Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 45: The promise of Yun and Yui goddess and the sudden visitor

"Ha~ha? What are you talking about? Making a kid or something! It's impossible!"

Kirito's involuntary face blushed slightly and even became more real, while the others smirked and hid their faces.

"Goddess Yui! You should know that Kirito-chan is a boy?"

Yun asked secretly in the ear of the goddess Yui.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

The goddess Yui smiled and answered in Yun's ear.

"Then? Can this world make a boy pregnant?"

Yun asked the goddess Yui seriously with a look. After all, although the previous world was not good, this world obviously had a different situation, so Yun Xiang would be fine if he could.

"No problem! Both the same **** and the opposite **** can give birth to children here! For men, it is enough to degenerate and change some functions to become a fertile body! But for girls... hee hee hee! I won't explain this to you. ! The blooming of lilies does not apply to your intersex harem dream! I know exactly! Now this is the little secret of the two of us! If you don’t listen to me! Don’t let Miss Kirito Give you children! I can guarantee this!"

What did the goddess Yui say, her natural black and lovely image made Yun sweat cold for her. I didn't expect this goddess Yui to be a wicked little guy, but Yun also smiled! In this way, Kirito will not feel inferior to the problem of not being a girl!

"Good! I listen to the goddess Yui!"

Yun smiled and whispered to the goddess Yui, while Kirito on the side vaguely seemed to be talking about the matter just now. Seeing that the two of them reached an agreement, Kirito shuddered, feeling extremely bad in his heart. When Yun Youzai came to his side, this hunch became stronger.

(Should it be...really okay? It's a lie?)

Kirito thought that this little cheek that might have been involuntarily blushed and became hotter, but Asuna on the side was reluctant! When the cloud didn't come over, she had frowned and stood in the middle of the two of them, shining like a typical light bulb.

"You beast with two boats! Don't use those straight eyes **** my Kirito sauce!"

Asuna gritted her teeth and stared at Yun and said.

"Okay! I'm not close! Is it always okay for me to go back?"

Looking at the defense like a copper wall and iron wall, Yun gave in and returned to his seat, while the goddess Yui smiled and poked Yun's armpit with her hand.

"Ha~Haha! The goddess Yui has been harassed! Just talk about it!"

Yun was tickled to compromise with Yui goddess.

(Why don’t you just use this to talk to Miss Kirito? Why do you want to show it? Is it possible that when a hundred people meet their own daughter, IQ will become negative?)

Yui goddess smiled and chatted to Yun privately.

(Ha~Haha! Look at my memory! The goddess Yui pointed out!)

(That~that! I am waiting for your good news! In fact, I have always cared about the same-sex children! Although the biological law is allowed in the world! But so far no human or animal has tried it. ! So the little baby between you must study carefully! This is our first agreement! You can't go back on the conditions just mentioned!)

The goddess Yui blinked with big eyes like a curious baby and exhorted Yun.

(I know! It's noon too! Let's eat first! I will do this for you, the goddess Yui can rest assured!)

(That's good! I'm waiting for your performance! Yun Hundred Talents!)

The two smirked at each other, making everyone on the side feel a little bit cold, just as everyone present was sold by these two people and helped them count the bills. It was also the second time that two people looked at each other and smiled, leaving a serious psychological shadow, because they didn't know what strange things these two guys were thinking about.

"It's served! This time my sister has worked hard to cook for you! This is the sumptuous set meal that Yui-san asked for! Please also Yui-san to enjoy!"

In this somewhat embarrassing atmosphere, the proprietress pushed the huge dining car and began to serve several people, and she was very enthusiastic about the cute little girl, the goddess Yui, and she was like her own daughter and asked if she warmed up. All the food was placed in front of her, although everyone looked at her with such enthusiasm and did not dare to say that the beautiful and well-behaved little girl in front of her was the goddess of this world, otherwise it would spoil this beautiful picture.

"Thank you sister for taking care of me so carefully! Yui is very happy!"

The goddess Yui also put down her identity and hugged the lady's waist and acted cutely to her. This was amazing. The lady of the boss kissed the face of the goddess Yui and was very happy.

(Really...a goddess is really lethal when she is cute! Especially it also stimulates the maternal instinct!)

Everyone couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for the boss! They breathed a sigh of relief when the goddess Yui didn't care.

And in this happy situation, a cloud soldier crawled into this big room and reported an urgent matter to them.

"Report to Yun Hundred People General! Outside...the giant demi-ren at that time came over! He was carrying a little demi-ren on his shoulder and he was stuck 300 meters away from the gate. I don’t know what the other party's purpose is! What should we do? ?"

The soldiers panted and spread a message to Yun and them.

"Two demihumans? Shouldn't it be... I know! Don't worry! You accompany Yui... Miss to get together! I'll just go and see it alone!"

"There is no danger, right? Should I go with you?"

"It's okay! Kirito-chan will just help me entertain Yui-san! I can go!"

After rejecting Kirito's cordial company, Yun led the soldier and hurriedly left the room to the door of the visitor...

It didn’t take long for Yun to be led by the soldiers to the gate of the starting town, but in the distance Yun saw the familiar behemoth, but now Yun’s troops have surrounded him with the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and the opponent seems to There is no willingness to fight, and it still seems calm.

"Yun Hundred Talents!"

"Yunbairen is coming! Let's make a way!"

Seeing the arrival of the The crowds on the street had also opened a wide road for it, but they still looked at the behemoth not far from the gate with a little fear, after all, they didn’t know what they were doing. Why did you come here this time? I was attacked by the other party before, and now I'm appearing here in grandeur, I don't know if there is any conspiracy.

There was a special noise in front of the entire gate, and Yun who noticed this sent people to dismiss them, in case the group of internal troubles caused something wrong, and he walked out of the gate, and at this moment, he was alone. Stopped the cloud.

"Yun... brother! Can I... go with you?"

A soft girl's voice reached Yun's ear. He turned his head and saw Silica who was trembling, and there were already some tears in his eyes, but he bravely made his request to Yun.

"Well then! Come with me if you bring a dagger!"

Yun smiled and threw two small and exquisite daggers to Silica. She caught them with a little nervousness and tied them to her back waist, nodded to Yun, and when she was ready, Yun took her with her. Ka walked towards the place of demihumans, big and small... Gray Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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