Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 215: Personal Spring Festival Gala Live

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Chen Hao sat down, rolled his eyes, took a deep breath, it was a state of sacredness, everyone next to him closed his mouth, and Chen Yuanping, who had just came in, was about to speak, and saw his son ’s The silhouette also froze, without speaking, and walked silently to his wife.

Chen Er held up his cell phone as soon as possible.

A piano song "Blue Danube", which is more familiar in the hearts of the Chinese, slowly filled the room with melodious tunes from the keys. Chen Hao did not have a pair of hands that are perfectly suitable for playing the piano, but under the transformation of the system It is not only the ability that is given to him, but also the coordinated restoration of his hands, which allows him to have the feel of a world-class piano master with his current hands.

The piano keys, every note played, were so clearly transmitted to everyone's ears at the scene. None of the four audiences really knew how to appreciate the piano, but it did not prevent them from being aware of the beautiful things. With this kind of listening and appreciation, Chen Er lowered his arm. He did n’t control the phone. He did n’t know the recording limit of the small video. He just sat there, listening quietly, and felt that he had all the impetuous emotions caused by inferiority. It seems to be purified at this moment.

The beating of each finger, the purity of each note, and the sound delivered by a good device, cannot be compared with the sound delivered by TV. After living for more than 50 years, I do n’t really know what sound quality is. The couple Chen Yuanping felt that the sound they heard today completely intoxicated them. In the past, there were very exciting and touching pictures when watching TV. Today, they can be regarded as what is moving and exciting sound.

The sound can be so beautiful.

Sound, it can make people so immersed in it.

Chen Gang is a man with a story. Everyone knows that he never tells others what happened in the past few years. Even Zhang Dongmei and Chen Er are half-knowledge. It is more tacit understanding between Chen Hao and him. Some, knowing that Chen Gang has survived these years, many hardships have no way to tell others, always carry it on their own, why come back? Are you hiding away?

Back, there is a person who can know his mind, and the taste is completely different.

Listening to this song, Chen Gang felt that he was in the tropical jungle, and he felt the sound of the nature of the forest, which reflected each other and brought him the most intuitive enjoyment. He wanted to lie in the grass and smell the nature Taste, listening to such music, enjoying such moments.

At the end of the song, I lingered around and took a deep breath. I felt that each of my pores was comfortable and confused. I didn't want to do anything. I just closed my eyes and sat down for a while to enjoy the moment.


The family ate something for this dinner, even Chen Er, who had the best appetite, didn't eat much today.

"Tonight, I will be broadcasting live for five hours, and I will send one of my Hao Zi Spring Festival Gala prepared for everyone. Tomorrow night, the live broadcast will be postponed to 11.30. I will use my mobile phone live broadcast to accompany everyone to celebrate the New Year."

The live broadcast that night, the live broadcast was in the fitness room. Chen Gang and Chen Hao had to move a bit of fitness equipment again. The very spacious equipment was placed a little densely, leaving enough area for Chen Hao. For live broadcasts at night.

After having dinner, Chen Yu, Chen Gang, and Chen Er helped Chen Hao to arrange the place, so that it was full of the festive flavor of the year. On time, at 8 o’clock, Chen Hao started the live broadcast. The Spring Festival Gala, which belongs to him, officially started. .

"Isn't you the one you love the most" is still an old song, but now this song has been adapted by Chen Hao for a dj dance song, and the dynamic rhythm of singing is more intense.

For five hours, Chen Hao really prepared the show with all his heart and allocated all his mastery abilities to the five-hour show.

Singing ability, prince of love songs, imitation show.

Extreme mc, English song, Cantonese song.

The demonstration of guitar rock songs and various dances are interspersed with a few well-known Korean and Japanese songs.

The powerful energy of this middle voice is maintained, the live air field opened, the singing of smoke, the way of pressure sounding, the powerful combination of shouting wheat body movements, the display of six original tracks, the peak after peak, Constantly climbing, he is a Spring Festival Gala alone. It is a Spring Festival Gala without any performances. When it comes to cross talk essay programs, he doesn't have it, but he has a personal talk show. When it comes to singing and dancing, even if it is a Spring Festival Gala, Singing can imitate almost all male singers and female singers' songs can be performed affectionately. Even dancing is challenging your visual limit.

Street dance, Latin dance, folk dance, modern dance ...

Although it is only a display of the tip of the iceberg, it can make everyone happily enjoyed. Is there any such almighty artist in this world? He just lacks a stage now. Give him a stage big enough that he will certainly be able to fly into the sky.

According to Chen Hao's idea, if the atmosphere of the new song is not enough, he will take it out, but after three hours of live broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 500,000, and the middle public screen gift no matter how big or small for three consecutive hours. Stopped, all the local tyrants and tourists who often watched the show in his live broadcast room were all present, and all the anchors who had a good relationship with him were also present. The guild was led by Tian Ge, from executives to anchors. By the end of the day, the soy sauce ball was with us all the way.

For three hours, the live program was not re-sampled, and there was no delay in the middle arrangement. Every program can be seen to be prepared in advance, which is exactly Chen Hao's personal online concert.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was okay, but there was a little less interaction, but when the program was promoted, a personal talk show was added to it, and the interaction was there. When the show was not full of tricks, it really shocked your eyes and made you see It ’s burning blood, you ca n’t see where Haozi ’s talent is. He has a lot of talents, and he is very well mixed on this network.

"Come, let the second son perform a social shake for everyone. I will change clothes. We welcome the new year. In the 55555 live room, I will also give you a new year gift. I hope you will like it."

Chen Er's social shake, his looks and stature are talents, just need to shake generously, that is the most joyful social shake.

A few minutes later, in a black suit, without a tuxedo, Chen Hao could only wear a suit and tie a bow, solemnly bow to everyone, while Chen Gang, who was always out of the camera, moved the angle of the video exposure, a piano appeared In front of everyone.

"A snail for everyone."

Hao Zi will still play the piano?

Everyone who sees this scene can't help but have similar questions, is it really fake, is it too scary, will he still play the piano?

"Should you lay down the heavy shell and find out where the blue sky is?"

"With the gentle wind blowing gently, the wounds I have experienced don't feel pain."

"I'm going to climb up step by step, waiting for the sun to quietly look at its face."

"Little Tian has big dreams, and the heavy shells are wrapped up gently looking up."

"I'm going to climb up step by step, and fly forward with the blades at the highest point."

"The tears and sweat that flow from the little sky, one day I will have my own sky."

No matter the interpretation of the piano or the singing of the song, there are no flaws. I don't know which nerve touched Ya, which has always been a little nervous. It is a bit like the original "Brightest Star in the Night Sky" sings the sea and sky. The heartfelt, let him crazy brush gifts, Yaer also began to belong to her rhythm, this night, crazy row by row of gifts.


In a metropolis like Modu, even near the New Year, there are still many foreigners who cannot return home to spend the New Year, and some people do not want to return home ~ ~ because she does not know where her home is Where?

In the high-end apartment building, you can view the floor-to-ceiling windows of the river view room of the Huangpu River, a glass of red wine, a small plate of fruit salad, an apple laptop, and the graceful posture of sitting in a chair. A few strands of Gao's long hair hang down, a bright nightdress is faintly visible, a lady's cigarette has just died, and on the screen of the notebook, Chen Hao is playing the piano ...

She stood up, returned to the bedroom, turned on the TV, tuned to the Lele channel, entered the 55555 live broadcast room, curled up lonely, lying on a comfortable big bed, squinted, watching Chen Hao's live broadcast on the TV, just So quietly listened until he took out the "Piano Concerto Rondo" very completely, and saw this graceful figure closed his eyes, shook his head slightly, and listened to the big concert without losing. The sounds of master-level pianists are completely intoxicated.

At the end of a song, the last fierce ignited your entire state, so that she has a sudden wake up feeling, looking at Chen Hao who has seen a slight sweat on her forehead, took out her mobile phone, and directly crazed gifts until the Lele account Without a dollar, he lay down again, squinting his eyes and watching his performance. When he showed it in a very handsome and powerful dance, he watched the picture caused by the skin soaking under the shirt. Feeling, she unconsciously, her hand stretched down, some kind of impulse caused by loneliness and drunkenness, was ignited by Chen Hao at this moment, and then put into action ...

After a long time, when a sweaty body slumped there, the graceful figure picked up the mobile phone, entered a few words, and then she saw many people copying her words.

"Hao Zi added WeChat."

In front of the copy of these words, the person who issued them is also copied.



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