Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 292: Who is wrong?

   "Up the quiver! xn"

   Gada Gada

  At Kirito Honjin, it was on a kerb wagon that was blowing in the wind.

Klein, who has finally waited for a new batch of arrows to be supplied, can’t wait to help his friends and army win this battle. Although I don’t like killing at will, if I don’t solve the enemy, the enemy’s The next goal is the existence of you, your friends, relatives, family, etc.

   "I'm sorry! My enemies! I can only use you as a stepping stone to complete the stepping stone against the Corruption of Barrio! I will mourn your bravery for the town when I leave!"

   The war itself is like this, even if I feel repulsive in my heart, I don't want to see my acquaintances fall in front of my eyes like this. This is Klein's answer to prove his choice and position with actions.


   This voice...Is it impossible! ! ! xn

   "Everyone hastened to leave the wide position, the enemy's annoying attack is coming!"

   "Ahhhhh! Attack of the monsters! Run away, run away!!! xn"

   Accompanied by the long-term blasting sound, even if the enemy is stupid, it is impossible to forget what it means? The scene of the previous attack was still fresh in the memories of all the defenders, because now many of them were stepping on the corpses that were sleeping here under the first attack.

   Avoid everyone! The barrage of friendly forces is about to arrive! Life-saving is the last word!

Yes Yes! Your Highness Kirito, Lei-sama! xn

And although Kirito did not give instructions, Klein, as the implementer of the barrage attack, naturally has the power to judge the timing of his attack and the power to execute it, because he is not a fool, and when he has the skill of reconnaissance swords, plus Gradually accepting Kirito's teachings and influences on himself on the battlefield, he also learned the ability to grow and grasp the best time to attack.

   At this moment when the opponent had forgotten his existence, coupled with some light attack conditions, it was completely the best time to strike the enemy's arrogance. Naturally, this just right air attack was the moment when Kirito couldn't help but smile. Starting

   The situation is reversed! Start the counterattack again!


Accompanied by the rapid fall of the arrow rain, the enemies that formed their own formations fled. Under the fear of the previous air strikes, they became routs or lost their armors and armors. It is also very suitable for the current situation. Those with their backs and their doors opened wide. The enemy figure was like a bold invitation to Kirito, who had no fear at all.

   let him accompany him with a slam, and began to give the enemy more fear in the chaos of this air raid, making him in a passive state, changing his role into the appearance of a predator, and embarking on a new round of hunting activities!

Terror and being approached by a certain extreme threat often makes people who are psychologically vulnerable have inexplicable fear and anxiety. And this memory that will never be remembered close to the most terrible pain is among all the people in this town. , A time bomb in my heart, when the fuse is ignited, it looks ashamed as if a catastrophe is imminent and flying separately! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

This is one of the most deadly shortcomings of these recruits, and the veterans are the most deadly generals. For example, the new recruits are now detonated by the sound, and the veterans try to stabilize their actions. To observe Gu Quan's entire battle, it is the second biggest flaw that left me to take advantage of it!

"Catch the thieves and the king first. Since your strength is because of the rich experience of the generals, so that you can catch up with the defects in the quality of soldiers in tactics, then once you disappear the balance in the real sense of the whole battle, isn't it completely broken? The generals above the captain!"

   唰啦唰啦, patter, 噌噌噌, 嗞拉嗞啦


Accompanied by a rain of arrows as a melody, a black, glamorous, life-threatening rose-like dancer, brandishing all kinds of weapons captured in his hand, one after another took the opportunity to kill the half-hearted corporal and above enemies who were busy with their work. The commander got up.

The red liquid is like a accompaniment, along with the black-haired beauty dancing the dance of death, coquettishly on the entire wailing battlefield, forming the third perfect ensemble praising life and death, allowing all the town’s people to survive and defend. Army, another inner fear is imprinted.

   The Black Rose of Death, because of this battle, the next time the name of the fascinating witch will be circulated to all people below the second floor...

   The defending army of this town was hit by another arrow rain, and Kirito took the opportunity to complete the beheading operation and was pushed back into the town, and the battle was completely reversed once again.

   撣 咣, gada gada, boom boom boom

   "Since Klein worked so hard, wouldn't it be too shameful if we didn't come to complete our own duties?"

   "It's okay, Little Bai Xue, we have two goddesses as power banks, not afraid of magic problems!"

   "Compared with this, our goal should be more certain, right? After all, Klein is against the city, then..."

"Naturally, we are helping them solve the problem of being unable to move forward and suppressing Come on! You Yui goddess is also a sister, I allow your unscrupulous! Give me a blow for them! A bright road!"

   At the same time, on the kerb opposite Klein was still attacking the town, the four beautiful phantoms once again came to this stage that belonged to them.

Those who have already made clear their goals and don’t need Kirito’s command of self-action ability, so that Shirayuki and others who also understand what the battle situation is, once again formed the second psychological fear of the town’s defense forces, and huge ice blocks just bombarded them. Now, above the temporary false fortress that Xiaochu and the others stopped.

   嘭哐嘭哐, Gada Gada, Bang Rum Long


   "My feet are frozen by ice...xn"

The violent and devastating collision, combined with the rapid freezing effect of 10 meters after the ice block hits the ground, formed in front of Xiaochu and their eyes is a scene of death that the enemy must go through after the result of the enemy's deadly battle. It is either smashed into meat sauce or frozen into ice. Was shattered into ice **** by a violent collision; or escaped halfway and was trampled to death by his comrades.

   This is a complete retreat in the final sense, and the effect of a coordinated battle that conforms to the flow of the battlefield.

   "It's like seeing the enemy going to be punished to death, but everyone on the battlefield is wrong but no one is wrong, so what is wrong? Is it war?"

   "I don't know... But for many things, reason, morality, etc. are useless, because only survival is the most practical, right?"

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