Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 409: The sniped runaway sword skill and the red spear

Lena Lisi, who was still working hard to withdraw his weapons and sword skills, heard the calm analysis and sighs of the group of them, and then turned to look at the alert state except for the side, but behaved very distressed to the situation of the few people. Beast ladies, after the situation with these guys who hang up high like a colleague.

  , who was too angry, she continued to use brute force to retreat in mid-air, but kept the rushing state and ran away the sword skill spear, while calling it so loudly for a long time.

   (Ah~ah! I almost forgot my current situation by Weisztier’s performance! It’s really a failure...xN)

   "Understood! We will come right away! Hey~hey...xN"

The Yun who made it slower, after they showed bitter smiles, they went back to Lena Lisi one after another, and began to figure out a way, pulling her thin waist or holding the long spear handle together with her, and then pulling it back or something. stand up…

  ‘Boom~Da, Dang~Dang~Dang, Zi~Zi~Zi, papa~pada’

And while Yun they were still trying to use various methods internally, even using attacking sword skills to interrupt the runaway sword skills from the inside, other beast ladies who arrived at the designated position one after another started from all directions outside under the cover of their companions. Combine sword skills to kill the amount and trend of runaway sword skills.

   Every time an attack is added, the suppression effect on the runaway sword skill is obviously much greater, and even the defensive formation beast lady who is still backing sweating and sweating slowly relaxes without a lot of pressure.

   "Huh~huh! It's really help! I almost thought I was going to die!"

"Hey~hey~hey! I can't relax our guard now! There are also those desperate white beasts who are still attacking us from other directions! What if they find the breach sword skills? Get up and work harder!"

"Ah~Ah! Yes! I almost forgot that it was not just their own accidental injury, but they are really irrational and fearful! If they were ordinary beasts, they would have escaped long ago! What a terrible madness! what!"

And with the oncoming raids of his own people gradually disappearing, the beast ladies who have become weaker and weaker in their spirit are drawn back by the white fierce beasts around them that are still continuously attacking. The reality is still in the battle, continue to stick to your position and position...


(Apparently, as soon as I arrived at the designated position, I launched an attack on the sisters and worked hard. The energy of this rampage sword technique has already begun to be consumed to a certain extent! Now just add my strongest attack here. , It should have reached the form power to completely crack the sword skills! And the rest is...)

"After eliminating the aftermath and whether our reverse pressure sword technique has affected the internal personnel... But if it is only the sisters, I may have great doubts and huge hidden dangers, but there are Yun adults and Lenaris is here! Then it's different!"

   Seeing that the front is gradually smaller and more effective, and when the goal of releasing the defensive sword skill in the beast maiden is achieved in time, Weisztier is ready to use the strongest sword skill to destroy the runaway sword skill once it is in place.

   "Sisters who continue to attack and consume rampage sword skills, and the insiders pay attention! I will launch my own unique sword skill in about 16s to completely release all the remaining energy of the runaway sword skill. When the anticipation and confirmation of the attack are in contact immediately, please be prepared to send and receive your sword skills! I wish you all a prosperous martial arts! 》

   ‘huh~ lala, huh~ huh, hum~ hum~ hum’

After confirming the time of his move, Weisztier watched his target location and the direction of his sword technique, while raising his jade arms over his small head, and then wrapped around the blue sword technique light full of huge cold. Halo, make a final announcement to all the battlefield personnel like cross backwards!

   (Coming soon! xN)

"Liz Beit, Lena Liss, and all the little guys quickly switched the shield warrior preparations, and used the barrel formation to cooperate with me to actively activate the joint defensive sword skills! Quick~Quick! I'm directly facing Weisztier's position, and the rest Everyone is in place!"

   "Understand! xN"

  ‘咣~咣, da~ da~ da’

After hearing Weisztier’s ultimatum, and observing the reaction of the huge sword skill pressure on her side, the cloud who realized the problem immediately embodied the shield and the one-handed sword, and immersed the alloy shield like a soldier. On the ground, began to crouch on one knee.

After realizing the formation of Yun's reminder, and the sudden indirect transmission of the designated information through the close-range "troop command", Lisbeth and Lenaris did not hesitate to transform into shield warrior equipment, and quickly transferred Silica. After Yuxing, the two long-distance support personnel guarding the center of the battle, they began to cooperate with Yun's tactics with a defensive formation of two layers of alloy shields, one on top and one on the other.

   "[]'Raw Stone Fortress Formation'! Ha~ah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ahhh

  ‘Boom~Boom, boom~Rumble"

   In such a race against time, the tacit understanding of the beast ladies is actually understandable, UU reading www. It didn’t take long for to complete this halo from the brown sword skill, and with the cloud burst drink cooperating with other people’s sweet drink, suddenly formed a hard fortress phantom situation rising from the ground, which became their new Sheltered places and means of life-saving!

(Come! As expected of Master Yun! I didn’t expect that just by presenting the current information with the language and sword skills given now, I can make such an accurate judgment! Then I can destroy the hand that was let go without leaving my hands. Exterminate the spear restrained by Swordsmanship!)

"I'm sorry! Lena Lisi's old man! Forgive us for our rude behavior! If you can be intact in the future! The two of us will thank you and cherish you! If you can't, then we will take you. Collect the wrecks as much as possible, and let a powerful craftsman reshape you back to us as much as possible!"

   "[]'Cold Chilling Strikes'!!"

After seeing the timely judgment of the cloud and the appearance of the huge fortress phantom, some smiles appeared, and then Weisztier, who was attentive, silently prayed to the suppressed scarlet spear that was still running in the air. After that, he waved his two-handed scimitars in the white mist that was immersed in the blue halo in his hands.

  ‘Quack~Quack, hiss~his~his, 唰~唰~唰, 咻~咻~咻’

A total of 16 double-edged edges were drawn in mid-air. The ice crescent energy blades flying horizontally, vertically, obliquely, intersectingly, and staggered continuously, they made bursts of ear-piercing and high-speed piercing sound, straight. They blasted the red spears that were enveloping the clouds and hit them fiercely!

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