Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 559: Fame and fortune

Chen Hao has become accustomed to occasionally peeping at the world through several big brothers. He never thought about entering, and even from a distance, he didn't think it was really interesting. When he arrived, he set his place here and accepted it.

Either with Brother Tian, ​​or Brother Hai, including the well-known brother Jing Tian, ​​Chen Hao always keeps his absolute interests exported, that is, I am here to create value for you, not one to follow you. I am eager for you to carry a handful of little people. Because he always has this value, he is also more comfortable to get along with, and he only contacts a few big brothers where he is the strongest, so that they can see that they are all superhuman. Chen Hao will make himself as invisible as possible, keep his mouth open, and minimize contact in private.

Not to mention President Wang, Chen Hao couldn't remember. He chose such a contact distance, which is really the reminder of President Wang. There is a streamlined internet celebrity and iron-clad forest renewal. How many people envy Lin renewal has President Wang. Good friend, however, sometimes, you need to pay the price of being a good friend of that kind of person, at least you need a good temper that ordinary people can hardly reach.

Playing a game, I was pitted, I was badly scolded, and I could n’t even say a word. The taste seems to be that only Lin himself knows clearly. Don't look at the public in the face, the clay figurine is still angry. Scolded so miserably ...

Under normal circumstances, Chen Hao is trying to avoid as many private gatherings as possible in order to avoid the occurrence of excessive drinking or private temperament authentication. If he really wants to encounter that kind of thing, he tells himself not to bear with money He couldn't make it through, but he also knew that he didn't seem to be able to endure his temper, and it seemed he couldn't help it.

Since it is a contradiction body, it is wrong to go from left to right. The only thing I can do is to avoid such things as much as possible. I did n’t think of getting closer to each other in front of the big brothers. What good brothers are usually side by side. I haven't thought about this distance that I keep, to avoid being angry with me when you are in a bad mood.

The elder brother asked to play with President Wang ’s team. That ’s no problem. I do n’t know who the principal is. Even if I do, I have to stand by my elder brother. If the two elder brothers say yes, then I will do it.

On weekdays, how many people can see Brother Tian and Zhong Zhonghai screaming with tea on Erlang's legs? Xiaoyan squinted, squinted his eyes, all smiles. He picked up his mobile phone to give Chen Hao a present from time to time, and knew that he could n’t see it in the game, just wanted to swipe. Is it to satisfy the spiritual enjoyment in life? Now it's more enjoyable than having a large group of girls around.

Haihai didn't leave, so I thought this lively event was quite interesting, and it was more enjoyable than going to a nightclub to dance and hi. Hai Yu is full of smiles, and also set up an account to go to Lele five five live broadcast room to brush gifts.

The number of people in the five live broadcast rooms reached four million. RNG and IG played matches, and live broadcasts. It was crazy for some young and old to play. What is the reputation of the team and what is the external image? These things are in front of them. It doesn't matter, you can throw money out anytime, anywhere.

Everyone knows President Wang, and he has some speculation about the boss behind RNG, saying what is mysterious, rich and young. Now it seems that the speculation is inseparable. Seeing that it is not only good friends with Tian Ge and Hai Tian Yi Se, see In this posture, the dialogue with President Wang is also on an equal footing ...

The game only started for ten minutes. Here is a post about guessing who is behind RNG's boss. It has become hot on the Internet. It is classified by area. Then look for young people who are about the same age as President Wang. Look down from Forbes and see who The image is more consistent, and some people will soon publicize it.

The heroes of online consumption will always be named as well-known domestic figures. In fact, most guesses are wrong. There are many invisible riches in China. Moreover, the assets of the real rich and some of the rich assets on Forbes are not purely relying on Comparing the numbers, some people have total assets of five or six billion, but they can give out two billion in cash. Among Forbes's top 50, not many can come up with this number in the short term.

Netizens try to guess based on a series of transparent and open Forbes and other rankings. In fact, there are countless rich people in China. There are many rich people who have billions of cash flows. They are in front of many large companies. VIP.

The match with three wins and two wins was ended in just one and a half hours. Two to zero, RNG won IG, and Chen Hao had two normal junglers. There were not many individual shots, but the success of squatting and back squatting The rate is 100%. With such a professional team, the team successfully squatted twice, grabbed two people, and cracked the opponent's back squat once or twice. Basically, the victory has been established. With this advantage, you start and lose. The probability is less than 20%.

According to Haihai, Chen Hao in the second round should get an assistant with the ability to open a group and a certain initiative initiative, cooperate with UZI, play a stronger wave. From Hao Zhonghai to Hai Yu, including Chen Hao, they all rejected this proposal, and they won when they won. There is no need to stimulate another kick.

Chen Hao is undoubtedly the biggest winner, with a popularity of 4 million, and his attention has also increased to 97 million in the past few days because he became a professional gamer. Many people are looking forward to having a video anchor who can get a real name on the Internet. With 100 million registered accounts, this is not only a milestone for Lele, but also a milestone for the entire network.

Lele didn't even say that from the stock price to the strategic expansion of the entire product, the best results were obtained. Chen Hao also got an endorsement contract from Lele, which is the current endorsement of derivatives around Lele. The endorsement fee has not been disclosed to the public, but it is foreseeable that it is a sky-high price. Some grand guilds have made a relatively accurate analysis.

The endorsement of this price is Lele's personal feedback to Chen Hao. The gift he receives every month cannot be changed because of him alone, plus the various contributions he makes to Lele. The reward method is to take out money and get his endorsement propaganda. He Lei does not do it. The more he gives, the more people can work harder. Compared with the cost of endorsements given to him, it is more expensive than that of Lele. The benefits in all respects are only a small sum.

In the small aspect, Chen Hao has not benefited in the past few days. Today, the three big brothers paid a million, and the principal Wang directly opened the account to the Chen Hao live room. There was no nonsense, and more than one million gifts were brushed. Then, a gorgeous turn and left, nothing less, but after more than half an hour, he opened the live broadcast on his game live broadcast platform, played a game of burn-money, and played for more than twenty minutes Open the box to strengthen the state and consume at least two or three million virtual items. In this way, the previous behavior is emphasized, but it is just a little joke when everyone sits together after drinking.

Also through this game, as a member of RNG, NO.1 is no longer an air tower, making people feel like they are in full bloom but seeing the new RNG and IG games. Although MLXG temporarily stands in the bench, making his fans somewhat lonely , But seeing the sharper Haozi appear on the field, the kind of operation without any unnecessary actions, which is so clean and unwilling to blink, many teams can only shout out: "RNG, you put MLXG come out."

This shout was very heartfelt. Is one of the best top junglers currently available to you to sit on a cold bench? It would be better to let him out, we all need him. Such discourse undoubtedly also planted a seed of civil strife in RNG.

Everyone including Hai Yu knows that Chen Hao ’s existence is a time bomb. You do n’t know when it will explode. No matter how you think about the future, you ca n’t remove this bomb. It ’s impossible for Chen Hao to throw it for a long time. In the professional arena, you have to get him unless you can tolerate him to play whenever and wherever you want, which means that you have to give up MLXG, and it is impossible for top junglers to always be spared.

Such a choice, Hai Yu can't make it for the time being ~ ~ can only look at this year's S7 World Finals, and after all this is over, consider this unsolvable problem.

Chen Hao, who has gained fame and gifts, left the magic city early the next morning, citing the creation of a new script. It also made Hai Hai's idea of ​​pulling him continue playing unsuccessful. She can fear no one, But in the face of several businesses that are used to make money fairly and transparently, they dare not disturb it. Only after Chen Hao checked the ticket, he sent a WeChat in the past: "I see how long you have run, if this is If you want to escape, I admit that you succeeded. If not, then your kid will have to pay for his own clever move. If you do n’t run, it ’s okay. If you run, you will make your sister doubt your charm. Take you down. "

After looking at it, Chen Hao smiled, didn't reply, and turned off the phone.

After sending this message, Haihai didn't deliberately wait for a reply. It was a bit of fun because you really broke the last window of that layer of paper between you and me. Instead, you lost the flavor and deliberately Both myself and the other party are in a position where they can't eat or eat, but they are doing a small test of ambiguous-ambiguous relationship as a game, and enjoy the feeling of being in the process.

In this lap, the development of Lele's game industry has obtained a breakthrough point to break the constraints, and the alliance formed by the remaining game live broadcast platforms, because of the existence of such a spiked Chen Hao, has broken a hole The three-day high-level meeting was held to take advantage of this opportunity to break through the alliance and open up a new situation in one fell swoop.

How about Chen Hao?

When he returned to Yanjing, he saw the live broadcast of Mengqi, and those voices that picked him out were gone. There were at least a few complaints of helplessness ...

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