Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 139: A certain information exchange between the goddess Yun and Yui

"Am I very unpopular with your people?"

Although he hasn't gotten used to turning into a truce, even the leader of the "Ghost Bear" has been stared at by these thousands of pairs of eyes, and his scalp is numb! This is the first time I have been stared at this look!

"Well~Well! After all, you and your clansmen were planning to exterminate us just now, and their attitude will not be so good for you this minute!"

"Yes! It's helpless!"

Hearing the fearful words of the leader of the'Ghost Bear', the'General Pighead' and the'Pighead Overlord' felt slightly fresh. After all, they were not afraid to say that these low-level races are just the weak. This Minutes was a little afraid of them, the weak ones getting up.

"Here! The same! The full banquet! Then don't bother us if you have nothing to do!"

"Understand! Overlord! xN"

After being ordered by the Pighead Overlord, these guarded Pighead warriors let the'Ghost Bear' leader enter the inner palace, and the seats that had not been cleaned up before are still there, but now they have added a larger hay and The pile of fur was given to the leader of the'Ghost Bear' to sit and negotiate.

"Then I will briefly explain the future goddess of the pig head human race and its magic to the leader of the "Ghost Bear" who did not participate in the last meeting. The White Wolf and the Overlord will have a rest first!"

"Yes! Three hundred generals in the cloud! x3"

After receiving Yun’s order, the three first started to eat and rest, and Yun made a long story short to explain the results of the previous talks and some relevant information to the leader of the ‘Ghost Bear’...

"That's it! So the goddess of our family is indeed different, but the appearance is the same as the portrait in the hands of the Yunsanbairenjiang, but there is a subtle difference!"

After understanding the information about the Yui goddess and the future goddess on the side of the cloud, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" nodded slightly and answered the cloud.

(Sure enough?)

"Then you understand! Next, let the white wolf introduce the goddess it saw!"

"No problem! Let me continue!"

After reconfirming a certain situation, Yun asked the white wolf in the original planned order to explain the story of himself and the goddess, but at this moment, the cloud came to communicate!

(Hey~Hey! Is it the cloud?)

(Goddess Yui? What brings you here again? I haven't finished the investigation yet? Is it possible that you already have some eyebrows on your side?)

"Everyone, take a break! I have something to deal with first!"

"Okay! Three hundred people in Yun will be busy first! Let's eat something before letting the white wolf say!"

After hearing the cloud suddenly stop, the "Pighead Overlord" nodded their heads as if they understood, and started to chat with each other slightly while eating meat and drinking.

(It’s like this! During your absence recently... a lot of things have happened in the starting town and the second floor, but you don’t have to worry about being with me and others, but you have to answer me first if you have some information. Come on! Have you confirmed how many goddesses are involved in your affairs?)

The voice of the goddess Yui was very low, which proved that there should be some problems there, so she came to the cloud to consult the information.

(So ​​far, it can be said that there are 3, and one of them is clearly the goddess of concentration-Miku Yui! The other 2 require me to inquire from the other two races who know the information. After all, something interrupted in the middle. Now, I only know so much!)

(And about the magic scroll sample text left by the goddess Yui Mirai, I have sent it to you by mail, and I will ask you to check it out at that time, over there...Is it okay now?)

After knowing that there was a bottleneck that needed this information on the goddess Yui, Yun honestly confessed the results he had obtained and the magic scrolls obtained and handed them to the goddess Yui, and finally couldn't help asking, ‘how are you? ’The words...

(It’s okay. I also encountered the intervention of another Yui goddess, my sister. Although it was a little troublesome, thank you for the reference materials you gave me. Keep busy with your affairs! I won’t bother you! Remember to finish the solution. You need to report to me as soon as possible on the matter over there, and... remember to go to Milan! Don’t forget it!)

And before Yun had any reply, Yui goddess took the initiative to hang up the private chat, making Yun a little worried.

(I didn't expect another Yui goddess to appear there? It seems that this trip is really difficult for the future! If it weren't for Yui goddess to remind me that I have forgotten to go to Milan!)

"I wish Yui goddess martial arts prosperous, although I know you can hear it!"

After confirming that the matter was more complicated, Yun slightly prayed to the Yui goddess, and then went back to the way of the talk.

"Aha~hahaha! That's it! You were actually driven out by other countries! That's really a bit miserable!"

"Yeah! We are not like you to survive, and we did so by our pighead human race who were still immersed in primitive instincts before, but... it's a pity that I think of it now..."

"Uh~hhhhhh! I feel the same After all, this big forest in the past was also a lot of races. Everyone agreed with each other in three chapters. It has always been lively and lively... But even now it’s too late to regret. , Might as well be presented in the hands of three hundred generals borrowed from the cloud, we will be more practical to rebuild this great forest! And I still have to look for my own white wolf tribe!"

And on the way back to Yun, the three representatives of the races here are now happily rejoicing as if they have been decimated. They are completely gone for the whole day before only knowing revenge and fighting and killing. For a while, Yun can't help but be overwhelmed. Join with a smile...

"Then your first step is to let go of the hatred between the races and explain what you know together, and then I will help you build a bridge of communication! This is also the important purpose of my coming!"

Just when they heard that they were getting to know each other a little bit, Yun smiled and returned to the topic, and together he clarified how many Yui goddess had interfered here!

"Since the protagonist's three hundred people are coming back! Then I should be more confessed! In fact, as everyone knows before, my tribe and I were attacked by the pig head tribe, which caused me and the tribe to disperse to the end. Fell into the hands of the pig heads and imprisoned under the arena..."

"And after several days of hunger and almost dying one night, I met the goddess who gave me the power..."

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