Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 641: 'protagonist'

"Like Wanda's security!"

Principal Wang posted such a Weibo, accompanied by three photos on the spot. The orderly waiting and watching on the spot is indeed a very good job of security.

Wanda ’s prince sent a Weibo like this, and it ’s extremely popular. At least 20,000 to 100,000 comments are similar: "This wave is 6666."

"This wave of intense heat is beautiful."

"Principal, it's time to ask your father for a wave of advertising fees. Don't pay more, ten million."

Haomen's fans are very tolerant and supportive to the headmaster, as half of their own family. The well-known national husband Husband President Wang, who caught him in the entertainment industry, it would be good not to be said by him. If anyone can be praised by him, it is incredible in the eyes of the media. The classic quotation of others is still calendar. Attentive: "I make friends without seeing if you have money, because whether you have money or not, you don't have money with me."

Wherever he is, there is a hot spot, a popular regular on the Internet, and now a wave of other people's enthusiasm, which is incredible in itself, plus the rare praise of Chen Hao before, the two incredible are put together, some media have directly declared: "Did President Wang buy Hao Zi to his platform to broadcast live, otherwise how could he lean so close to him?"

No one would be willing to offend people for no reason, and Chen Hao is not that kind of person. Whether it is etiquette or seeking truth from facts, he agrees, and then reposted this microblog by President Wang with his own microblog, and added a comment: "It's really great, thank you to everyone who worked hard for today's event. I'm leaving now, we have a chance to see you."

The scene of the event was extremely lively, and the fans of the thirty or fifty programs were carefully selected to fill the scene. The rest were all enthusiastic media.

Guan Hu, Xiao Gang Cannon, Xu Qing, Liu Hua, and a Chen Hao participated in this event. When I came out, I was a bit scared by the atmosphere. Just the hot eyes of the media can make your heart the most real. The panic was forced out, even if it was a big-time director such as Hu Xiaogang Cannon, I couldn't help but be wrong. At this level, the number of media was almost catching up with large domestic film festivals. They are really all Did it come for our movie?

The answer is obvious, definitely not.

Looking at Chen Hao, Guan Hu and Xiao Gang Cannon have their hearts in mind. At present, among the most popular small fresh meats in China, if anyone can develop the best, they dare not make a conclusion. Who will be able to go a long way in this circle, they will feel that it must be Chen Hao, this young man has gathered too many things suitable for survival in this circle.

The event is a normal movie promotion activity. There are introductions to the movie, interviews with the host, and some in-depth promotion of the movie by the creator. The flashing light on the scene is constantly flashing. Within a few hours, there will be a large area of ​​movie promotion. News appeared on the web.

In the interview with the media, I arranged a few questions in advance, including interviews on some aspects of the film, including some interesting things in the shooting, and increasing the attention of the media and the audience on the movie itself. After that, it was free interviews. When free interviews When it appeared, Guan Hu, Xiao Gang Cannon, Xu Qing, and others became supporting actors. The only protagonist on the scene was Chen Hao. This left others in a cold situation, which was more scary than when Wu Yifan Li Yifeng followed the publicity.

A large group of media reporters, afraid of Chen Hao's running away, swarmed up and wanted to ask questions. They were eager to be the person who asked the question.

"Hello, Haozi, I am a reporter who has known Entertainment News for a long time. I want to ask a question for everyone who is interested in you?"

Chen Hao smiled and nodded, and the other party continued to ask: "Can you tell us, why is it you? Why did you become Bob Dylan's New Year's Eve?"

Before he came, the company had prepared at least twenty answers for him in directions, such as asking a running man, asking Luhan, asking Bob Dylan, asking a movie, there will be a set of similar answers, yourself You can put what you want to say randomly into it. With the framework prepared by the company, you will not get out of control answers.

Chen Hao smiled: "The two of us met in the evening before. I didn't recognize him at that time. I was on the street corner of Montena. With some street artists, we played guitar and sang together. When I came out, I had a strong mind to worship idols, but I did n’t have a stronger atmosphere than the music we created, so I always maintained the previous state, played well, sang, and showed the charm of music. Perhaps, I am I do n’t see many people who are still restrained. As for why it is me? Is there any reason for such things as temper? "

"Haozi, do you still have contact with Mr. Bob Dylan?"

"Of course, when I have time, when he has time, we want to go to Sisuo Island together, prepare a few bottles of good wine, invite three or five friends, find a quiet place, and drink while listening to the waves ..."

From the longing in Chen Hao's description, many people at the scene had the urge to go quietly and enjoy life with him, not because he was Chen Hao, or because the people who accompanied him had Bob Dylan, just as in the island of Sisso Staying in one place, not to mention Hemingway, but at least you can feel the mood of the old man and the sea.

Feeling bored when quiet, then drive along the highway between the islands, feel the beauty of this highway, go to a lively town, find a good restaurant, sit on the balcony on the second floor, and eat When you eat authentic crayfish and drink beer, you may have unexpected gains at night.

Have a special live broadcast gas field with anchor ability, with language ability, a anchor reality Dan eat, the identity between the interviewer and the interviewee has some meaning to be changed, if there are more live people, more noisy voice It's easy to disturb your mind, and an interview can become Chen Hao to tell everyone a story.

"Please cooperate and ask more questions related to the movie. Thank you, Mr. Chen Hao will answer two questions." Some people reminded the media on the side that although the number of people gathered outside has decreased because the stars have entered the infield. But there are more people stranded inside Wanda Plaza, and there is a tendency to be crowded here. This is different from the open-air leisure square outside. The order is more difficult to control. The organizer looked at it and was unwilling to let the scene continue to toss. Moreover, the length of the entire movie propaganda activity has also arrived. When they evacuate, those who are stranded inside the square may be converted into a potential customer group for shopping.

"Haozi, why did you choose the role of boring Saner? Is it the next best thing?"

When the problem was changed, the one who came up was very worried and had no purpose. Immediately everyone's eyes were fixed on him. A lean man who didn't look weak at all was a tall man squeezed out of the crowd. , The radio microphone in his hand was pasted with a sign that everyone was not familiar with.

For the first time, a staff member at the side told Guan Hu on the edge that this was a reporter from an online media. After informing, asking whether to stop the interview, Guan Hu glanced at Chen Hao, and found that he looked indifferent, and prepared to open his mouth to answer. Thinking of the maturity of the other party since contacting him, Guan Hu signaled to be calm and not to see the situation.

Li Yifeng, Wu Yifan.

These are the two people who can't get around, and also the biggest topic of this movie at present. It fell on Chen Hao more to watch, just tore with Luhan, can we have a big wave now, and tear off with these two?

"I like boring San Er, he is very similar to me, I think if I did not become a anchor and then a singer and an actor, I think my life will be like boring San Er, everyone knows that I used to I ’m not very good-tempered, easy to be impulsive, and also easy to do impulsive things. Maybe, the better part of me than Duan Saner is that I know how to enjoy life, and I live in a state of struggle without him like this. Playing this role, there are not many plays, but the experience and gains I will never forget. This is the future of my other life. This role ~ ~ means a lot to me. I have to Thank you Director Guan Hu and Director Feng, I wouldn't have seen such a role without them. "

It is to avoid heavy and light, but to make it easy for reporters on the spot. We will definitely not give you the breaking news. We can give you some exclusivity next, so we will not entangle this issue.

"Director Guan Hu, Hao Zi, I heard that during the review of this film, some clips were modified or deleted. Among them, there were some boring plays. , Reduction is more, is it true? "

Guan Hu came over, and Chen Hao motioned for him to stand slightly sideways and make green leaves to set off the protagonist who answered the question at this moment.

"It happened, but in the end we kept the scene. It was a wonderful scene. I hope everyone can enjoy the bitter picture of the life of an old veteran. I have seen it very real after I saw it. It feels that Haozi's interpretation made me really ignore his age, and even think that he is an old soldier who came from that era. I believe that after watching the movie, you will fall in love with the role of Men Saner. "

Guan Hu leaned slightly sideways and motioned to Chen Hao to say a few more words. Often such questions were asked by both people.

"You will love me too."

When you fall in love with the dull three children, you will also fall in love with Haozi. A joke caused a laugh on the scene. In such a relatively relaxed atmosphere, the host came out to announce the end of today's event, everyone waved goodbye to everyone, in Surrounded by the staff, they quickly left, and the freight elevator, which was completely closed from today, went directly to the backyard to board the car and left.

During the whole promotion period of this film, the most attention and the most heated discussion was the promotion activity that Chen Hao participated in Shancheng, and even made some headlines on paper and online media the next day.

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