Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 121: The game between commander and commander

"White Wolf! I use bow and arrow as support! Then listen to my orders to cooperate!"

"No problem! Feel free to be dispatched!"

"Then it's the effect of this arrow! Go!"

After giving orders to the White Wolf, Yun immediately fired a cloud-piercing arrow directly above him, and then focused on sniping this big guy...


It didn't take long for this wide range of long-screaming arrows to rush into the sky with the halo of sword skills, as if breaking through the clouds.

(This is!!! The assault signal of the three hundred generals in the cloud! That is to say...x2)

"The whole army obeys! Annihilate our enemies! Leave none! Charge!! x2"

After understanding this previously stated reminder, the'Pighead Overlord' and the'General Pighead' smiled completely, and then ordered all the surviving Pighead soldiers to start fighting back against the last remnant defeated general, as if they were like a broken sword. The momentum ends the lives of these'ghost bear' warriors...

(OK! I have already noticed my signal over there! Next is here!)

"Let's test its defense and speed first! Go!"

After using the clairvoyance and the heart's eye to confirm that the pigheads started the sweeping war, Yun immediately set a bow at the leader of the "Ghost Bear" who was still some distance away, and launched a wide-ranging group attack, even with an increase in magic. The sword skills of penetration and destructive power are used as the first attack.


Countless arrows with fiery red sword skills and halo like heavy rain, attacked it frantically like an attack without a dead angle.

(Interesting! But... It’s just that I can’t break my "shield" at this level)

I saw that this ‘ghost bear’ leader didn’t plan to hide at all, wrapped in that layer of energy film, and continued to rush towards the cloud’s attack along the shortest principle of the straight line!

(O~O? Don’t you plan to hide? It seems to be quite confident in that defensive magic!)

"Interesting! Then try to see if the principle can work against its pride!"

I didn't plan to hide when I saw the other party! Yun smiled like a wicked smile, and once again set up a bow and fired on it continuously with incomparable precision!

‘Ding Ding~Dangdang, bang bang~ bang bang! ’

As the leader of the "Ghost Bear" and the arrows touched each other, the arrows hitting the magic film were easily broken like fragile branches, while the surrounding field was relentlessly bombarded with flying fragments, which was like a rain of bullets. The appearance of for a time makes people feel excited.

(Is it really weak? x2)

Seeing that this wide-ranging group attacking sword skill was as fragile as expected, Yun and the leader of the "Ghost Bear" couldn't help but complain in their hearts at the same time.

(But... the next step is different! Are you ready to be enlightened? Leader of the "Ghost Bear" clan?)

But seeing that the attack didn't work, Yun didn't feel discouraged. On the contrary, he smirked like being satisfied with the effect.

(Are there any more? It's just like being a car with a praying mantle arm...hmm~hmm?)


But just when the leader of the "Ghost Bear" was still satisfied with the incomparable hardness of his magic, the loud noise like broken and the slight abrasion and pain from his body made him subconsciously start to be full of abnormal magical powers. Sniping in one of his own places, in the burst shot that led to the collapse of the defensive magic, subconsciously followed instinct and tried his best to avoid it.

(Good risk... The one just now is... a little concentration! The defensive magic covering a wide area finally collapsed after being unable to withstand continuous attacks of a certain intensity? Terrible guy! At first, it made me proud of being boiled in warm water like a frog. At that time, and then at the critical moment, will you blow my head like it has been deliberate for a long time?)

"It looks like...I was underestimating the opponent's sniper. He is very clear-headed. He not only knows to strike my army in time, but also sees through the racial traits of our strengths but also weaknesses in a short time! This person is not! Sniping at the orders of others, but attacking us with self-consciousness!"

"This awesome sense of danger and presence...I understand! The opponent's entire combat ability, smooth movements and retreat methods, coupled with the insight ability that absolutely penetrates the entire battlefield, is indeed the only archer. I can do it! If you guessed it correctly! He is the commander-in-chief of this battle! This comprehensive ability... is simply a monster-like existence..."

With the previously obtained information about the entire battle, plus the flexibility of changing combat methods anytime and anywhere, and other things, this ‘ghost bear’ leader finally understood who the core character of the battle was! Although it didn't want to admit that there would be such a terrifying commander, the sense of crisis of life and death at that moment made it fully realized.

(O~O? The feeling of the whole person has completely changed! And the arrogance just disappeared suddenly! Mobility, dodge consciousness and the method of using the terrain to avoid my attack, that's it! The other party seems to understand that I am not an ordinary archer Up!)

"This is a headache! I think that by creating some attack methods that let it relax its vigilance, it can end its life again or the next and then end this battle...Look It's going to be more difficult!"

Then through the exploration of sword skills, that timely change! The expression of expression, eyes, movement flexibility and consciousness have already made Yun understand that the leader of the'Ghost Bear' has forgotten the anger and arrogance, but seriously wants to kill Yun himself for purpose, and then Wei Wei He shook his head.

(So... From the very beginning, the Yunsan Hundred Generals have been sniping at the opponent, and then they always seem to be thinking about something! Now it's better to start talking to themselves... Some do not understand these commanders with heads What the **** did the staff do! It looks like a headache that makes people go crazy again)

"Yun three hundred generals? Is it time for some shadow warrior of you and me to take action?"

Seeing Yunna's appearance like a serious but nonsense convulsion, watching the giant white wolf approaching a little cautiously, he asked him with some difficulty, after all, the other party will come inside this mountainous area if he doesn't take any action. , It is anxiously urged because it is afraid that the opponent will come in and will not be able to fight well.

"Don't be nervous! White Wolf! It's not time to show the ambush and hole cards! If it is, it is likely that before entering our open mountainous area, it will subconsciously stop and hide behind the obstacles to observe. Here! After all, we are inviting it to this opponent for a decisive battle. If it is now in a calm-headed situation, it will not easily enter the home ground of this long-planned enemy! Believe me!"

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