Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 305: Allelopathy

   Let them gather a large number of snakes for a time, and make a large-scale active attack in the direction of this towering tree as the center point, in order to quickly find out the location information of Aijiang and the others...

   7, 14, 27! Still increasing!

   da da da

   "Really! Little Ai, it seems to be the same as you said, they finally can't hold back the predator's temper and take the initiative to look for us! What should I do next?"

After seeing the vague forest turmoil caused by a large number of snakes, a scout beast mother who clasped the trunk with a sharp claw on a big tree slightly hooked other positions, facing the bottom and a group of beast mothers. Surrounded by the Ai-chan waiting on the branches of the big tree, they report so quickly.

   really? Compared to us, if the hunter side did not see our actions, it might be particularly irritable, especially from the fact that I provoked my temper several times before, it was about this time that it broke out!

   "No problem! Did you hear? According to the original plan! Disband!"

   "Understand! xn"

   After hearing the report from the scouting beast mother, Ai Chan immediately showed a slight upward-looking mouth. Unexpectedly, in the previous psychological battle, the remaining opponent was impetuous and made his opponent anxious first.

So she raised her jade hand slightly and gave this order to all the beast ladies, and after receiving the beast ladies' response, she disappeared in all directions of the trunk together, and began the battle content of each stage... …


   "His hiss! xn"

   And the subtle movement shadows of snakes can be vaguely seen everywhere in the forest, but the other party's search range almost covers the forest's tree tops, trees, and above the ground. It is completely a carpet search situation.

   But unfortunately, even if they came into contact with each other at almost zero distance, searching for every possible place, they haven't been in contact with the shadows that should belong to the besieged beast ladies.

   made these pioneer scout-like snakes wonder if something was wrong? Or from the beginning, they were just like dreaming, and they weren't too quiet at all.

   salad salad

   Strange? Where are they hiding? Could it be that we missed something too hurriedly? xn

   "His hiss! xn"

   Most of the snakes are like this, wandering in the forest infinitely confused...

   唰啦 唰啦

"The range of snakes is very wide! But the camouflage mud made of flavor-masking orchids is very useful. It almost completely covers up our smell, so that even the snake’s sensory organs can be misleading. After all, they can be misleading. There is no difference from Ming Blind! It is true that I am an adult Xiao Ai, who actually got this kind of magical thing in this forest." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Don't be too arrogant. If the time expires, we will die without a place to die. And don't forget what our mission is! Have you found the detailed direction of the exit? This is the main part of our No. 1 Brigade. Mission!"

And at this moment, in fact, on the tops of many trees, although the group of snakes crawled past the beast ladies like this, they were covered with dirty camouflage mud, which looked like a beast like a clay figure or a tree branch. Wife, keep holding your breath to adjust your heartbeat as much as possible, making it difficult for the other party to notice their existence.

This is also the most important reason why Aichan has made many beast ladies with agility and excellent talents in the assassination department, so they complete the mission of exploring the exit under their noses. They are senior personnel who can achieve breath masking in the true sense, although now The scale is small, but it is just right when used at this time.

   唰啦 唰啦

   At present, there is probably one of the five scout beast ladies, while popping out that cute little head, constantly watching the surrounding environment, and communicating the current situation with each other.

"Naturally! I just found it! Fortunately, we were ambushing at the outermost periphery. The sisters who belonged to the waiting place came out to fight with them before, otherwise we would not be able to inform them of the current situation, and go back to rescue the soldiers. , You see that location is the weakest exit here!"

"Well, the three of us will cover you out of the forest. Remember to inform the sisters outside about the current situation, and then try your best to get all the forces that can be gathered. Master Xiao Ai knows that we can only cheat for a while, but we can't cheat them. For the first time!"

   "Get to know the head of the army! x4"

And after seeing the two beast mothers next to them pointing at the exit of the forest where the trees are sparse and full of snakes guarding, the chief beast mother of the scout team gave them such instructions, and then after they responded slightly. , They acted together.

  唰唰唰啦, 嗵嗵嗵, Sha Sha Sha

   "sizzle!!! xn"

   Along with a situation like forest shaking and grass turmoil, all the snakes guarding the surroundings suddenly stood up and began to vigilant everywhere.

Among them, they are also very tacitly divided into several small groups, and they are crawling to these turbulent locations quickly to explore the area, in case the beast ladies who have the snake women confessed to escape like These suspicious places were surrounded by menace.

   is now, there is only one chance! No shadow step. x2

   da da da

And the two black shadows, like a breeze, suddenly stepped out of the forest by stepping on the surrounding tree trunks. Although the snakes also sensed the faint sounds and sounds like fallen leaves, they did not think much about continuing to encircle and suppress. Those places where there were noises before, but unfortunately there are no special objects except for a few stones or small things.

   Hmm? Could it be that some small animal passed by here? Strange thing? xn

The trees and the bushes were full of doubts. The snakes in front of them stood tall. It was obvious that they had not noticed their side. From time to time, there were three smirking clay figures and tree trunks, blinking the beauty. His big eyes, watching their actions by their side like this. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   These stupid snakes don’t even know that we are right next to them, and sometimes we have to admire the ecological environment where one thing drops one thing! After all, what kind of existence there is, there are inevitable things of mutual growth and mutual restraint, and the herbs that come into contact with the snake venom of their different situations, and the taste-masking orchids that are used by intelligent and knowledgeable creatures are also this natural principle.

I really have to admire the hunting skills that our ancestors left behind, and the little love adults who learned the use of knowledge from Master Yun, or if it is just us, I don’t know if there is still left to fight with them. The personnel are a little unknown, wait for them to leave our range of activities and report back!

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