Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 444: The end of the talk and the arrival of the other party

Seeing Aldo's first test of himself, I thought about Fritia, the most attractive intelligence, and proposed it very seriously.

(Interestingly, in the situation of being enslaved, did you exercise good muscle power and physical condition? Then, using most of the true and ordinary knowledge that you had previously explained, you also got a lot of benefits, and if it wasn't for yesterday's commotion, I have no chance to discover that the lizardmen still have such an unusual desire for knowledge, at least their current patriarch is taking the path of development!)

"Sure enough, your little head is not stupid. That's why you can survive in a foreign race and even treat you like a pig or dog... But can I trust your information? After all, your purpose is mostly People don’t die for themselves, right? That’s why you can live to the present!"

   Seeing that at this minute, Fritia has removed most of the unneeded cowardly disguise, and when he began to talk seriously and gradually came up with bargaining chips, he had to question it again.

After all, people who can survive in an environment that is not their own, naturally do not have some bad water in their stomachs, it must be impossible, like this kind of swindler who loves to wear all kinds of masks when necessary, Aldor can only be suspicious.

   Then I might be caught by this fatal flaw. When would I use it to wag his tail to others like this, and be blinded in the drum like selling myself...

(There is a play and this Aldo is actually not messing around for no reason, but if he finds what may be beneficial to him, he will try his best to get it in his hands. On the contrary, if he can’t get it, he may use all kinds of things. Such a method keeps oneself from getting things, and others would never expect to be utterly cruel and cruel.)

"Yes, you have your own right to choose, and if I can have Bole, I will naturally devote myself wholeheartedly to it. At least that person is worth all of my life including this and living for this. Abandoning is no problem! I will also observe my own owners to judge for myself!"

   Knowing that Aldor also wanted to try and win over Dianchi Water, testing and betting whether her existence was a jade or a waste stone, so he responded resolutely.

   (Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have made a very good decision due to my private chat tonight, but i am a little bit looking forward to the real verdict and reply tomorrow!)

"Aha~hahaha! Well, let me see how useful you are! After all, betting that your ability will not lose much of your business, if that's the case, then you have a good rest! Tomorrow! In the morning, they will take you to the tent today, so I wish you a good dream!"

  ‘Wow~Da, 咚~咚~咚’

And after listening to Fritia’s words, Aldo, who had some self-thought and determination, turned around and left the tent with such a big laugh, and after giving a detailed account of the soldiers outside, Just leave!

(I thought I would be targeted to death... But is my bargaining chip just right, with a trace of value? Or that he still cares about the specific internal movements of the lizard people, in this farce that sent me in Among them, in turn, are there more minds and vigilance? This time the harvest is still quite rich, it is time to look forward to whether you will be free again tomorrow!)

"Everything is ready, just owe the east wind? Heh~h~hh, let me see how to gradually make him reuse me more, let me join his core actions, right? But then from time to time to deal with it alone. The way...Is it possible that he still dare not give too many important things to his henchmen and personnel? Well~ Well! Let's talk about everything after observing it later!"

After Aldo left with such a happy appearance, Fritia, who was finally relieved, collapsed on the ground as if she had left all of a sudden, and then just thought about things like this. According to the current situation of Aldo’s actual actions, there is A roughly vague impression of him.

However, all these improvements, I am afraid, can only wait for the results of tomorrow, plus the follow-up improvement to gradually reveal, now because she has been a little over-brained these past two days, she has no doubts and sense of vigilance, and finally has it. It’s good to relax the whole body once, and feel like a good quality sleep is rewarding myself, I slowly closed my beautiful eyelids and fell asleep...


   "'Valias Great Plain'? It seems that this is the common place of'Glenfens' and'Wundt' fortress connecting the last front teeth of'Barrio' country?"

"Eh~ Eh! Your Highness Kirito, this is the last fortress where we want the three-way army to attack together. After passing this area built by the'Gilias Mountain Range' for the dangerous mountain, then we can support it. Near the capital of'Barrio' the moment of complete destruction of the country will come!"

As a strong wind blows by, the flying black double swords swaying violently as the representative pattern battle flag. This is the look of the military flag set by Kirito according to the strong suggestion of Moss and others in the'this town'. After all, Having a general will make the army more serious and serious.

   At the same time, in order to name his army and himself, he established the prestige of him and the army among various regions and levels.

Therefore, the Kirito army, which was almost fully prepared for supplies, rushed to the distance between the two fortresses in the early morning. From the beginning, he started fighting against other sub-human coalition forces and his lieutenant Klaus army. After camping on the spot, he began to take the lead in the terrain survey in his area.

And this time he led the Moss, who is most familiar with this area and often passes through it to participate in national meetings, and the 4-man team composed of Asuna and Gin Xue. It seems that the mobility and concealment are very good, so they stayed. In a location on a soil slope, the conversation started like this.

"Yeah! It's really troublesome... The view is very good, but the opponent occupies the favorable mountain range. Naturally, the siege is obviously at our absolute disadvantage. Of course, if it is a traditional war, it is indeed the attacker who has suffered heavy casualties. It’s a terrible situation, but that doesn’t mean we will be miserable!"

   Seeing this endless expanse gradually moving from the plane to a place of rocky mountains, climbing into a terrible natural condition plus a certain amount of micro-processing to form a huge city wall, Kirito belt was quite happy and sighed...

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