Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 157: Other people's determination and Yun's decision

Seeing the little guys knowing their intentions, Yun looked at the little guys with a smirk, making Silica and the others feel a tingling scalp...

"Could it be... let us go to actual combat training on a whim?"


After seeing the appearance of Yun, Silica, who had bad memories, shivered first, then swallowed and looked at Yun.

"Of course! But! Once again, I'm going to stumble upon you, and then complete the goal together! The two-person team with no or least gains! Ha~ Ha! No lunch or dinner!"

"Devil~ ah ah~ ah... xN"

After screaming from the troop carrier, they stayed in a forest and started the task of capturing animals under the interference of clouds...

"Ha...Ha...So! Brother Yun, you never said that you can force others to prey... Those rabbits were caught alive by us!"

"Yes, Master! And those pheasants and little wild boars! Woo~Woo... you are so unfair!"

What’s interesting is that Silica and Lisbet’s group originally wanted to use a small but large number of living creatures to avoid falling behind as much as possible. As a result, it was even more hateful that they took their hands from the two. After robbing the fruits of their labor, the two little guys stomped their feet in protest.

"Kuku~Kuku! Did you forget? I told you from the beginning that you must do things by no means! There is no stipulation on the level of the bottom line! If you are escorting military rations on the battlefield!"

"Your two food transport teams were looted directly by the enemy! No defense at all, remember'the soldiers are tricky, the soldiers are not tired of deceit'! I'll go first! Finally, I have to give you some good food! Nothing! I thought that someone would be forbidden to eat so soon! Aw~hoo! Bye bye!"

As a result, Yun accidentally used the space ring between the two to contain these living creatures in the small world, leaving the two little guys who did not see how he did it, only to watch him quickly run away along the trees. ...

"Woo~ woo... This time the training actually added the art of war and strategy... It is more difficult than the pure combat skills of the last time! Every time Brother Yun is like this, we will be a little bit unable to keep up... I hate this. It’s only a short distance but it feels like far away...Are we starting to fall a long way behind Brother Yun! Liz sauce..."

"Yeah... I feel that we didn't come in handy in the several battles this time, and the master seems to be a little anxious today, right? Not only that, but we are also anxious ourselves!"

Seeing the figure going away, Silica lowered her head slightly, and then tightly grasped Lisbeth's arm and asked. Lisbeth, who felt the same way, also showed a somewhat unwilling expression, and felt that they were clearly in her heart. I want to lighten the burden on Yun, but I can only stare at the side...

"Magic, huge body, and a race with stronger physical abilities...These are the things Brother Yun is facing now. Since the decisive battle with the pig head army, Brother Yun has been scarred to stop him again and again. In the end, he continued to accumulate experience and remodeled his body rapidly..."

"Ahhhhh! Now we may still be in the starting town, the situation where we only had sword skills and did not fully encounter the outside world and the outsiders, obviously we are still a little restless!"

"Then we also have to become stronger to help Master Yun, in a true sense to share some burdens and pain! x2"

After awakening again, Silica and Lisbeth held up the weapons in their hands and ran back to the forest again to hunt again! After all, if you can't even do this, then there is nothing to talk about becoming stronger!

(How can you hear me? Love the sauce!)

(Eh~ Eh! Hear it very clearly! I'm in charge!)

After leaving the group of Silica and others, Yun was looking for the next group of personnel, while trying to use the "sorcerer's stone" he later researched on the communication magic related to civilization, and used the "sorcerer's stone" as the energy medium to affect the internal The beast mother he loved communicated.

(This time I absorbed a lot of land, plants, plus the animals and spring water that I just got in, how is the internal change now! I love sauce!)

( **** you don’t come back to visit people! Just know that you care about this! Don’t worry! It has an area several times larger than before, and there are farms, ranches, fisheries and other things built, but the manpower is not enough. It's a bitter injury! Fortunately, you and I have a few cute little guys, and a few pighead couples who were moved in before!)

(Otherwise, the head of the house will exhaust your favorite Aichan! But... you really don’t want to tell the children that your real father is still alive?)

Hearing what Yun said about Ai Jiang, he asked like a little complaint.

(Still not anymore! I am an incompetent father, so I can only let them accompany Ai-chan like coolies, but if they are to be indicated to the battlefield in the future, I will call them mercilessly! Knowing that I am their father, they will now love the sauce more and will no longer have confusion and obsessions other than you in the battle!)

(Finally... Is there no way to avoid war completely? Master... I really don’t want to see children on the battlefield... Such a place is resigned to Even who will die next second? I don’t know...)

Hearing what her favorite husband said, Ai Chan asked Yun in a slightly depressed mood.

(Ah~Ah! There is indeed no way to avoid it completely...but there is still me! They are just the last hope! They are the seeds of connecting to the future, I will not move the cornerstone of the future without a last resort! Love sauce makes you worry !)

(It’s okay... Ever since I came out of my tribe to follow you voluntarily, everything is naturally dependent on you! You are everything to me, and the children are also our treasures!)

(That's good! When I come back, I will gather together with the children. Although I use the identity of the three hundred generals who guard their peaceful lives, I can also be regarded as their guardian and guardian in a sense! It's just that! I can’t show my father’s identity!)

(Hmm~Hmm! People are waiting for you to come back!)

After the conversation with Ai-chan, Yun Wei sighed slightly.

"If this other world is not causing war for selfish interests! The children may be happier! But now I am the only one who will be the "symbol of peace" in the starting town and other allies, and the "spiritual support" to protect everyone ', so that the children and everyone can grow up in this different world safely!"

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