Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 637: I'm from anchor

The incident was, at best, a small public order incident in the local area. The fighting force was not strong, and no drink was taken. The fists flew, and the destructive power was naturally limited. At most, it was a blue nose and a swollen face.

The reason for the big thing is the cause of the matter and the identity of the two sides. Haomen VS Luhan has been entangled for more than a month. The fighting between the fans on both sides has gradually escalated, from the initial restraint on both sides to Chen Hao. The college entrance examination gave up a full-scale test break, and then the reversed college entrance examination results came out. The fighting between the two sides has reached an intolerable level. In reality, such an outbreak will undoubtedly drive the emotions of fans across the country.

"What is the handling opinion given by the company?" Chen Hao has no experience in dealing with such matters, and he knows that the way he thinks is bound to be inappropriate.

Crisis public relations, media public relations, and fan public relations. This company in any circle will be an important department to complete with elite soldiers. From the Korean wave that struck more than a decade ago, the events at the fan level will continue to escalate. Each company will specialize Arrange for such things, make preparations in advance, and avoid being caught off guard by then.

“You work as usual, do n’t talk to the media, but you ’re going to shoot running men now, we are communicating with the show team, can we try to stay away from crowded places as much as possible, we are worried that there will be Luhan fans at the show scene ... "Gao Hongbo expressed his concerns.

It is said that this kind of thing is cold-handed, but at present Haozi is going to appear in public to record variety shows. Although it can be edited later, once the event appears on the scene, fans can scold you for blasting you. You can edit it on TV. Can the news be covered up? This is by far the worst place to deal with this matter.

Chen Hao smiled: "Brother Gao, you forgot, what did we come from?"

Gao Hongbo shook his head, another phone smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile. This doesn't forget that your original heart, Hao Zi, has really not changed at all. You can still be the only one by yourself when you look like this. You are definitely the only one. If I change someone else, I ca n’t wait to erase the shadow of this anchor on my body. Where would I take the initiative to mention it and tell others that I am a anchor. Your twists and turns do n’t work for me. Scolding those who have been neglected to grow up, any so-called external environment frustration can't knock me down. Compared with the fierce blood on the Internet, the media in the real entertainment industry is actually kind.

Chen Hao touched his nose and rejected the masks and hats Chen Gang handed over: "There is no need to hide and hide, if you run into them, you will come across them. If the media interviews, if fans ask, you will design a relatively gentle set for me. The wording is just fine. As a person, I ca n’t be gentle, and I ca n’t think of any mild words. No matter how good, Haomen fans are, deer rice, they are not wrong to maintain their favorite idols. Fire at them. "

Gao Hongbo should be.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Hao sighed, raised his hands to pose in the back of his head: "It's not a fight or a curse, it's really uncomfortable. For the fans, forget it, just shrink back."

He also knows that many people are eager to have such an opportunity to become the focus. We must know that in today's circles, positive news makes a person famous faster than negative news. As long as he can be famous, people are doing everything. At the extreme, this is nothing more than a war between fans. It is even more extreme than that.

Gao Hongbo said that the company communicated with the show team. He did not make any difference. His attitude was very clear. Of course, it is best to communicate well. Both sides save trouble. But if the communication is not good, it does n’t matter. I said my heart. Do n’t be afraid, it ’s really not to be afraid. What about the fans who met Luhan on the street? If you want to throw stinky eggs at me, you must have this opportunity.

"However, this wave of enthusiasm and prestige is beautiful. To say that this is not a well-designed, I think Xiaolu is the male No. 1 in the novels of the children of the plane. In this situation, they can successfully divert everyone's attention. force."

There was a smile that was not malicious in the corner of Chen Hao ’s mouth, and he did n’t know why he laughed. There was such a thought, just a flash of thought appeared, maybe this was a little belly of a chicken in the heart of ordinary people, he did n’t think so, It is not surprising to have this idea. Being a star is just an ordinary little ordinary people.

After leaving the airport, there was a fan development. He smiled at everyone, nodded and greeted him, walked quickly to the car that was picked up at the door, and waved at the fan who had come over and called his name.

The car was sent by the program group. It is a Buick GL8 business MPV. Chen Hao has basically got used to only three people everywhere. The program group also communicated with this side in advance, knowing that his party is four people. Such a car The car was spacious enough to seat everyone, including a pick-up person from the show crew except the driver.

Going out has become a habit, and flying trapeze has become accustomed. It is not uncommon to go to various places to participate in the show. After getting on the train, Chen Hao sat behind the driver and chatted on WeChat with his mobile phone.

It is also rare to be free on weekdays. Basically, he looks at live broadcasts, news, chats, and other actions, all done in the car. It is also a way to pass the boring journey. What happened just after Gao Hongbo called him. It is not indifferent and indifferent. This kind of thing is definitely discouraged. He told Gao Hongbo that he would pay for everything from medical expenses to some after-the-fact arrangements. Gao Hongbo patted his chest to reassure him that the company already had a complete set. The arrangement is of high standards to ensure that our fans will not be cold. Chen Hao also promised that after the news value and provocation value of this incident were gradually dispersed, he would use the video connection method to video with these fans who stood up for themselves.

I was chatting with Ye Zi, and when talking about this, I felt the car slammed and stepped on the brakes.

"Someone blocked our car." Chen Gang pulled the door and rushed out. Kang Yan also gave Chen Hao an unsettled look, and then he rushed from the back seat to the front door. The person did not go down, but It is ready to jump out of the car anytime, anywhere.

At a corner of a relatively quiet national highway that came down from the airport highway, several cars rushed out and blocked, and several cars that were following the car rushed over and surrounded Chen Hao's car.

Thirty or forty men got out of the car, and some people also held small attack equipment, including swing sticks and police-sticks. The driver had seen this scene, and was at a loss when he was at a loss. The show group The staff member had the courage to open the door, but just facing so many bad people, the words in his mouth were not spoken, and he was pushed to the side by his hands. Chen Gang, who had been standing outside the car door, had never Speaking, seeing this posture will open the door of the car and let the Kangyan in it come down. This scene has no imaginary danger, it is just some strong behaviors in China, which is far from the danger level response plan set by Kangyan.

"Mr. Chen, come with us."

People outside came around and motioned for Chen Hao to get out.

Kang Yan got out of the car and Chen Hao followed him. He pressed his hand and motioned to sit behind Qiuyu not to move. They were their goal. When they got out of the car, they would n’t do anything to the car, otherwise Many people were surrounded by vehicles with appliances in their hands, and the vehicle would be destroyed by them in an instant.

"Who are you?" Chen Hao asked.

"Please come with us, don't let us be rough, this is not good for you and me. We don't mind going to the news and even accepting punishment, but you don't want to continue to make headlines. If we are malicious, we won't As polite as I am now, our boss said, as long as Mr. Chen cooperates, he will never touch you. "The lead man with glasses and a fierce man in Sven thought he was a gentleman. A gesture of please, you can see the meaning, but there is no attitude.

"What if I don't want to go?" Chen Hao asked one more question ~ ~ You can't help it. I know that you are all masters, but there is something you must know. What's more, in front of something, the so-called master is just a joke. "I saw this Sven man gently unbuttoning his wife's jacket, revealing a hard object around his waist. In Huaxia's land, the deterrent power of this thing is unsolvable.

Chen Hao laughed. He didn't hold back. He dared to run away to threaten himself so stupidly. He was foolish enough to take a gun-gun. He really didn't know if it was the brain of this person or the brain of the boss behind him.

No, no, I understand it wrong, I can only blame the Kang Yan and Chen Gang around me, the use of too few places, so that too many people have never realized how powerful they are, nor do they believe that they can The things that make ordinary people timid. In Yangcheng and Lisbon, they and Chen Gang have demonstrated their strengths. Is it not enough to show, or is this group of guys who seem to be completely scattered in the sand, Is it a hidden master? Are you and Kang Yan Chen Gang both looking away?

Kang Yan took a shot. When the opponent took the gun out and showed it, the man took a step forward and grasped the gun very professionally to block the trigger that the other party could pull. Then Kang Yan raised his other hand. Get up, on the wrist of the other person holding the -gun-seems to be a light tap, the other party can't bear the pain, let go of his hand, Kang Yan took the opportunity to eclipse the subject and the object, and took the thing into his own hands. With this thing, in In the middle distance and facing the enemy and these weapons, Kang Yan can reverse the war in the shortest time.

This move pulled the nerves of these thirty or forty people. The people closest to him first picked up the stick or-police-stick at them. A considerable number of them were very excited and could hit stars. This is definitely something to brag about at the wine table after that.

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