Greece to roman road

Chapter 219 Accident

When the mind is relaxed, the human body will inevitably feel sleepy.

At six o'clock on the Aegean Sea, heavy fog filled the air, and the rich moisture had already soaked Sergeant Hrum's uniform.

Standing on the highest post on the ship, the strong sea breeze blew against me, making my whole body feel chilly and making me shiver.

If he hadn't felt the cool breeze blowing in all over his body, Hrum would have definitely fallen asleep on the towering lookout post.

"Have you noticed anything?" The voice of Captain Chris suddenly came from the microphone.

Captain Chris, who was a little worried about the battle situation, woke up from his sleep early in the morning.

During the trip the day before yesterday, Captain Chris learned that due to the delay in the Ottoman Navy's departure, Kontoriotis sent a message to the Ottoman fleet after capturing Tenedos Island on October 28. A provocative and clear telegram: "We have occupied Tenados and are waiting for your departure. If you need escort, we can assist you."

The Greek navy sent such an insulting telegram, and the Ottoman navy would not be willing to tolerate it if it still had a trace of blood and fighting spirit.

The two destroyer formations are approaching for reconnaissance along the Ottoman coast and are likely to encounter the Ottoman main fleet.

The sudden appearance of the captain's voice made Sergeant Hrum perk up and shiver.

"Sir, the lookout post found nothing," Hrum replied into the microphone while patrolling the sea.

The surroundings were foggy, and the visibility was only about 1,000 yards. There was indeed nothing abnormal in the field of vision, which calmed down Staff Sergeant Hrum's rapidly beating heart.

Although the colonel was startled and he answered without much thought, he was not mistaken. He did not see anything on the sea.

"We are now very close to the Ottoman Dardanelles Strait. There is a possibility of encountering Ottoman warships at any time. Open your eyes and keep a close eye. Do you understand?" said the voice in the microphone.

"Yes, Captain" Hrum responded loudly, then braced himself and continued to monitor the situation on the sea.

He didn't want to cause the fleet to miss the opportunity to destroy the damn Ottomans because of his negligence.

However, the thick mist still blocked the sea surface tightly, and everything was quiet. Then he relaxed a little, yawned lazily, and then raised his right hand to rub his eyes that could barely open.

The moment he raised his head, his eyes swept across the sea, and he suddenly noticed a black smoke rising from the sea to the right of the Xianlin and floating in the air.

"Ship spotted, sir" Staff Sergeant Hrum shouted into the microphone.

The black smoke on the sea is the trace of the ship.

At this time, ships basically used coal as power. When sailing on the sea, the black smoke rising from the ship's chimney was the best marker to search for the ship.

As a strictly trained scout, Hrum would never be wrong.

"Black smoke was found on the right side, sir, it is suspected that an Ottoman warship was found." Hrum put his mouth close to the microphone and repeated loudly again, while his eyes were fixed on the black smoke on the sea.

The Xinlin immediately sounded a shrill battle alarm, and at the same time, through the searchlight, it alerted the friendly ship Ramdo that the enemy had been discovered.

Just thirty seconds later, the two destroyers accelerated to an ultra-high speed of 25 knots, changed course, and headed towards the direction of the smoke.

More than ten minutes later, a ship appeared in front of the two destroyers, with the flag of the Ottoman Empire flying high on the mast, heading from north to south towards the Dardanelles Strait.

On the deck of the Xinlin, Captain Chris, holding a telescope in his hand, couldn't help feeling disappointed when he saw that the ship that appeared in the telescope was not the expected Ottoman warship, but just a civilian ship transporting goods.

However, the crew members who were also standing on the deck were indeed waving their arms with joy and cheering loudly.

The reason is simple. Greek naval regulations follow the British naval tradition. According to the regulations, enemy ships captured by the navy at sea, as well as the property on the enemy ships, belong to the navy crew members involved.

In other words, this Ottoman ship and the cargo carried on it now belong to the crews of the two destroyers.

This naval regulation is mainly to boost the morale of naval soldiers and use naked wealth to encourage soldiers to fight bravely despite danger.

Judging from the course of this Ottoman ship, it should be returning from Macedonia to Asia Minor. There must be many Ottoman dignitaries on board such a ship.

And when these dignitaries hurriedly retreated from Macedonia to Asia Minor, they would definitely take a lot of money with them.

Since the beginning of the war, the Ottoman Empire has faced a severe situation with three sides of the Balkan Alliance. The war situation is not optimistic and it is very likely that Macedonia will be lost.

Therefore, the Ottoman bureaucracy and wealthy people in Macedonia naturally wanted to bring the huge wealth collected over hundreds of years back to the safety of Asia Minor.

The Xianlin continuously sent clear telegrams and light signals to the Ottoman ships, requesting them to stop for inspection by the Greek Navy.

After this, the ship not only did not stop, but also accelerated to escape. The original speed of only 7 knots increased to about 11 knots.

Captain Chris had no choice but to order a bombardment and at the same time sent a telegram threatening that if he continued to escape after ten minutes, the warship would directly fire and sink the ship.


The two guns on the destroyer's bow opened fire, exploding at the Ottoman ship and sending two columns of water rising around it.

The Greek crew members were lying on the railing of the ship, looking at their trophies with joy on their faces, shouting excitedly, this is not a ship, this is clearly a pile of drachmae.

The ship was forced to stop slowly under the threat of death.

Sergeant Hrum on the lookout post was also happily lying on the railing, looking down at the frightened Ottomans on the opposite boat, and whistling constantly.

At the same time, he was thinking that if he discovered this Ottoman ship and made great contributions, he would definitely be commended by the captain and receive a generous reward.

He casually adjusted the navy hat on his head and glanced casually towards the sea. Due to the discovery of the ship at this time, the sky was already bright. On the eastern sea, the sky had been rendered red by the morning glow, and the visibility on the sea had increased. A lot.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw black smoke billowing extremely conspicuously on the sea surface in the southeast direction, and the thick smoke was divided into several strands.

Looking at the posture of the black smoke, it is clear that it is a sign of a fleet!

"An enemy fleet is suspected to have been discovered." Staff Sergeant Hrum shouted loudly to the deck. He ignored the microphone and shouted directly to the captain on the deck.

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