Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1247: how is this possible?

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"Into the Division" premiere.

The Galaxy Headquarters is fully open to visit.

Nearly two hundred big stars from all over the world came together.

In the entertainment industry, this is undoubtedly a focal event that can gather the attention of the world. There are more than 300 media, including nearly a hundred mainstream television stations, covering almost all the Internet, newspapers and magazines in the world, all in groups of two. Enter the Galaxy headquarters.

From the time of appearance to the entire area visited, more than 300 media were opened. It is true that there will be more media gathered around the super big coffee, but there are also people who do not want to follow the flow. When the time comes, it is good to borrow resources. I will go to Interview some other stars.

For example, Huaxia or some other countries also have different numbers of medias coming in. The artists in their own homes must definitely take care of them. It will not happen that you will not be involved in your affairs. There are many artists from Huaxia and the same number of media. Many media from Baodao and Xiangjiang came to the scene. Many of them are familiar with it. It is not meaningful to rush forward in such a situation today. It is better to share resources and go after them. Well, I'll follow this. You will follow the report if you follow, and I will follow the report first. Then we share the resources so that we can provide more news materials on our platform to the audience.

The celebrity entertainers first came from the media and the overall popularity of the event. I went around the show and was photographed by many media around the world to increase my exposure and follow previous activities. In the same way, I need to make myself very beautiful and temperament, show myself as much as possible in front of the camera, and then the behavior should be elegant throughout the process, to make others feel that I am different.

I really started to visit it. Starting from the super space battleships in large venues, many artists have gone from pure catwalk to participate in activities, and turned into a lot of interesting watching, really attracted by everything here at the Galaxy headquarters.

Out of the visit area, the huge experience area shocked all artists and media.

The Lost City of the Galaxy Starry Sky is here. This red dot is really rich and can be burned. There is no work for the newly established company. According to the current size of the Galaxy Headquarters and everything you see, more than a billion can't be blocked. What is this going to do, crazy? How can a business do this?

Some people in the doorway secretly say that you are rare and weird. If you know who the real consortium behind the red dot is, it wo n’t be surprising. You smashed the money and let a lot of money go from the dark to the stage. These, It's just a trifle, but one thing is very strange. What makes them so confident that the money they put in can make it back? Even if it is to turn white, it can not be at the cost of excessive loss?

With such questions, these people also entered the experience area with everyone.

What's it like?

The experience products of the Science and Technology Museum will be presented here in a more expanded way, including some of the self-developed projects. Take a look at the mid-air cableway like a roller coaster. A technology-rich car will let you in When playing here, I experienced the feeling in the movie. Although it is not so magical, it is just a layer of technology. However, the experience in the simulated movie can satisfy everyone's new concept of the playground to a certain extent.

If the Lost City is an expedition, an experience area with a limited daily number of people, then the experience area of ​​the Galaxy Headquarters is not as sophisticated as the Lost City, and more attention is paid to a place to visit and experience The dual feeling is more like a place like Disneyland, not like, but actually something that imitates the Disney model, but there is a fairytale park over there, and our side is a technology park.

There are a sufficient number of advanced technology experience devices, and there are a lot of technology-rich tour items. The float tour in the entire experience area is also the first appearance. Red Dot is still fully prepared. I do n’t have my own product. The company of the product talks about the right of use. I just used the copyright of these science fiction movies that belong to your company to form a parade of science and technology alliances. You will find that many of the pictures in classic science fiction movies that you remember appear here.

Do you have any?

Many people are thinking that Disney's success is the foundation, how many years of sedimentation, seized the group of children and children, and then continued to develop on the road to success in the end and eventually succeeded. Is it possible that Red Dot wants to replicate?

After all, is the probability of success that everyone can think of, or is it in the product, can a "Hero of the Galaxy" give Red Dot so much confidence?

In a very strangely shaped venue in the experience area, everyone who came in exclaimed, not because of the uniqueness here, but because they saw something that came out of their minds.

Some things in "Three Body", especially the more prominent features in the game, such as people who roll up after dehydration.

Everyone's first perception and perception is not to make a game hall here, how to play the game? How to make the game in "Three Body" a realistic version?

The first thing everyone thinks about is how Chen Hao cooperated with Red Dot again?

Two masterpieces of science fiction, many people thought before, to whom Chen Hao will sell the adaptation of the "Three Body", the success of that crazy brain show, can present a science fiction film in a unique way, but also refused Science fiction movies are an established fact of the big picture of war fighting technology weapons, so that science fiction movies can also take the line of small art and fresh.

When "Three Body" was on sale, there were quite a few industry practitioners discussing in private how to adapt this one. There is no dispute that Chen Hao's signature is definitely on the big screen in the future. Chen I do n’t know how Hao changed it, we bought the copyright, how do we change it, and how should we present it after the change?

How can we perfectly integrate art, fun and science fiction in one place?

Everyone is thinking that they know that once you can bring some surprises to Chen Hao, he may give up some benefits and choose to cooperate with you.

It ’s not settled yet. Why was it that the red dot was given to Jiezu first? This is not the style of Chen Hao. If you say that the red dot has a strong background, before that, the oversized movie companies were not weak. They have also had such and such cooperation with Chen Hao, and they have never helped him. This red dot is so powerful?

Some people are interested in the whole experience, and some people are more interested in the relationship between Red Dot and Chen Hao.

Chen Hao appeared at noon. After everyone basically finished the morning activities, when everyone gathered at a restaurant with a sense of science and technology, he appeared and immediately became the focus of media attention on the spot. Hundreds of cameras were the first time. All the shots were locked on him.

By this time, some senior media reporters and media people suddenly reacted.

"Rely on! The person who planned the event at Red Dot really caught the minds of all of us, and Chen Hao really cooperated. I can guarantee that behind the" Three-body "experience hall, the Galaxy Headquarters has nothing to show. , The back is either not completed or the idea has not yet come out, using everyone's curious about the relationship between Chen Hao and Red Dot, everyone's attention to the Galaxy Headquarters was suddenly pulled back, so that this surprise from the morning did not directly Broke off, but let everyone continue the enthusiasm when he came over in the morning at noon, powerful, powerful. "

The position where Chen Hao stood, slowly rising, was a bit like a flying carpet. Everyone was on the scene, and some of the effects that could be made in the movie, needed real things on the scene.

It's interesting.

Some people at a short distance noticed it, but did not find the mystery in it a little further. It was a small stage that was lifted up, and there was a mechanical column thick enough in the center. It moved to make the whole three meters square. The small stage seems to have risen out of thin air and disappeared from everyone's eyes. It is a mechanical column that cooperates with the light and shadow on the scene to produce a visual error, such as invisibility. You can still see some clues when you are close.

This is not important. What is important is that there are so many cameras on the scene. There are no flaws in their lenses. This is already a successful product. It is enough to be used in various film and television dramas for shooting. To go beyond post-synthesis.

Computer technology is more developed ~ ~ The fake is fake, and you can't see it as fake, but when the fake is compared with the real, you will find that there are still nuances. Ordinary viewers may not see one or two shots. It is conceivable that when there are as many as dozens of hundreds of similar shots in the entire film, the audience ’s visual perception of the movie will be different, say no After midday, you will know which one is more enjoyable.

"I'm not going around with you anymore. The meal at noon today is great and everyone is hungry. I hope everyone can enjoy the food. Then all the media friends can go to the rest area for rest. All areas in the front office building are It is open to everyone and everyone can take a break or visit. "

"We are careful about this, and you must have noticed it. If you dare to think boldly, I can prove that you are all right."

"I am one of the founders of Red Dot and one of the shareholders of Red Dot. In the future, all my works will be produced in Red Dot. Of course, like Columbia Pictures, we have a very happy cooperation. There will be more cooperation in the future. "


Someone really guessed at the scene that Chen Hao was a shareholder of Red Dot, or that Red Dot signed Chen Hao's overseas brokerage agreement. Otherwise, how could there be such close cooperation and how could Red Dot dare to throw such a large investment, a " "Heroes of the Galaxy" is not enough. What about adding "Three Body" and future works by this talented Chen Hao?

He praised Columbia Pictures, and he said that there will be more cooperation in the future?

With Chen Hao, there will inevitably be a strong rise, and this recognition will not be discounted in everyone's mind.

Does the whole circle default Red dot's strong rise?

how can that be?

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