Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 449: Show you the scenery on the road

can watch.

The official responded, Chen Hao took the mobile phone and walked for about two minutes, so that everyone in the live broadcast room saw the wild brown bear who had fallen to the ground and had no gas in the air. These two minutes were not just walking, Looking at the fighting line just now, I saw three people and one bear tearing away from a distance. The distance and the trunk next to each other looked like they were pushed by small rollers along the way. They did n’t need everyone. Lenovo's picture at that time, as long as the brain could make up for the destructive power of such a powerful wild life, you can know that the word "dangerous" was so close to Chen Hao in the previous ten minutes.

Excessive blood loss is the ultimate cause of the brown bear's death. In order to avoid injury, the three people can cooperate with each other. The combat method chosen is to leave at the touch of a touch. The close contact time of the other party exceeds one second.

After ten minutes of consuming it, the big beasts knew that they had escaped. The three chased after the live camera and did not let go of each other. They didn't want to be remembered tonight or even tomorrow. Wisdom sometimes exceeds your imagination. Dangerous instincts, revenge instincts, you cannot measure the potential dangers, nor can you put yourself in danger in the name of love.

"Okay, everyone can see it. This picture is still less for everyone to see. We are the anchors that spread positive energy. We encountered no way in the old forest in the mountains. It does not mean that this killing has any meaning."

Very tired, in the last ten minutes, the visitors in the live broadcast room looked very relaxed, like fighting in the game, in fact, only they knew how focused they were in those ten minutes. How serious the overdraft is.

Chen Hao insisted on broadcasting for a while and got the official news. This matter has been reported. In view of the area where the three people are located, there is no condition for the transportation of corpses. It is to be diluted. In the end, you can do whatever you like. Visitors can explain to the live broadcast room.

After closing the live broadcast, the three looked at each other, and the sky had gradually darkened. The three who did not smoke very much took out the only pack of cigarettes on their bodies, one lit a cigarette, and sat down against the tree. The body relaxes, closes its eyes, and smokes silently, dissipating the fatigue and weakness in the body. After a while, Chen Hao opened his eyes and watched Kang Yan dealt with the brown bear's body. What is worth taking away, the rest can only be made a victim of the law of the food chain.

Three people, beside the fire, casually ate something and drank hot water. Kang Yan signaled Chen Hao and Chen Gang to rest first. After the fierce battle just now, the vigils will undoubtedly bear more, and they will be physically and mentally exhausted. In the lonely night, sitting by the fire, feeling the darkness under the night in the old forest of the deep mountains, it is okay to have Chen Hao's ointment not to be attacked by mosquitoes, listening to the unique sounds from the mountains except the fire burning, Without a big heart, sitting here for more than ten minutes will scare you by itself.

First Chen Gang drilled out of the tent, then Chen Hao, the three looked at each other, there was a kind of tacit understanding, no need to talk nonsense, take out the wine carried on his body, one by one, pass each other, including Chen Gang's calculation This is also the first such outrageous battle, let alone Chen Hao. Although Kang Yan has had similar experience, he has not been so brilliant. Three people, one with a dagger and one head, will have a huge body. Wild brown bears die of life, without any preparation and temporary response, relying purely on their own skills and full confidence, and the courage that all three lack.

I was exhausted physically and mentally, but I did n’t feel sleepy when I lay down. I will go out tomorrow. Today ’s ending is perfect. Let this live live broadcast in the wild have a meaning beyond surviving itself. A show, but Chen Hao also felt the excitement of real travel.

I didn't sleep all night. When the cold mountain wind fell with a little bit of rain and snow falling in Lili, the three men had packed their bags and started on the road again. Towards the destination, at half past nine, Chen Hao started the live broadcast. The land is only ten kilometers, and the mobile phone signal is also available. Qiu Yu has reached the vicinity of the destination. Many tourists in the live broadcast room are typing on the screen crazy. I hope Chen Hao can report. I ’m afraid to say that the destination is 50 kilometers away. Inside, they will all go, and they look forward to being that lucky person, and even more, start to guess whether it is a mountain forest near their location based on the scenery during the live broadcast.

Chen Hao did not reveal the location, but during the live broadcast, he walked out of the unmanned area to the ordinary mountain village, and began to see the village, and began to see the city from afar. More people began to guess this place. In fact, you are right, but there are tens of thousands of people typing in this live room anytime, anywhere.

Although there is no specific location, there are quite a few people who started searching in the area around their home, hoping that they could be the one with good luck, and at this time, they could have a chance encounter with Hao Zi.

The live broadcast popularity of millions of people is no longer accidental. In the past few days, outdoor broadcasts have been popular almost every day. When the long-term live broadcast popularity fluctuates, even the lowest popularity is not less than three. One hundred thousand, the title of Lele's Popular King is crowned. No one has any doubt. He must be acknowledged at this stage. He has become synonymous with Lele. When shooting Lele's annual promotional film at the beginning of the year, everyone still felt this. Who is the boy, and why can he enter the promo video anchor sequence, more than half a year later, look back at the promo video, you have to admire the official 'Vision', this Haozi is really fighting for a year, really Stand up.

Five days and four nights of long-distance walking survival live broadcast, at 11:38 in the morning, the announcement was over. The three Chen Hao and Qiu Yu successfully joined forces. From the moment he got on the bus, he announced the end of this live broadcast.

During these five days and four nights, I lived outside for three nights. One night I walked on the edge of the village and spent the night in the village. I felt the enthusiasm of the people in the Northeast. The positive energy promoted along the way can be tapped. And some places that encounter rickets can only be benevolent seeing the wise and seeing the wise, even yesterday they encountered wild brown bears, and some people intentionally hacked, saying that the three were too cruel, how could they kill the baby bears, too **** and cruel Already.

Chen Hao also rarely responded once. All his brothers and sisters in Haomen went out to lead the team.

"Don't let me meet this kind of person in reality, I will not hit him, I will not scold him, I will take him back and see how he did it, isn't it baby bear? Look at the time Do you still have the courage to stand there and greet your baby bear and continue to maintain the image of your modest gentleman by using your **** logic? "

To the fans, this sentence was simplified.

"Stupid, we don't hit you or scold you, we just take you back to the scene and take you to see 'Baby Bear'."

It ’s true that brain disability is really brain disability. I ’m here to broadcast live in the wild and have gone through all the hardships, so that you can see the purest nature and the most real live broadcast. You watch the show honestly and spray people everywhere. I don't want to talk to you, these old irons in my live broadcast don't care who you are.

He closed the live broadcast here, and the Haomen squadron began to mobilize and propagate the entire network.

Lele specially took out a video production team to edit the live video of Chen Hao in the past few days. The live broadcast without losing content strives for good results, launches the corresponding media voices for publicity, and promotes on several major video websites. Upload at the same time to meet the regrets that the live broadcast friends have not been able to watch the entire program,

From special programs to series programs, Lele positioned "On the Road" as the theme of every outdoor live broadcast of Chen Hao, instead of the previous self-driving tour to make a program. The ambition has not changed, but the self-positioning has changed. Go forward vigorously after getting directions. Chen Hao ’s video on the first day was uploaded on the website for three days, and the number of clicks exceeded 10 million. This is not terminal data, but data from a website. So many video websites, as long as you are well-known Enough. Basically, there is not much difference in the number of clicks.

The three rucksacks were thrown in the trunk of the car. You can smell the faint smell of yourself when you open the window when you get in the car. Not to mention the closed window. The smell is sour, even if the window is open. It ’s all very obvious. Chen Hao, who turned off the live broadcast, was really too lazy to talk, and he was really tired. He shrank into the seat and wanted to take a while, but found that his heart was a little empty ~ ~ seems to be over On the contrary, I am very unwilling, and I want to live away from the hustle and bustle of this world, relying on my feet and eyes to experience a different life.

The good news followed, perhaps the news of the Spring Festival Gala settled on this matter. The "On the Road" program, which had not been resolved before, finally landed on the TV station and toured the 318 Sichuan-Tibet line for the first time from Chen Hao. At the beginning, two episodes will be produced as a whole. This time the video will also be produced in two episodes. There will be a good post, there will be a good edit, there will be a corresponding subtitle explanation, so that everyone can see this more intuitively. An outdoor broadcast.

An old friend, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Lele also seems to be launching a full-scale cooperation with this TV station, running the male Lele album, and now there is "On the Road". The TV station's promotion is simple and does not require much gorgeous rhetoric. As China ’s most popular live broadcast platform, Lele itself has its own popularity. The real selling point of publicity is Chen Hao.

A ten-second TV commercial.

"Haozi shows you the scenery on the road!"

At the beginning of the advertisement, the desert, the lone goose, a back-to-back view from the top to the bottom, turned sideways, turned back, and half of the face appeared in the picture ...

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