Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1214: I ran 1 endorsement for my hometown

It's nothing unusual to eat a meal for two hours.

A group of people who met each other for the first time had a meal for two hours. They had to say that they really found some common topics before they could sit together and talk for two hours.

Drinking is all about tasting. The meal without drinking is a half-hour mark. I can talk to each other a lot. When I started filming the next morning, the atmosphere of the whole show was very different. it is good.

The first stop is the Meicheng Riverside Park, which is already the preferred place for leisure and entertainment of the city's people. The greenery is sunny and the riverside scenery under the drone can be seen. The opening session started here.

"It's amazing today, our guests are both old and new friends, Xiao Di is very happy today?" Deng Chao, as the captain's opening remarks, there is no need to set up any suspense. When this program airs, all audiences already knew Who appeared on the scene.

Everyone looked at Xiaodi, mixed with some ridiculous laughter. After several seasons of experience, Xiaodi has already adapted to the rhythm of being a variety show, and did not respond in the fright: "Of course I am happy, He doesn't have to be welcome to play. Our team is finally full today. Let's play by ourselves. "

As the real devil of the male running group, he was ruined by the tearing of the famous brand. Fortunately, all audiences knew that he had weaknesses-fragrant and precious, and it was the best way to deal with female guests. There were more than one episode. , The female guest lied directly to him, after the relationship between the two was established with Xiao Di, the coquettish link was reduced, and the female guests chose a more sturdy way. You are sorry to tear the girl, then We tear you.

In several episodes of the show, Chen Hao was blocked by three or four female guests. The more guests there are, the less obvious his advantage is.

In addition, whether it is playing games or tearing brand names, he is a well-deserved devil. In the original running man, Chen Hao still needs to keep it. He is a junior. To leave room for the seniors, several seniors who take care of themselves from entering the running man take care of themselves. He needs to reciprocate.

After that, he gradually withdrew from the routine shooting of the running man. He occasionally went to one or two issues every season. With his growing popularity, he was no longer restricted in the show. The audience also liked to see his powerful side. , Just like seeing Jin Zhongguo, if he does not have the powerful muscles and physique to tear off others, is it still Jin Zhong Guo?

"Hello everyone, I'm back again." The running man's exclusive dress and his tall figure are clearly revealed. Chen Hao has begun to get used to standing between Xiaodi and baby, or the person next to him arranged Wang Zulan, even if it is Chen He didn't want to be completely treated as a variety show comedian.

Standing next to Chen Hao is very frustrating-fans. Some of your disadvantages in appearance will be magnified infinitely if you stand next to him.

Do n’t say that you are in good shape, do n’t report your height, do n’t say that you have long legs, do n’t say that you have beautiful muscular lines, don't say that you have a good skin condition, don't say that you have a healthy complexion ...

These will be completely destroyed because of standing by Chen Hao. Some time before, I would deliberately make jokes about Zheng Kai's height, make jokes about Chen Hefei and short legs, and make fun of Chao Brother's long legs. Joking, if you compare it with Chen Hao, it will not be a joke. There will be media reports and fans will take it seriously. Those fans who like you will naturally store you perfectly in your heart. Suddenly You are no longer perfect, and some fans who are not loyal and **** will choose to leave. The picture is very hurting, so everyone should avoid standing in front of the camera with Chen Haozhenger to do some opening and closing words. Shooting, everyone is moving to the game, and the impact of this contrast will be minimized.

Wang Zulan gave up the treatment completely, and he also had no room to resist. He is the most appropriate one to use for complete comparative harm.

"Haozi, you are here today, then our guest lineup must be very powerful, otherwise it is really time to tear up the brand, we are very stressed." Deng Chao.

"Wrong, today there is no tearing of brand-name links, otherwise it's just doing things." Chen He is now the laughing fruit of a running man.

"Maybe today I am a sports player as a guest." Li Chen.

"No, there must be a group of female guests today." Zheng Kai's don't, immediately under attack from everyone: "Are you afraid that you will be drowned at once, right? Are you afraid you have no lens?"

The little cheetah is not to be outdone, but also shows a strong posture, showing his biceps, which is also the most familiar muscle in everyone's cognition.

"Come and come, are you better than this, right?" Chen He is the master of things ~ ~ Otherwise, he will not become the most welcome member of everyone, he will pull Chen Hao and Li Chen for the first time When he arrived at Zheng Kai, he made a grand gesture: "Dangdang Dangdang, look, this is called strong."

Hip-hop made a noise for a while. Chen Haozheng introduced his friends to enter the show. The show team had arranged the final post team long ago. Angelina Jolie's animation cooperation was the most intentional. Some fans are also shouting her name in cooperation. She is forty years old, a mother of a lot of children, but for the former goddess of x sense, there is no pressure at all, she can still use the best The state appears in front of the camera. It is not the evening dress and heavy makeup that are present at big occasions. It shows your sports side. The pony tail is not incompatible at all. The big star is the big star. Compared with yesterday ’s home in private, As soon as I played today, I smiled, and every move was full of a strong aura. On the way to the transition after the opening remarks, Deng Chao mentioned this to Chen Hao. The aura of international superstars was really strong, just now at the scene Absolutely suppressed.

Chen Hao just nodded and smiled, and did not do more entanglement on this topic. He is taking care of the emotions of the old friends who are running men. Then you feel the gas field, I have nothing at all, so as not to stimulate Don't talk about this topic anymore.

Arrived at the Botanical Garden of Meicheng to shoot the second location of the first game. When everyone was preparing, Chen Hao and Xiao Di went to baby: "Sister, is there anything wrong?"

The other party's utterances have ceased several times since yesterday. Chen Hao has long felt that with her current state of living, she can ask for herself and have scruples. Things must be troublesome. Hao's character definitely does not pretend not to avoid trouble.

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