Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 326: But it's just over 10,000 people

Chen Hao was clear about this topic, and when it was mentioned, it was trouble.

Sure enough, the response of the tourists was okay. Dongge and the disciples below Huaze had rhythm. Some live broadcast in the live broadcast room and know that this brainwashed the tourists and ran to the rhythm here. Some sneak into the live broadcast room. Use live broadcast notification groups or soy sauce groups to make visitors rhythmic.

The war between the two great gods was originally accompanied by Chen Hao's tendency to sacrifice in flowers. The official also knew that it was good to not fight on both sides. It happened that the headquarters project on Modu was not completed, and there was no rush to announce the list of men. Too late to announce that East Brother's shortlisting made the guild and guild anchors, disciples and fans of his side satisfied, and they all smiled.

Huaze did not work there. We did our best to win the game. We walked into the running man diligently. We do n’t care what other people do. Why is he standing on a platform with Huaze?

The war is re-triggering. Both sides are rhythmic in the major live broadcast rooms, searching the entire Lele. All you see is the wreckage affected by the two people's war. Almost every major live broadcast room is resisting the appearance of this group of people. Appearance is either squelching of team rhythm or kicking out quickly, never giving them both the opportunity to use this as a battlefield, and there are some that have no ability to stop. Seeing the public screen are similar rhythms, only about broadcasting to avoid two War for Great God fans.

Today, maybe there are too many people in the live broadcast room of Chen Hao. Many fans who belong to both sides come to watch the live broadcast. The rhythm is the same. The first time they become a **** fan, they come up with rhythm, and then they start to spray. Regardless of who you live in, and where you are, now I want to maintain my favorite idol anchor, across the sea, continue to come ...

What awkward, what a gambling come.

Chen Hao frowned slightly, he was no stranger to such a picture, and he did not need to say that he was the anchor. A tourist who played in Lele in the first half of the year was unfamiliar with such a picture. The Internet is like this, with less restraint, looking up There are many people who love who they are. They quarrel open and attract attention. Don't even say that there are really conflicting motives. If you are okay, you should find something to hype and attract more popularity.

"I don't care who you are. Don't take the rhythm with me here. You have to scold your door and turn left. From now on, you will see all the scolders and kick out. See if you type fast or my field control management. The speed is fast. Now it's 325,000 people. Let me see how many black powders are in disorder and see how many militants there are. Can you give me 100,000 people in the live broadcast room at once? I count one, two, three, all my family fans, really Dongge and Huaze good fans, all fans who want to watch a wonderful show, do not type, since there is a black powder with rhythm, I will show you today, What's the rhythm of the wave with the anchor, second son, Liu Dong, are you ready over there, everyone will give me some energy and kick me out! Three, two, one ... "

Occasional domineering does not prevent tourists from being a tourist. They are very serious. He said so, he thinks the same, and even more so, he thinks so much, really. Just kicking 100,000 people, I can do it slowly, but in my five five live broadcast room, no one is qualified to take the place of me.

At the moment in the working room next to the small factory building, Chen Er and Liu Dong took seven or eight field controllers, including those who were controlling on the Internet at the moment. Everyone held their breath, and pulled the typing area next to the public screen to the maximum. Everyone stared at the screen. After Chen Hao shouted for a while, everyone's manual operation, regardless of whether it was repeated or not, was to catch and scold others with rhythm, all kicked out in 99 minutes.

Chen Hao said, "All my friends, a few dj songs I arranged for myself, I want to give them to everyone. I hope everyone will like them."

A "Dj Rain Is Still Raining" and "Dj Filled With Wine", the two songs have not finished singing, the public screen in the live broadcast room has returned to peace, and occasionally there are three or two who are swearing and rhythmic, almost instantaneously People were kicked out and everyone started typing again.

At this moment, the number of people in the top of the live broadcast shows: 311,276.

Chen Hao didn't want to ridicule, nor did he want to pull this hate, Tian Ge didn't care about this. The guild's new environment was broadcast live. There were more than 300,000 people in the live broadcast room. There were more people lying on Mai Xu. Everyone saw that. Everything that happened, there was a full recording of the entire live broadcast process. Everyone saw Chen Hao's method of handling the crazy rhythm of the live broadcast room. These field controls in his live broadcast room were also fully tested.

Tian brother Kami, Chen Hao closed his wheat: "Brother, do you want to speak?"

Tian Ge coughed: "What, I'll talk about it, but there are only more than 10,000 people. In the age of our happy gathering, any live broadcast room, as long as you see a similar rhythm, you don't need to be polite and kick out. . Haozi, you can pick up the wheat. "

Chen Hao smiled: "See, this is my elder brother, protecting the calf, so you little black fans or some emotional fans, don't come to bully me. Dongge and Huaze fans, you, Really sane fans should understand that the Internet is the Internet and reality is the reality. Here everyone is a competitor. In reality, even if you are not friends, you will be polite and courteous to each other, not like you. Someone said that what Dongge wanted to do when he was shooting a running man, what Huaze contacted his big brother and wanted to give Dongge a good look at Modu, and I ’m telling you here that I ’m not afraid to reveal the secret either, that ’s all nonsense In the face, if you don't want to know how to perform well when shooting the show, just wonder if you and I have any grudges. Neither of them will be able to become the great **** anchor on Lele today. "

The smile converged, and he didn't look very serious. He said very harsh words: "My elder brother also said just now, this is my attitude. More than 300,000 people, I have a brother of 30,000 to 50,000 Haomen Yes, there are too many I ca n’t control when I broadcast live. In the evening when the second child broadcasts live, I will show you my studio. The field control is already full-time. If you want to come and try my field control You can try to manage your work ability. I know you will say that Dongge and Huaze are great gods. Why did you say this, their fans came and blew up your live broadcast room. Come on, let me say, if there are 30,000 to 50,000 people in the live broadcast room, I will be satisfied. "

"In the live broadcast room, if you do n’t kick people easily, kicking people will not leave you any chance, second son, Liu Dong, are you two?"

Chen Hao paused, and then heard two voices, Cameron.

"Here, brother."


Chen Hao: "In the future, I will give the order to kick people, it will not be ninety-nine minutes. I will directly block them by ID and IP."

"Understand!" Second son Carmel said.

This is full of anger, and the words are so beautiful, just like the reason that Tian Ge had to be ridiculed by Carmel just now. He has anger in his heart. It was more than 320,000 before kicking, and there was nothing on the public screen after kicking. People continue to take the screen with rhythm, and there are 310,000 people in the live broadcast room.

It's no wonder that Tiange will ridicule. This is called confidence. Do you guys with rhythm and some black powder really think it is a majority? Take a good look at this number of people, you really want to pack up, which is a very eighth thing. You don't have many people, nor does it mean that you can really blast the live broadcast room of the anchor here.

Chen Hao believes in a truth, or we will always maintain an attitude of smiling at everyone. If you do n’t want to laugh, if you want to do it, do n’t hesitate to do it, just do it like him. It ’s the same as the annual declaration: "Do it big, go early." Since there is nothing to hide, it is better for everyone to fight and take everything out and do it hard, either I kneel or you lie down, Where do I have time with you and slime.

Everyone knows that it is normal for the host to be taken in the live room. Everyone only deals with the mud. Even if there is Chen Hao who chose this way ~ ~, I do n’t know how many times I have suffered. Finally, I can't stand it before making such a determination.

Chen Hao is not the same, he is the kind of person, if he does n’t do it, he wo n’t hesitate once he ’s done it, either he will work harder and break up earlier, or you will die, and he will always win the fastest and fastest time. negative.

"Come, brothers, let's have a wave of rhythm. I will prepare it for you. Everyone will play the tunes they want to listen to on the public screen. Below we enter the piano solo performance time." Speaking of this, Chen Hao put a very Cool look, right forefinger point gently between lips: "Girls, don't fall in love with me too soon."

Originally, the public screen was already the name of various tunes. Many fans who are not Haomen also like Chen Hao's personality. They do n’t mess around, if there is a problem in the live broadcast, they will deal with it immediately, and the fastest way will be done in the most decisive way. Quickly reply to the original live broadcast status.

These words behind him directly made all the female fans and tourists in the live broadcast room type in a state of ridicule and a little shyness, typing one after another: "213!"


The tyrant queen type beauty Yaer, who once met in Sanya, was also in the live broadcast room, and successively brushed many groups of 213 bombs.


I just finished my work and overtime work was over. I saw Haozi started broadcasting. I did n’t see it for the first 20 minutes. It ’s a pity that she did n’t know what was going on. After such a long time, not only was n’t she tired of Lele It seems to be more dependent, no, it is not more dependent on Lele, but more dependent on the anchor Haozi, the boring time after work, any entertainment and leisure activities, it seems not as quiet as watching his live broadcast more interesting .

I thought ...

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