Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 147: Your choice starts from 1 and only YES! Understand?

"That's right! But after all, everyone is happy to get along for a long time! I don't want to touch these unnecessary thoughts!"

Although the leader of the "Ghost Bear" also understands the nature of his tribe, he is not to such a degree that he tears his skin and then uses force to make the other party succumb to the level of making him a bit nostalgic to declare to his tribe.

"The leader! Don't be kind to women! Since the leader doesn't want to move with the people in the forest, we only need to attack the ‘pighead’ clan, can’t we?"

"Yes! You can also get rid of the forest race without hurting everyone's peace of the forest race! It's a good way!"

"This is good! xN"

For a time, the internal control of the weak and small peoples changed to the expulsion of the ‘pighead people’, and the entire ‘ghost bear’ group tended to work together to deal with the proposals of the ‘pighead people’.

(Although it's good, there are some things wrong...)

"Hey~hey! You guys have a chat here first! I'll go for a walk and then think about it calmly..."

"Eh~ Eh! Chief! Chief!!!"

However, the leader of the “Ghost Bear” who was a bit confused by the pigheads and the meeting results was unsatisfactory, and when he came back, he had to be influenced by his own people. The leader of the “Ghost Bear”, who felt a little confused, dropped these words and walked alone in the deep forest... …

"Today's night breeze is very good... But this conquest blood left by the ancestors... But it can't stop boiling! Although there is reason, sometimes it can't control its agitation..."

"What to do...I want to destroy the pigheads of the foreign race, but also want to follow the domineering blood left by the ancestors to conquer and win everything in this world! I am really a contradictory existence!"

And the leader of the'Ghost Bear' was a little overwhelmed with his huge fist, pressing on that restless heart position, he could feel the desire to fight and torture the weak old customs, and still tortured his mind and body after having a rational mind. , Let him sigh slightly...

"Kuku~Kuku! What's wrong with following your own instincts? Sometimes the strength of your instincts can also determine your own value in the face of life and death. You see how you stand up! Why not be afraid and Reject what you think in your heart?"

As a violent wind swept through, a beautiful girl covered in gold suddenly appeared in front of it, and the silent feeling made the leader of the'Ghost Bear' subconsciously flee her side with alert!

(When did you start wandering around me! Such a mysterious little human girl is definitely not a waiter!)

"Who are you? Why do you appear before my eyes?"

Looking at this luxurious woman who seemed to appear out of thin air, the leader of the "Ghost Bear" felt inexplicably fearful of it. It was a kind of instinctive fear. Instinct warned it not to anger the other party! Otherwise, it will be the same as yourself...

"Ah~haha! Why be so wary of me! If I wanted to kill you, I only need to do this lightly! You would have been dead on the spot!

As a luxurious girl, she just raised her hand gently, and then rubbed the white jade finger. Then the huge wood next to the leader of the'Ghost Bear' was suddenly pierced by countless stone spears that were raised from the ground. Shattered like a hornet's nest and turned into dregs!

(What is that... just now? Could it be some special power?)

Just in the blink of an eye, the hard old tree that was over ten thousand years bigger than him was so lightly destroyed, the leader of the'Ghost Bear' knew that the luxurious woman in front of him was already overwhelmed. Almost it is within the scope of recognition!

Its whole body was terrified by this inexplicable strength, and it swallowed subconsciously, but it felt as uncomfortable as being stuck in the throat with such an action.

"Ha~Haha! Just now you saw that the destructive ability I used between my fingers is called magic! It may sound a little illusory! But you should also see the power of this ability? Then I will go straight to the subject!"

"The contradictory instinct in your body is full of fatal temptation to me. Can you be loyal to me and become a first-class missionary! Give me the goddess your strong power of greed! "

The smug smile that makes people scary, looks like countless treacherous merchants who read the goods, it is almost like the big golden eyes of gold with double lids, revealing the locked eyes of a super profitable goods in the photo, and then it is like walking in the air. Come to the leader of the'Ghost Bear' to make a proposal.

(Instinct? Greed? Magic? Even claiming to be a goddess? Instilling so many incomprehensible things into me at once, I can't think and answer!)

"That power called magic is very powerful...but I don't know what you mean by goddesses and missionaries! Don't joke, let me go, the low-level creature that wanders around at night!"

With the instinctive reminder of the "Ghost Bear" leader, he tactfully declined the self-proclaimed goddess, and then moved to the side as if subconsciously fleeing from time to time!

‘Kang~哐~哐, brush~ Lala’


But countless stone spears penetrated its two big feet It almost screamed and covered his mouth with his hands, and then turned his face to look at the goddess again. The face of an adult.

"Just kidding? Do you think I'm joking with you? And you haven't figured out that there is no third option now? Big round head?"

There was a fierce gleam in the sharp eyes. From the beginning, the goddess did not ask for its opinion, but forced to show that he has the strength, and the fact that there was no NO option since meeting her. Happening. As if he understood something, he shook his head.

"Really obedient! Just understand! So are you thinking about it? YES? Or NO?"

And when he talked about NO, his eyes were full of murderous intent. The leader of the'Ghost Bear' also saw this murderous and unreasonable **** like a solipsist for the first time, even though he never believed it. And knew the existence of gods...

"YES! Isn't YES OK?"

The leader of the "Ghost Bear" who was in danger of his life nodded to him like tears! For fear of displeasing this monster-like existence, his own life was as inexplicably dead as the trees next to him!

"Ha~Haha! That's right! I knew you would obediently agree! After all, you are an obedient little pet~ Well!"

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