
A miserable green spiritual pressure beam of light soared into the sky! !

Accompanied by the huge demon wings that gradually spread behind Ulquiorra! And the 'virtual' hole that appeared in the middle of my heart.

A terrifying coercion that was so terrifying that all the creatures present almost stopped thinking, swept the audience with a bang!


Advance the city.

"Is it finally coming? Madara!"

The third avatar, Senju Hasuma excitedly looked at Madara Uchiha who stood up silently in front of him, and asked loudly.

"Ah, it's finally achieved, Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eyes!" In this way, Qianshou Zhujian replied.

Madara Uchiha's face also showed a touch of excitement with the operation of the intelligent system.

Then under the gaze of Qianshouzhuma.

Uchiha Madara's eyes that were as black as ink at that moment suddenly turned into a blood-red color! The pitch-black pupils instantly turned into three gouyu that swirled in Uchiha Madara's eyes, but there was no tendency to stop. Instead, they turned faster and faster!

"It can be used, the divine power given by the master!"


Cocoa West Village.

After a busy day, Liu Ye, whose legs were so tired, finally caught the lonely Bit!


Liu Ye tugged at Bit's tie with a smile on his face, but his teeth were clenched together, and he made a fierce voice: "You fat fat man will really make trouble for me!"

"Haha, Liu Ye, you are really joking." But Bit didn't care at all, but felt that Liu Ye was shy: "You don't need to thank me too much, this is exactly what I should do! After all, you saved my life! "

"Ah, right? If I had known I would have let you die under the fruit hunter's hands."

"Haha, don't make trouble, little brother Liu Ye, you can joke more than before." Bit giggled: "Look, the village of Coco Yaxi Village will soon become famous in the East China Sea because of you! I am confident that within three years , Make Cocoa West Village the most famous orange producing area in the East China Sea! The entire East China Sea, no, all the nobles in the whole world will be proud to eat the oranges from Cocoa West Village!"

Chapter 46 Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes Achieved!!

For a moment, Liu Ye really wanted to send a 100 million volt discharge to turn this fat man who felt good about himself into coke!

But fortunately, Bellmer's timely appearance finally restored Liu Ye's sanity that he almost lost control.

"Liu Ye, what are you doing?" Looking at Liu Ye, who was holding Bit by the collar and smiling.

Bellmer, who had just researched the specific starting location with the people in the village, asked strangely, "You can't be rude to Bit~! Now he is our whole family, no, the big benefactor of the whole village!"

"Where, this is what I should do." Bit immediately waved his hands humbly: "Compared to Liu Ye's kindness, what is my little help? It's just a mere 50 million Berry ' Well, not worth mentioning at all."

That being said, I deliberately put emphasis on the number '50 million bery'.

The expression on his face was also a sullen look. He was obviously very proud of himself for being able to shell out the astonishing figure of fifty million bery!

"What are you talking about, I really don't know how Liu Ye can be attracted to you, he is obviously a very naughty child.

"Haha, it's really nothing~" Bit.

"No no no, you are really amazing." Bermel.

"What's so great about this, it's Liu Ye that reassures me."

"Liu Ye is just a child. Thank you very much for your support to Cocoyashi Village."

"Where is it~"



Willow leaves on the forehead of tic tac toe.


In short, no matter what Liu Ye thinks about Bit.

Bit's investment in Cocoyasi Village is indeed a feat that can change the lives of all the villagers in the entire Cocoyasi Village!

Once a large-scale fruit plantation can be built in Cocoa West Village.

Then all the villagers in the entire Cocoyasi Village will be able to become fruit farmers who can get high salaries by working in the village. Not only that, the fruit trade brought about by the fruits produced in the orchard will also greatly improve the economic situation of Cocoa West Village.

A plantation changed the lives of hundreds of village names in the entire Cocoa West Village. The entire village will benefit from the establishment of the plantation.

In this case, even if Liu Ye's heart is unhappy, it is impossible to stop Bit's investment just for his own convenience.

Not to mention that Bellmer will be able to solve the economic troubles with this, just to improve the economic situation of those simple and honest villagers is something Liu Ye cannot destroy in any way.

Although the time in this world is not very long.

But after more than five years of getting along, Liu Ye did get a family love from Belmer that could never be repaid in his life. There are also the villagers in Cocoyasi Village, who also provided a place to stay and a lot of help for Liu Ye, who was very embarrassed when he first came to this world, and the 'family' that Liu Ye valued; The orange grove in Er, and even the wooden house and furniture where Liu Ye lives now, are all funded by the villagers.

Liu Ye didn't want to help them improve their lives. Now that they have a chance to live a better life, if Liu Ye wants to destroy them, it would be too unhuman.

Therefore, although it is full of complaints and reluctance, Liu Ye is not opposed to the establishment of the ecological fruit garden.

It's good that he has power, but when it comes to doing business and bringing lasting changes to Cocoa West Village, he really may not be able to do better than the profiteer Matt Butet.

Don't you see that the savings of a lifetime as strong as Whitebeard are just to maintain the wealth of his hometown? Compared with white beard, which is just a way to give people a fish, the way to invest in places like Bit and build sustainable planting bases is the way to teach people how to fish that can truly lift people out of poverty!

In addition to the reason that Bit can occupy Liuye's time in the early stage of construction, when the planting base is on the right track and Liuye no longer needs to continue to follow up, Liuye will naturally be able to get out.

Chapter 47 Another new month!!

Fortunately, the appearance of Bit is not without consolation for Liu Ye.

At least, thanks to Bit's praise, Liu Ye has now finally transformed from a loafing gangster in the Bellemel family to a promising young man who is "friends" with the big businessman Bit.

In the past, Liu Ye walked to the street and was greeted with scrutiny eyes. Even those children who looked the same age as Liu Ye, although they couldn't beat Liu Ye, they always looked down on Liu Ye, thinking that Liu Ye was a wild child who didn't deserve to play with them.

It is different now. The adults are full of praise for Liu Ye, and the children are no longer as hostile to Liu Ye as before. Facing Liu Ye's passing, they will greet Liu Ye in a twisted manner. Even Nami and Nokigao were willing to play with them.

Liu Ye, who returned home, is even more admired by Nuo Qigao and Nami. The two little guys pester Liu Ye to tell him the story between him and Bit when they are free, even if Liu Ye repeats it a hundred times He and Bit have no story at all. Bit is a brain-dead and insane, and the two little guys don't believe it at all. Instead, they look at him with more admiration.

Liu Ye, who was tired all day, could only swallow his dinner dryly under the adoring eyes of Nuoqigao and Nami, and silently returned to the bedroom to watch the system panel recover.

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