Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1339: Favorite Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize announced the winners of the year.

Chen Hao broke the norm and won the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Nobel Peace Prize.

Once the news came out, the whole world was uproar. Although these two awards are some of the awards in the Nobel Prize, the professional coefficient is not so high, but they can get two at the same time. This has been the history of Nobel. Never before.

When the news was first released, many media did not forward it. Many media in China still tried their best to verify. Usually no matter what the news, except the portal, it was reprinted crazy, like many celebrities were 'dead'. This kind of thing is that after the various small websites and small media spread, the public feels that the other party has really died. Now that a celebrity is dead, netizens have to refresh the webpage a few times and check it on several portals. Look.

Can't believe it, worrying about it is fake news.

Chen Hao and the Nobel Prize, it is difficult to create an association between the two. Even though he has been recommended in the past and nominated, everyone still feels that there is a gap. The image of Mo Yan, and the achievements of Bob Dylan, seemed to be side by side with Chen Hao, but he did not feel side by side.

The Nobel Peace Prize is even more mysterious. Isn't this an award that can be obtained by those who make the best efforts or contribute to the promotion of good national unity, the elimination or reduction of the standing army, and the promotion and organization of the peace conference? Does it have anything to do with Chen Hao? What did he do?

Although too many people find it incredible and unbelievable, they are still waiting with curiosity, constantly refreshing the webpage, constantly checking his Weibo and his Lele account, and even some people go to see his Facebook page. He looks forward to the latest news from him for confirmation.

Instead of waiting for news from mainstream media and portals, everyone believes in the message sent by Chen Hao himself. As long as he confirms the message, everyone believes that this is true.

The pieces of information have begun to refresh. News from major portals and mainstream media has come out. One by one, the well-known names are beginning to convince everyone that this is true. Our big stars really got it. Nobel Prize in Literature and Nobel Peace Prize.

Chen Hao's official website of fans, officially updated the information, the top headlines confirmed the news.

Subsequently, some artists reprinted this news. At first glance, they were all at the Galaxy headquarters. They wanted to confirm with Chen Hao in person. Until then, everyone really entered the celebration mode, and Haomen fans did not care. How did you get it? Anyway, the official announcement of the Nobel Prize has been released, and we ca n’t be wrong. Our boss must have a reason to get this award. We just need to celebrate, and we do n’t need to manage the rest.


The question mark hanging on everyone's heads this time is not ridiculed and ridiculed, but curiosity, kindness and curiosity, what's going on, who comes out to give us some confusion, we all wait online.

Soon, Xueba translated the introduction of the winners on the English website to everyone.

The literary award is his contribution to music lyricism. The concise and beautiful lyrics are destined to be passed on for hundreds of years. Not only will it leave an important mark on the history of music, but it will also leave a mark on it in human history. "Three Body" is a sci-fi giant. If it is alone, it cannot be touched by any means. Even if its future film and television works affect the whole world, it will take time to settle down and add "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" to it. Received this award as a writer. The present is a combination of the two, plus multiple screenplays, such as "The Legend of Forrest Gump" and "Redemption of Shawshank" are published in both Chinese and English versions, and their artistic accomplishments have also been recognized. This award was given to such a young Chen Hao.

Peace prize, this is everyone's most curious, why did you give it to him? The song "wearetheworld" has played a role in promoting peace, and has also made due contributions to national unity. In addition, his Chinese songs have been translated into English, "Family and Family," and "Tomorrow will be better". They have all very positively promoted the concept of a peaceful family on different occasions. He is so young, public opinion in the international community also needs to establish a young idol, and the influence of the entire award needs to be expanded. This is also in line with the demands of various countries. In the face of Chen Hao, everyone has already renounced to prevent it from becoming more successful. The young man who gave him more honors did not harm everyone's interests. When voting, the issues before everyone did not seem to be a problem. As a result, he also has the status of a charity pioneer who can give him extra points for this award. Some time ago in the war-torn area, his songs were used by everyone as a peace propaganda. At the beginning of the year, he went to Africa for peace. The speech was also used as a bargaining chip.

Finally, there is a theory that everyone agrees with.

"We give him this award. Rather than looking more at what he has done before, we can look forward to what he will do in the future. I think even God would like to see young people like us praise."

It is very important to double-win the winners. For the promotion of Chen Hao's personal image, even Nobel, who is high above him, feels that there is no publicity stunt to win an award. This has created too many miracles. An achievement can arouse everyone's interest, and it is worthy to become a dazzling news circulating around the world.

"Chinese light!"

This title first came from Chinatown, and then it became the most proud thing of all Chinese. They compared Chen Hao to the light of Chinese, even if there is no origin, because we are Chinese of the same kind and root, then I go out I am very proud to face the friends around me, because I have yellow skin, black hair and dark eyes.

I am Chinese.

Chinese people who are traveling or studying abroad have a feeling of exultation. Although it is not enough to make all places look different to Chinese people, in a small circle, there is an international student dormitory from all over the world. Students from several countries, you may not be very conspicuous on weekdays, but when this incident comes out, your roommate in the bedroom will be tempted to ask you: "Hi, can you tell us the story of MOUSE in China?"

A trivial event in San Francisco, at a rate almost unimaginable, became a news story reprinted in most countries around the world.

In a restaurant, the waiter Li Bingyan is a migrant worker from Huaxia. Forty years old, there is a high school child in the country, and she depends on the money earned by the couple to work abroad.

The restaurant is not high-end, but because there are a few good Chinese dishes, but also Korean and Japanese food, business is good, from time to time there will be some rich people come to eat here.

Don't look at the United States as a country with free speech. For many years, it has attached great importance to the so-called racial discrimination. It seems to have been done above the table. However, in private life, the problem of discrimination has never been Broken, from the small details to the details of life, from time to time no longer remind you of the differences between the depth of their bone marrow.

There was a guest's valuables, a diamond ring that I took off and forgot to bring back. I didn't realize it just after eating, but I remembered eating and eating, but found that the diamond ring was no longer on the table, and the accompanying guests were very convinced before washing their hands. The other party took off the diamond ring and put it on the table.

They can make trouble, they can call the police, they can find the diamond ring by law or by the owner of the restaurant, but they do not have the right to request a body search of the two waiters who have been served. Li Bingyan is one of the two waiters.

A kind of high-level review, with scorn and suspicion of the lower living groups, it seems that such people will do this kind of thing, the definitive affirmation is that the two waiters stole it, and if they do not hand it over immediately, they will Call the police.

One is that the waitress from the island country kept bowing and apologizing, at the same time arguing that she would not do theft. Is the guest forgetting where to put it or hitting the ground, don't wrong her.

"Did you take it to prove that others haven't taken it? We have already found it on the ground, and we haven't. Only the two of you approached our table just now, didn't you take it, who did you take it. Do you know the value of that diamond ring? I think you are all black households working. Would you like me to call the police and take you back? "

The restaurant owner also explained that they are not black households. This kind of thing has never happened. I also hope that guests can find it by themselves. Is there any misunderstanding in the process?

The female guest who lost the diamond ring is more unpleasant to speak, and can see that she is a person with obvious-discrimination-vision tendency, and it should be the same in life. The words are very unpleasant, with hatred of some countries, races, and skin colors. .

When they started to question Li Bingyan's two people with indifference ~ ~ Li Bingyan said that she was not a black household and did not steal anything. If she wanted to call the police, she could stand still and wait for the police Come, but if you are going to search, it is an insult to me, and I do not accept this insult.

"Huaxia people?"

"Chinese people."

The anger that the things were stolen didn't dissipate, but it was obvious that the eyes of several people looking at Li Bingyan changed. The kind of ambiguity-vision-feeling from the bones disappeared, and the rest was just my stuff lost and only you Doubt nearby, not the sublime-discrimination you see as a non-ethnic race.

"You are a compatriot of MOUSE, then we are willing to believe that you will abide by the laws of the United States, but our things are indeed lost. This problem needs to be resolved. Let us call the police and let the police handle this matter. If we have wronged you , We will apologize. "

This change made Li Bingyan feel that the world suddenly opened her arms. The feeling of being proud of me is a Chinese, not from myself, but from the other person, from a man. The recognition gradually passed by the world recognition.

Individual cases, that's what really happened.

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