Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 62: The weak Kirito and the first dark movement of evil

(Yun! Asuna! What are you doing? A bunch of fools! Why do this for me!)

For a while, Kirito was like a pure girl, shedding crystal clear tears, avoiding the body of Yui goddess and Aisha wandering at the door, and ran down the stairs in a panic.

"Mother Kirito!"

"Kirito-chan! You haven't worn your shoes! Where are you going in a panic?"

Seeing Kirito’s untidy clothes and feet without shoes, the overly worried goddess Aisha and Yui also hurriedly followed behind him, and the information uploaded along the way made them understand why Kirito How would she look nervous.

(This baga! What is this doing? And Asuna just rushed out, is it possible to achieve this? It's really like a situation of "cutting and arranging chaos"!)

(I didn't expect that Miss Asuna would care about Miss Kirito so much! It seems that she really fell in love with Miss Kirito! This is something worth studying, and I must witness the relationship between them to the end!)

The goddess Yui and Aisha are both chasing with their own ideas. The front has been pierced by rocks. Kirito, who has beautiful jade feet but has no intention of preventing him from going forward, the red ground makes them and the people around them acting It hurts.

"That... isn't it Kirito-chan of "Black-haired God of War"?"

"Really! But why are you in such a hurry! Her feet are bleeding, and she is still running towards the door!"

"Don't you know? Yunsanbai and Lieutenant Asuna seem to be dueling on the grassland outside the gate because of the Kirito-chan problem! It is really a man with flowers and grass! But it is really good!"

"Really? Let's go and take a look!"

For a while, Kirito, who came here because of the news and the news just now, aroused the interest of all the players and locals on the street. They followed the direction of the goddess Yui and Aisha in a mighty manner. It looked like Very powerful.

(Here! But... where are they?)

Before long, Kirito, who was the first to bear the brunt, came out of the gate of the town, panting heavily. He reluctantly raised his head, looking for two fools who are enemies of each other. There was a very fierce metal collision. On the grassland 200 meters away from him, the 2 red and 2 blue sword skill halos collided like raindrops.

The scene of the fierce fight was from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky back to the ground. This gripping scene of a death fight couldn't help but make Kirito, who had already shed tears, burst into tears again.

"Don't fight you two fools!"

Following Kirito's somewhat hoarse voice, forcing the two people in the distance to stop temporarily involuntarily, they turned to look in the direction of the somewhat embarrassed Kirito.

"Kirito sauce!"

The two called Kirito's name in unison, but they gave each other a harsh look.

"What are you doing? Why do these things for me?"

Kirito questioned the two with a bit of discomfort.

"I must kill this scumbag for the cute Kirito-chan! It was his half-hearted love for female **** that made Kirito-chan look so depressed now!"

"I have my own reasons for how I do it! But Kirito-chan is mine! No one wants to take it away! The same is true including you Asuna!"

The two pointed at each other to declare to Kirito.

"You...what the **** is this..."

"Forget it! It's useless to say more! Where are you Kirito-chan and take a good look! I'll **** you from the hand of this fancier! You are my woman! Ahhhhhhhh!"

Before Kirito finished speaking, Asuna grabbed Kirito's words, and it was an unexpected sneak attack on Yun. After all, she knew that she had no advantage in physical strength and strength, and only a surprise attack could win.

"It's okay! Just be optimistic! Kirito-chan! I won't give up on you! Haha!"

After Yun felt Asuna's tricks, he defensively counterattacked Asuna's sword skills, and the two of them didn't say a few words well, and once again unsparingly launched a more fierce offensive against each other.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

But Kirito's somewhat weak voice did not reach the ears of the two at all, and the goddess Aisha and Yui who rushed to the side pulled Kirito out of the range of their sword skills.

"Silly Tongrenjang! You are looking for death! They are no longer someone you can persuade! Go! Let them fight on their own! Now you are just adding fuel to the two of them. !"

"Yeah! Don't interfere with them, Mother Kirito! The two of them have the same temperament themselves! It is impossible to solve the contradiction between them and Mother Kirito!"

Aisha hugged Kirito's thin waist with a headache, and then the Yui goddess began to increase the audience around him, still using the name she used to cover Kirito.


Although Kirito was awake now, but it was such a stimulating picture that he didn't know how to deal with it better.

"'Quadruple Strike','Stardust Sixet'! Haha!"

In order to increase her mobility, Asuna used a targeted 4hit assault and displacement sword technique to change her position and strike at the top, middle, and bottom three different places of the cloud, and accompanied by At the end of the displacement, the 6hit sword skill, which is like arranging a six-pointed star, began to entangle and beat the defenseless place of the cloud in several ways: horizontal, vertical, swaying, and pressing.

(Emperor Heart Sword Thoroughly Determined-'Wuhen'!)

Seeing Asuna's jumping up and down and changing sword skill trajectory for a while, Yun also takes the sword skill of the two-handed rapier system seriously, and uses the combination of stroke, stab, and whip in all directions as soft as flowing water. Come to resolve Asuna’s moves, but because of Asuna’s high agility, she suffered some skin injuries. After these few sword skills contests, Asuna also took a few steps backwards and shook her somewhat numb jade hand. stand up.

"To be honest! Yun! Your rapier sword skills are really amazing! But it is very annoying! Just like you, although fierce and powerful, there is no killing intent in it! You are mocking my sword. Is your skill inferior to you?"

Although Yun’s sword skills are merciless, if it was the cloud that was attacked by the Kobolds at the time, she would not treat Asuna like this. Asuna knew that the cloud was releasing water in the dark, but he was even The cloud with the water only hit some places, and she couldn't help feeling insulted. It turned out that her sword skills couldn't be put on the table in front of Yun.

"Otherwise! Because you are not my enemy! You are my friend! Even though you are serious, you will not kill you! I am very clear about this!"

Yun shook his head. He was just a sandbag for Asuna to vent her feelings. He didn't really kill Asuna to kill him.

"You... unforgivable! Unforgivable!"

Asuna who heard these words was obviously a cat with a blown hair. She stared at the cloud angrily, and was about to use her best efforts to teach this guy who played like a child.

(You can't beat him yet! Do you want to win? Do you need my help!)

At this moment, a treacherous voice echoed in Asuna's mind.

(Who are you? Why should I believe you?)

Some Asuna who was attracted by this voice asked it am Tsukizaki Yun's enemy! But I can help you surpass this arrogant and defiant guy! )

The voice felt a playful bewitching Asuna.

(That's good! For Kirito-chan! I can give anything! Even this life will not hesitate!)

(Deal! I will help you! Remember my name! My name is the evil **** Dakos! It is the existence that can make you stronger!)


"Miss Asuna! No! That guy is an evil **** transformed from the spirit of the lord of the kobold! Damn... it's still a step too late!"

And when Asuna agreed in her heart, a cloud of black mist enveloped her. The goddess Yui who saw this immediately investigated what was on Asuna, and when she realized that something was bad, she wanted to remind her. At the time, it was a little too late...The Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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