Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 455: Sorry

There is no premiere for "The Second Dragon Lake Hao Brothers Resurgence". The original plan was to host a premiere on the Internet between five live broadcasts. Everyone took turns to help out, making it lively for more than an hour. After the premiere started, Chen Haoguan live broadcast, let's pay attention to the movie itself.

The network premiere was cancelled. On the day of the upcoming screening, Chen Hao and Zhao Jinghui and Cao Dongxue scolded each other and upgraded again. The two gathered a large number of friends in the circle to help out, directly bombed Chen Hao's Weibo, and started the various routes directly. The media interviewed to criticize Chen Hao, and the Internet also called for everyone to resist negative anchors.

A lot of black powder started to take another rhythm. It must be said that there are such a group of people on the Internet, their brains are turning really fast, isn't it silly? I do n’t have the ability, it is because of this crookedness that it is not used properly. Here Zhao Jinghui and Cao Dongxue just pulled up the shelves and attacked Chen Hao. There were black fans on the Internet who caught another selling point smartly: "Hao Zi, don't you have a lot of friends? Hurry up and let everyone come to cheer you up. Help, it's time to connect and give us a heartfelt battle. "

Chen Hao looked and laughed, and he even flashed such a thought in his mind. At this moment, how many of the celebrity artists he knows do not want to receive his call?

He didn't make a phone call, but just silently replied, "Playing routines, you have to practice more."

After that, I published one from time to time, not looking at the opposite side, not looking at the public. What I saw was the process of Haomen ’s brothers and sisters going out to fight for themselves, tearing up with the stars, and only fans who are serious can follow you. Footsteps are rushing forward. Generally, those who like you just do wall-viewing. Some people who are unsettled will swing left and right. According to Chen Hao's own expectations, 20,000 people can follow his own footsteps. For more than a year Even if the live broadcast is outstanding.

The reality surprised him, and the guild directly gave him propaganda.

One hundred thousand iron rides.

There are really close to 100,000 people. It ’s all about public opinion. They hit where they are as a gun. Whoever attacks Hao Zi is attacking us. We must let you feel the sense of destruction and let you know who you cannot do. Provoked.

What if 100,000 people are not enough?

It does n’t matter, there are not enough people. Take the number of days to make up. Two days a day, two days three days. In Hao Zi ’s words, we are not tearing you up here. Do you think we are arguing with you when we watch the hot news? Ah, no no no, if you dare to open your mouth, we must have the courage and strength to take your teeth down.

First bite you for a month.

Chen Hao Weibo: "Sorry, the box office was 7 million on the first day."

Zhao Jinghui responded: "The frog at the bottom of the well."

Chen Hao responded: "Sorry, the box office the next day, 7.5 million."

Cao Dongxue responded: "The villain gets his will."

Chen Hao responded for the third time: "Stupid."

He responded here. The fans were crazy team leaders. They directly commented on Zhao Jinghui and Cao Dongxue to the attack. It was difficult for many people to be temporarily named. In exchange, all areas related to two people were covered by the Haomen brothers. The non-swearing person wearing the Haomen vest is to form a rhythm with a formation. What is not to say is just two words: "Stupid!"

Those who do n’t hang Haomen ’s waistcoats will scold as much as they can, and show no mercy, no matter how hard you come, are n’t you tearing up with Haozi? Well, let ’s preheat it before the year. Let ’s play with the two of you first. Who, Cao Dongxue's fan, are you coming?

In fact, Chen Hao didn't want to come back and tear it like this. It's not interesting. You have the ability to talk about the work. Zhao Jinghui came out stupidly. Are you also as stupid as him? I can come up with so many familiar works in my resume, you don't want to think about it, will he not see it? Now that you see what you want to do, isn't it just for hype? You guys play with him, is it interesting?

I know what's going on in my heart, but that's what the Internet is all about. The majority of netizens also like this rhythm. Of course, the premise is that their boss will lead them to a victory battle. The last time is to fight even if they can't win. fighting.

On the Internet, counseling is faster than losing fans, so there are some things that you know you should not do, but on the Internet you must do. Lele's popular brother, now being provoked, network celebrities are vulgar negative energies, regardless of whether Chen Hao wants to do it, he must do it, regardless of whether others admit that he is not a representative, he is a well-deserved representative, you If you do n’t, do n’t protect everyone ’s interests, then why are you sitting in the position of a brother.

The six sons of voice, Mengmengqi, and Xiong Wazi are all fighters who rushed up in the first round. The rest of the people also broadcasted more or less. Chen Hao did not let them directly express their position, but The attitude in the live broadcast is enough to drive the fans who belong to them, and follow the footsteps of Haomen fans in front of the big rhythm, one by one, boxing punches, aren't you two so-called stars? Isn't it a successful public figure offline? Doesn't it mean that we are not worthy to be compared with you? Then let's see how many loyal fans you have to support you, we will do you now, your fans will not come out to help you at this time, right?

How much help they have is not easy to calculate, but on the Internet, a considerable number of people have stood up and stood up and attacked Chen Hao. Do not think, guess or verify. Who are these people? Therefore, Chen Hao's mentality has always been very good. He has not been lost by the rhythm of various team types. He still broadcasts live to everyone every day. Now there is one more content in the live broadcast, at least two to three times a day, everyone is collective. Hit the gopher ', and beat out those sticks with rhythms that have run to five or five. At the beginning, Liu Dong and others were worried that even if the boss's mentality is maintained, the tourists' mentality will be difficult to maintain. After two days of real work, They reassured that the boss had stubbornly transformed this into a fixed entertainment program in the live broadcast room.

"Come here! The game session three times a day has arrived. It ’s rhythmic. Do n’t run. Hurry up. My brothers in Haomen, the small print is buckled. You watched the live broadcast for a long time, and you also activated your fingers. In addition, you brush the screen faster, making it difficult for my field controllers to catch these rhythms. They must be 100% focused to get people. You do n’t know how many people I have now, more than 20 people. What is the daily cost, I have to keep them busy, I have to find some work for them, otherwise I will pay my salary every day, yes, and eat, these boys can give me the cafeteria without food ... "

During the game, Chen Hao didn't always call his brothers seriously. That was OK in a short period of time, which made people feel very imposing. Fans would also be disgusted when they were long. Come and watch the show by yourself. It ’s enjoyable. You let me relax and enjoy it every day. I like to watch you. It is only possible that I will like you and become a fan of you. You must always keep me in a state that is more tiring than normal survival. Then what am I here for you.

The battle with the black powder screen will be transformed into a game, and the tourists and fans will use the screen as a test of the business ability to manage the field control in the live broadcast room. The live broadcast is more than two hours a day. Playing for a while is really like Chen Hao said Like that, everyone is active, so as not to be tired after watching the live broadcast for more than two hours, or you won't find your sense of existence in this live broadcast room.

"The good news tells you one. Presumably many people have also seen it online." Erlong Lake Haoge's Resurgence "has been released for three days, and the box office exceeded 20 million. Thank you for your support. I also saw many rants on the Internet. , I accept all good and serious suggestions and criticisms, and I am willing to work hard to learn to make myself better. This film, I only ask for one, that is, brothers and sisters, when you walk into the cinema to watch, laugh Are you there? Do you laugh a lot? When you step out of the auditorium, will you feel relaxed? Do you think of a certain plot in the film that you find funny? "

A few questions in a row, on the public screen in the live room, more than 95% of the words began to float-yes.

Chen Hao stood up, pointed at the screen, gave a deep salute again, and then smiled: "In this way, for me, it will be enough to bring you joy."

A film, the box office is not much explosion, a normal film, there will be no big waves at any time, we will not discuss a movie box office ~ ~ but it is The cinema movie starring the internet celebrity, if it continues to be broadcast on the Internet, there will not be so many criticisms, but if it is sold at the cinema, it will be able to query its box office on many data sites every day, and then Zhao Jinghui and Cao Dongxue and Some artists have attacked Chen Hao himself and the internet celebrities, so that this film has, to a certain extent, entered a situation of extreme port monuments and cognitions.

My family, it ’s okay, I laughed and it was very interesting and relaxed.

Outside, it was criticized as a movie without any connotation and without any artistic standard.

Everything is said, the Douban score is not high, and it is either five points, four points, or one point and two points, with a small amount in the middle, and it is very popular, and Chen Hao knows that this is a Videos that really can't win on word of mouth, and then there are real artists and online celebrity fan groups to attack themselves. It can be said that all the cast members are currently under attack by various Internet rumors. For a few days, people like the third, fourth, etc. did not broadcast live. As soon as the live broadcast was brought up, they did not have such a good mentality. Even Meng Qi and Xiong Xizi also reduced the number of live broadcasts.

Everyone, his eyes were on Chen Hao, and the main target of the attack was also him. When he defeated this banner, the battle could be regarded as the end of victory ...

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