Read All People’s Kingdom: Chapter 102
From Ninh Cung inside.
Vo Tac Thien is meticulously taking care of planting in flower beds.
This is Jiangnan saying that the other side is going to pay tribute to flowers and grass, the four seasons of Chang Qing. Footsteps sounded.
Gu Nguyen strode forward.
“Mother, are you looking for me?”
Wu Zetian turned his head, White Gu Yuan glanced at him and said angrily.
“What, is it true that Ai Gia won’t let you, you won’t go to Xu Ning Palace in this life, do you?”
Gu Nguyen smiled faintly and spoke softly.
“What is this queen saying?”
“I’m just too busy these past few days.”
Wu Zetian snorted.
“Hurry? Yes, you are a busy person, but hurry is not a matter of state!”
“Again, Ai Gia also wants to hug you, you have so many women in your harem, when can you give birth to one?”
Gu Nguyen couldn’t help but have a headache.
Enter this, all Hoang peopleThe game emperor, as the emperor, can’t he avoid being promoted to fate? Wu Zetian gently cleared his throat.
“Not to tear you apart, this time calling you over, it’s not like I want to argue with you, it’s the right thing to do!”
Gu Yuan’s brows began to wrinkle, and suddenly his face turned serious.
“Speaking of the Queen Mother!”
Wu Zetian gently smiled and said softly.
“Actually, it’s not a big deal, Ai Gia has a distant relative, last name white, a few days ago thanks to a relationship, she landed on Ai Gia this road.”
“Wanting to make him a child in the court plotting bad things, eating the court’s benefits, serving the court’s servants, that is also considered to be outstanding!”
“Ai Jia came to you, just wanted to let you arrange some.”
“Of course, Ai Gia knows that you’re here in the court right now, the boss is pushing the new type of examination, focusing on a Duy Tai Thi Cu, going through the back door like that, doing the opposite of the new type of science. God.”
“That’s why Ai Gia doesn’t want to embarrass you, you don’t need to arrange for him any important positions, arbitrarily put into a leisurely official position, so that Ai Gia can hand over to him. Okay!”
Hearing that, Gu Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly.
Someone landed on this road to Vo Tac Thien, wanted to enter the court to be a mandarin?
This kind of thing, in the inner lives, on the contrary, is also extremely common. It was an important method for foreigners to enter the imperial court.
This is actually just a small thing!
However, in front of the content, Gu Nguyen must first explore the true intentions of Chu Vo Tac Thien. In the end, she was just asking for help, still thinking about cultivating her own strength? Don’t look at Co Nguyen’s suppression after that, 0 3 Vo Tac Thien seems to have no morale whatsoever. With Co Nguyen in the meantime, one factionFrom Tu Hieu’s appearance.
It seemed that he had completely accepted his fate and agreed with Gu Yuan below.
But because of those things in history, Gu Yuan always kept such a precaution for her. Immediately, the True Dragon’s Eye flashed.
Vo Tac Thien all categories of data are briefly in front of Co Nguyen. No matter what, there is no way to avoid Gu Yuan’s supervision. Seriously scan one round, confirm there aren’t any anomalies after that. The new Co Nguyen seems to be really relieved.
“Looks like I’ve been thinking too much!”
He mumbled to himself in his heart.
Vo Tac Thien listened respectfully, far away in Co Nguyen unexpectedly. In the same history, the real reputation is a little bit different!
But thinking about it, Gu Nguyen was also at ease.
He personally conceded and then showed all kinds of methods, all of them were shocked and disgusted, giving Wu Zetian a big shock in his heart! Under this kind of psychological shock, Wu Zetian is the real acceptor of life.
Start volunteering, assistant Gu Nguyen!
If this is the case, the other is nothing to worry about.
“The mother opened her mouth herself, how can I refuse?”
“Let him go directly to the other side of the Cong Bu tomorrow, follow Lu Ban, and do the work of the Cong Bu!”
“That’s right, mother, you have recommended this distant relative, what is its name?”
“I remember well, always say hello to Lu Ban over there!”
Wu Zetian said without hesitation.
“Bai Khoi.”
“Oh, Bach Khoi… What did you say, Mother?”
The originally lazy Gu Yuan, instantly lifted up his spirits, and the starlight in his eyes magnified! It was as if it was a sleeping giant dragon, waking up in an instant!
Huang Wei’s body was immense, and he couldn’t hold it anymore, it seemed that Vuong Duong Dai Hai was exuding! This suddenly failed, making Wu TacHeaven is also sutra.
Her beautiful face was full of confusion, a little bit of fear and anxiety.
Suppose I said something wrong, touching Co Nguyen against the unicorn.
“This guy, what’s the problem?”
“Mother, where is this person now? I want to see him immediately!”
Gu Yuan waved his sleeve, pressed down on the excitement in his heart, and couldn’t help but raise his voice. He couldn’t wait to confirm it now.
Vo Tac Thien Chu recommended this Bach Khoi, after all, did he know that Bach Khoi! That person who used to stay in the history of the Yancheng area left a prominent account…
Dai Tan Vu An Quan Bach Khoi!
This taste is quantitative, this is too heavy!
The famous A4 Dai Danh General is at the top of the list, and is also classified by the post-humans as the ten philosophe one in the temple of justice and justice! Lifetime experience more than a hundred campaigns, never lost once!
For the sake of Dai Qin, he took over 70 castles!
The most famous battle in that battle, Truong Binh Chi Chien, was directly buried and killed the forty thousand million Zhao Kingdom army, and directly defeated Zhao Quoc. Make Trieu Quoc from here no longer have the same ability to compete with Qin Quoc in the world!
After that, Thuy Hoang Doanh Chinh could make Luc The more than evil, breaking the books that Vu Hai inside, to a certain extent, couldn’t leave Bach Khoi to establish under this eight great days of work!
Not exaggerating at all, in the eyes of the people behind, he is the first respect, nothing more, no less, the military god, and the god of killing! If you can bring this guy’s income under, this is too profitable business!
“This person is now in the Imperial Capital, waiting for the court to arrange, what, Your Majesty now wants to see him?”
Vo Tac Thien still has a little dream.
She also did not know how this name Bai Khoi meant to Gu Yuan.
“Not wrong! Now!”
“Immediatelyput him in the palace!”
Gu Nguyen is like a nail, no doubts are allowed.
. . . . . Shortly. In the palace maiden under the guidance.
A tall man with a tall build came to Gu Yuan in front of him. When he first met the king, he was a little excited and nervous.
“Thao Dan Bach Khoi, I’ve met His Majesty, I’ve seen the Empress Dowager!”
Gu Yuan’s eyes sparkled, the Eye of True Dragon activated, and directly began to check his value.
« identity: Bach Khoi « history of famous generals »! »
« force: 100! »
« intellect: 911 »
« main army: 100! »
« charm: 92! »
« Personality: Cold, determined, decisive! »
« Special ability: Determined to kill and punish! »
« Bach Khoi is a guy who has a strong desire to kill soldiers, when he is in charge, when under the control of an army, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of damage by 50% on the enemy! »
… Gu Yuan’s heart was even more excited. It’s really Bach Khoi!
In history that god-slayer really appeared!
“Didn’t expect the mother to randomly recommend a foreign favorite, of course, it also caused such a big fish!”
“If I didn’t guess wrong, this is also the effect of Yongzhou Ding!”
“Ungzhou Ding is one of those characteristics, that’s possible because I brought a guy from Ungzhou’s realm of martial arts!”
“And in the history of Yongzhou, basically there was a Great Qin, and Bai Qi just came from there!”
Gu Yuan whispered quietly in his heart.
Duong Chau Dinh brought Ngu Co, Ung Chau Dinh brought Bach Khoi.
One in the history of the top-ranked concubine, the other in the history of the top-ranked general. No shame, it’s Nine Ding, it’s really full of cards!
And Bai Khoi’s number value also makes Gu Yuan’s heart flutter.
0 0 points martial value!
In history, Qin Chao was the military duke of the regime, Bach Khoi ruled the status, the other was completely differentIt is step by step from the soldier to kill. It is possible to have such high force value is also very normal.
And his military value is also as high as 100, which is also extremely terrible. After all, in history, the undefeated army god Bach Khoi!
As for his special ability, that’s even more terrifying.
Under the command of soldiers, deal effective damage to the enemy, increasing by 50%! What concept is this?
This meaning, originally could only inflict light wounds on the enemy, now it can cause serious injuries. Originally, it could only inflict serious damage on the enemy, so now it is possible for Nhat Dao to cut the enemy to death!
This can be maximized in the level of increasing the army’s actual combat ability, for the enemy it creates even more destruction in the level of attack! Only slightly contemplating, Gu Yuan opened his mouth in a cold voice.
“Don’t you want to stay here and claim a position?”
“I feel that you are suitable for the army.”
“That’s it, in this army of the Great Gan King Dynasty, the army, the Great Snow Dragon Horse, the Shen Ji Camp, and the De Jing military guard, I will arrange for you a middle-class official. taste.”
“Your mission is, in the shortest possible time, to understand these armies’ details and qualifications.”
“In the near future, if war breaks out, you will be the one who personally appoints a great marshal, commands these armies, and helps me suppress all the rebellion!”
This is also the conspiracy of Gu Yuan!
For Gu Yuan, Bai Khoi’s arrival was too timely! Because Gu Yuan also intends to start stripping the colony.
Which even though it is the application of this kind of favor order, Cao Minh regime.
At the level of stubbornness of those things, the Pan King will definitely not sit and wait for death. The final war is no wayWhich avoids!
In this way, Gu Yuan wants to do all the preparations for the war in advance! Under his hand, there are many famous generals.
However, Wei Huo commanded Tinh Hai Quan, more and more times he wanted to defend against Cu Hanh. Trieu Van is An Tay Dai Do Ho, living in the ancient capital of Tay Phan. These tasks are all very important.
It’s not a matter of helplessness, but Gu Yuan actually didn’t want to summon them. But staying at the famous General Emperor, there was only one Hoang Trung left.
It was enough for Hoang Trung to be a general, but this strain of sitting Tran Quan Trung, plotted the whole thing, carried out the strategy, most of the things signed, he still had a little bit of power to not follow when Bach Khoi appeared, just for him. Gu Yuan a brand new selection!
In history, Bach Khoi had commanded countless times of large-scale wars, which only had so many great battle corps (talented). Moreover, he is extremely knowledgeable in the battle to destroy, no doubt the Grandmaster in the field!
With him, that army of the imperial court will become a nightmare for a while! Under the radio.
Hearing Gu Yuan’s orders, Bai Khoi couldn’t help but widen his eyes. Absolutely unbelievable!
What did he hear?
In the army alternates jobs, familiar with the military situation, the future is even more opportunity to become a military marshal of the King Dynasty? This is Gu Yuan’s arrangement and promise for him!
Happiness comes a little too suddenly! He couldn’t even accept it.
It must be known that he is now just an ordinary white man.
Don’t say what is a great marshal, consider it a mandarin, the other has a different class nature. How dare Gu Yuan give him this kind of treatment?
On the other hand, Wu Zetian is also a bit dreamy. She is also just a muI asked Co Nguyen to arrange a leisurely official position. So how do you directly arrange to become the future Imperial Marshal?
“Your Majesty, I can’t attack, how dare I take on this kind of responsibility?”
Bai Khoi bit his teeth slightly and opened his mouth in a low voice.
He is very worried that this is a kind of exploration for him by Gu Yuan. Co Nguyen laughed haha.
“How, I believe in you, can’t you believe in yourself?”
“Let go of your hands and feet, go to work, go find out!”
“I give you this chance, you can hold it tight!”
Bai Khoi sucked in a deep breath.
I was also aroused by these words of Gu Yuan, full of pride in my heart! He originally had a skeleton Hero.
If Gu Yuan is willing to trust him, willing to use him, willing to train him, then of course he will not back down!
“I swear, I won’t let Your Majesty down!”
“Very good.”
Gu Yuan nodded satisfied.
“Go ahead of the Imperial Army to guard that place and send the news!”
Thank you, Bach Khoi, respectfully leave the main hall. Looking at Bach Khoi separate.
Wu Zetian finally couldn’t help it, softly opened his mouth to ask.
“Your Majesty, you have never examined him, how dare you assign him such an important task 913?”
Gu Nguyen smiled faintly and glanced at Vo Tac Thien.
“Mother, in this regard, when will you see me as wrong?”
Vo Tac Thien was temporarily speechless and could not answer.
Gu Yuan is recruiting talent above the eye light, it’s really too cruel! He personally picked up those people.
Literature like Thuong Uong Pham Lai, martial arts like Ve Thanh Hoac Khuc sick, which is not from a small background, seems to be basically unable to be respected, but can all be in their own position above, showing beyond imagine human talentexhausted?
Right now, if Gu Nguyen is planning to use Bach Khoi, thinking that he has been on Bach Khoi, he can see something predetermined that knows how to reveal special qualities that Vo Tac Thien can’t see, can only himself. Blame me for bad memory!
She flattened her red lips, but did not give up the idea of opening her mouth to ask.
“That His Majesty just mentioned, there may be an outbreak of war in the future, what does this mean?”
“Could it be that Your Majesty wants to initiate something big?”
Co Nguyen nodded.
This is not necessary to deceive Vo Tac Thien.
“That’s right, I intend to strip the colony!”
“I, my brothers and sisters, definitely can’t wait to obediently wait for me to weaken them.”
“War… Sooner or later will come!”
Hearing that, Vo Tac Thien couldn’t help but feel a panic attack in his heart. She looked at Gu Yuan, a little worried.
“Your Majesty, decolonizing this matter, will it be a bit too hasty?”
“Now we are serious about the court, suppressing the family, the situation has just stabilized, should we wait a little longer?”
“Moreover, there was also the year when King Chao Taizu signed an alliance, which was also an insurmountable orange!”
Gu Nguyen smiled mysteriously.
“I naturally have a way to avoid declaring the ancestor’s covenant.”
Wu Zetian immediately asked curiously.
“What measures?”
Gu Yuan smiled slightly.
If it was determined that Wu Zetian could be trusted, then he would no longer have to hide anything. Immediately, it’s straight forward.
“Push the command!”
“Modify each vassal nation to inherit the right of Logic, allow the possession of descendants, inherit the vassal position, and also separate the land!”
Hearing that, Vo Tac Thien was a bit stunned.
Then a pair of beautiful eyes inside, it was the explosion that gave off an extremely terrifying look.
In the eyes of the common people over there, pushing the favor is probably just a verynormal policy. But in Wu Zetian, this kind of power is in the eyes of a master.
This policy… Also too cunning!
It can be said that it is directly plugged into the threat of the Marquis Kingdom! Let her think only of praise!
For a moment, she looked at Gu Yuan with more respect.
To be able to come up with this kind of strategy to deal with Pan King, Gu Yuan’s politics and water peace, can be said to be shocking and disgusting! This is far from being comparable to Wu Zetian!
At this moment, she is just in luck. Also good yourself have no impulses!
Indeed, if she opened the carriage with Gu Yuan and competed in the imperial court, she would be the political Grandmaster of this kind Gu Yuan, who would feed her scum without leaving a single trace.
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!
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