Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 262: The absolute gap between 0 people and 0 people

But it's a pity that this black-haired one-armed elder brother was still holding the epee with strength, and he never changed his position by his attack from beginning to end.

After swiping a blast in the direction of Wu, Wu was forced to retreat for about a few steps.

"You... don't move, okay? After all, you are a girl, if it weren't cut to death with a single sword! The endless pain and mental torture in the back would be a bit too cruel for you!"

Looking at Wu after these few fast breaks, he still had no intention of retreating, the black-haired one-armed elder brother shook his head and sighed in warning.

(It's as if you will let me go if I don't move. In the end, you will not kill me!)

"Big brother annoying! Huh~huh! (︶^︶

"Swipe~brush~brush, da~ da~ da"

Hearing this kind of excessive machismo and some words that discriminate against women on the battlefield, Wu's impression of this cold one-armed elder brother has been lowered, so after a sudden advance, he waved his spear again It attacked.

(What a girl who doesn't listen to advice! Then go on the road!)

Seeing the dance that once again struck him with a spear, the one-armed brother's eyes gradually became colder.


('Reopen the mountain'!)

After the opponent took a deep breath without rushing, accompanied by a sudden huge pressure, his imagination in Wu's eyes suddenly became blurred and dark, and once wrapped with scarlet sword skills, it was like lightning. The light of the knife that followed it flashed past her like a sudden drop.

"Swipe~ la, bang~ bang, sizzle~ sizzle"

(What? How could my left shoulder...)

And Wu’s little fragrant shoulders and its own light leather armor were torn, scratched and cut off a large area of ​​half of the epidermis in an instant, and the large amount of blood flowed along the white jade arm to the ground. Above, she didn't know how she got hit so far!

"Woo~ woo... uh~ uh..."

And Wu, who subconsciously covered the wound with his hand, turned painful tears, and even closed one eye slightly and gritted his teeth, looking at this one-armed big brother who said he would do it without hesitation, get up.

"O~O? Have you avoided it? Although it is a single-shot speed sword skill intended to kill in one move, you did not expect you to avoid my two-sword attack under your subconscious instinct!"

"You really have a strength close to a thousand generals, but there are still many aspects that are slightly too tender! If you go down with a sword, it may hurt, but now it is uncomfortable! It's okay! Next time I will try my best not to let you Dodge!"

The slightly moved one-armed big brother, looking at Wu's subconsciously evasive action just now, he already understands that although Wu currently doesn't know what's going on, her body is passively avoiding his attack because of the long-term life and death practice reaction. Get up, it proves that Wu's hardware abilities have been reached, and other body organs are left to adapt and catch up with the instinctive speed.

('s a pity that if we weren't enemies, we might not be on opposite sides! more~no! Chopping the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze will blow again!)

That's why the one-armed big brother felt that the idea of ​​having to end the troubles became more and more ingrained. Although she was only close to her strength at the beginning, after this sword, he completely abandoned the other party's identity as a girl. Treat it as the most dangerous enemy!

(Just now it was a sword skill! It was too fast and I didn't see it clearly! And he said that I was out of the way, so to speak... When did my footsteps change to what they are now?)

Hearing what the one-armed brother said, Wu didn’t notice it, only to realize that she had already changed from facing him face to side, so she just avoided the attack of one sword and two sections from the vertical. , But even so, it may be an accident, next time she doesn't know if she can escape it unconsciously!

(It must be a distance! I can't keep up with his speed!)


"Where are you going? I said you must die today!"


Just as Wu subconsciously held the spear and jumped back a few steps, the one-armed big brother suddenly moved in parallel with her almost a step away.

Looking at his movements, another cross cut came to a place less than 2cm closer to Wu's jaw!

(I'm going to be killed~ I'm killed! Mom... I'm sorry, Xiao Wu, I want you to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person!)

Seeing such a mortal distance, Wu's eyes suddenly hollowed out, and her brain was filled with this slightly damaged epee...

‘Ding~ding, bang~bang, 嘡~嘡~嘡’

(This little girl like a beast...what a powerful force! It actually suppressed my best posture of offensive and defensive integration! The arms and armors in my hand are all screaming because of her power back shock! Is this the one among the remaining girls who slashed a hundred people on one side the most? I didn't expect to encounter a sting when I came up!)

After Qi Gris was continuously angered by Youjia, he picked up the pair of tomahawks as if entering a Wushuang flurry. After nearly 1,638 consecutive attacks, his whole body's arms echoed and exploded like countless bells.

After all, he himself did not expect that this girl who seemed to be two heads shorter than her would be able to use strength, speed, skill, sword skills and peaceful attacks for such a long time, even if he wanted to. There is no suitable opportunity for counterattack, interruption, and shielding to destroy her posture.

(What to do? If this goes on, it will repeat the same mistakes as the previous hundred After being worn out by the armor and durability of the armor, he will be ruthlessly counter-killed!)

Because once he does something and fails, the pair of battle axes will fall on his body in the next second, reaching the possibility of death or injury...

In addition, Gris, who is a shield swordsman, is indeed good at but not good at dealing with berserkers like Youjia who is almost close to the flaws in dance. Because of her excellent conditions, she has overcome the 1v1 state, and almost has no brain damage. The different wild blows and the huge shortcomings of defenselessness caused her to be completely flawless.

In turn, it was the first time to meet such an outstanding berserker who focused entirely on fast and fierce attacks as the main dual battle axe genre! Let his previous combat experience appear to be imaginary in front of Youjia, making him sweat directly!



But in the fierce noise on the other side of the battlefield, He Wu's painful grunt, Youjia, who has been in a serious and furious state, is the only time now that she is suddenly distracted!

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