao made a safe call last night. After arriving in Yanjing today, Kang Yan and already in the high-speed rail. Chen Yu, who came up here, was doing a sweet phone congee for a couple who had not seen each other like San Qiu.

"Come here, let's help you eat these things, Gangzi. Do you think we should buy a courtyard house or a large villa in the Fifth Ring Road? The villas in the Fourth Ring Road are a bit small, and I don't fancy it too much."

Chen Gang came together to make fun, while Kang Yan was on the phone while walking outwards, pointing to the phone in his hand, everyone understood the meaning, this is to pick up at the high-speed rail station.

After Qiuyu called, he saw that the boss and Brother Chen Gang were working on buying a house together. He said nothing and stopped, and he went back. They were all short of money. His boss did n’t have time to spend it. It's easy to have interest in spending, and leave the less anxious work behind for a while. When the boss has free time, talk to him again.


"Happiness Trio" was launched on the line, with high ratings, and the Internet traffic was also launched in a new period. In one day, it had exceeded 100 million views. The extended version of VIP will also have 18 million on the first day of launch. Click.

The fierce broadcast of the new season has also attracted the attention of the audience in the previous two seasons. Many people returned to watch it. The results were basically one-stage dismissal. It was not so uncomfortable that everyone recognized it, but it is similar to this season. You can't even get on the counter than that. Just after eating a big meal and letting you eat a box lunch, you definitely can't swallow.

The real life of the stars.

Although the words "real" are somewhat discounted, in this variety show, the interaction between each other was very, very successful, and became the finishing touch. The most subjective two-person world reveals the sweetness and a little truth in life. It ’s true that all viewers feel so close. It turns out that stars are just like us ordinary people, and they will also have a little contradiction in the trivialities of life, such as chai rice, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Being able to cook, not doing housework or some disadvantages, will make the audience feel close, which is also due to the ability to allow the audience to compare and generate an advantageous psychological state.

"Oh, the stars won't do XX, it's not as strong as me."

Xiao Di was worried at this time. Fortunately, the busy work allows her to have some time every day to worry about ~ ~ Last night's safe call, let her tear up the brand name at the end of the new season of running men The episode broke out and got the winner of one episode. It was learned that Chen Hao would fly back to Yanjing the next morning. She also relieved her psychological pressure. It was rare for her to sleep in the hotel. She fell asleep until noon and did not fly. The return flight stopped for another day.

I just got off the plane and had a good rest. I saw my sweetheart at the airport to pick me up. I have gradually become accustomed to not suppressing Xiaodi in front of the media, and flew directly into Chen Hao's arms. My previous concerns were reduced to this. At this moment of attachment, although the media rushed around to take pictures, still refused to separate, Chen Hao took her away from the airport and got in the car.

This way, she hugged him, nestled in his arms, and kept thinking about it, one point of unhappiness, one point of resentment, and eight points of worry.

"It won't be allowed in the future, I'm afraid."

Coaxed all the way, it took a long time for Xiaodi to wear off that little bit of grudge, and then he realized how long he hasn't been home for so long. He stood up and looked out to find that the car seemed to be driving on a road he was not familiar with. .

"Where to go?"

"Leading you to play. I have never played in my own playground. It's a bit ridiculous."

Xiao Di sat upright with a happy face: "Really?"

The fame of the lost city has already spread to the world. Tourists are constantly overcrowded every day. Now even outside tourist resorts have exceeded the capacity and began to restrict tourists. Every day, they are expanding the resort area in full swing. After playing it, she got a lot of praise when she returned. Although she had photographed running men there, she also experienced the project, but she had never been there as a tourist.

The man around can accompany herself to the playground, which is undoubtedly a very romantic companion in her mind.

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