【Hitler arrived at the scene shortly after the fire broke out and declared it a conspiracy by the German Communist Party.】

【The next day, he spoke on the radio of the Prussian News Bulletin, saying that"this act of arson is the most horrific act of terrorism ever perpetrated by the German Bolsheviks."’】

【He asked President Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree to abolish the provisions of the Weimar Constitution that guaranteed personal freedom.】

【According to the emergency decree, Hitler announced on March 1 that the German Communist Party intended to revolt and was planning to launch a revolution.】

【He declared the German Communist Party an illegal organization and declared a state of emergency in the country.】...

【Taking advantage of the Reichstag fire, Hitler demanded that the constitution be amended to grant him unlimited legislative power without the consent of the Reichstag and the President.】

【Before the vote on the constitutional amendment, Hitler ordered the Nazi Storm Troopers to arrest members of the German Communist Party】

【The KPD headquarters was occupied, the KPD trade union was dissolved, newspapers were banned from publishing, and 18,000 KPD members, including KPD leader Ernst, were arrested and imprisoned.】

【The KPD was forced to leave the German Parliament】

【Without the opposition, the constitutional amendment bill will pass smoothly.】

【Parliament was then dissolved and all other political parties were banned】......

【The year after the Reichstag fire, German President Hindenburg died, and Hitler finally took the last step towards dictatorship.】

【He combined the positions of president and prime minister into one person, the Führer, and held all power in his hands.】

【Since then, Germany has only one voice left】

【The owner of the voice is named Adolf Hitler】......


He actually succeeded!

When they saw this content on the screen.

When they saw the expected plot finally appear.

All the audience were boiling!......

——"Oh my god! He really dares to write!!!"

——"I am so dumbfounded! Is this really going to go down this path till the end?"

——"Exciting! So exciting!"

——"Wow! Hitler actually became the first person in Germany and the head of state!"

——"So, will he then implement his political slogans in Germany? Will he really start a war?"

——"That was inevitable! No one could stop him. That kind of thing was bound to happen!"

——"Explosion! It's so explosive!"

——"Who would have thought that the Source God would actually dare to let such a demon seize power successfully! This is going to be a wild ride on the road to evil!"

——"I can’t even imagine what Germany would become under Hitler’s rule!"

——"looking forward to!"......

Bullet comments fell one after another like snowflakes.

The entire live broadcast room was in a heated discussion.

At this moment, the excited audience was as excited as the German people who heard Hitler's speech!

Although such a plot was dangerous, it was undoubtedly the most exciting to their nerves!......

At this moment, the judges who saw the news also came back.

When they saw the content on the big screen, Jiang Wen and others gasped at the same time!!!


""He really dares to write it?"

Jiang Wen was stunned!

Fang Yuan once again broke his prediction.

He did not end the story where it should have ended. Instead, he let the story develop in a more explosive direction.......

Are you really not afraid?......


Little Leo finished reading the new content in one breath.

Finally, he uttered two 'praise words' that he had just learned in Dragon Country.

He exclaimed:

"This player amazed me!"

"He broke our predictions again and again, making the story develop into the unknown."

"Now, he has chosen the most dangerous story line, which is also the most difficult to control."

"To be honest, I'm getting more and more curious about what's next."......

"That's right"

"It seems that our predictions were all wrong."

On the side,

Miyazaki Hayao was also shocked.

He took a deep breath.

Then his expression became serious. He said seriously :

"Ladies and gentlemen, I feel that our judgment of the subsequent story just now fell into the trap of fixed thinking and made a very low-level mistake!"

"In our original discussion, we thought that according to the previous plot, Hitler would continue to be in power and then lead Germany down a wrong path."

"Indeed, based on this judgment, if the subsequent plot really develops in this way, it is the same as what the audience expected."

"Here, we feel that the plot is guessed by the audience, and the sense of anticipation is lost in the first place."


"But we overlooked a very important point!"

"This kind of story development is exactly what the audience expects to see!"

"What the audience is looking forward to is what Hitler will do after he comes to power! These stories that have not yet unfolded!"......

Miyazaki's meaning is very simple.

From the perspective of their creators, an excellent story should not be guessed by the audience.

However, they ignored it.

The subsequent development they guessed is what they want to see most!......

"That's true."

Ms. Rowling also nodded in agreement

"It seems to have chosen the most ordinary story line"

"But Fang Yuan's choice actually best suits the audience's interests."

"It seems that I know what the audience wants to see better than we do!"......

The four judges spoke one after another.

Their words showed undisguised shock, exclamation, and admiration!

After their comments, the interest in their eyes became even stronger.

It was not just the audience who was looking forward to it. As judges, didn't they want to see how far such a crazy Hitler would take Germany?......

Of course, not everyone is looking forward to this. For example

, the director behind the scenes.......In fact, the director is also looking forward to it.

But compared to expectations.......Even more scary!......

"Director, now it seems like......It's a bit dangerous."

The director said tremblingly.

Although this kind of story is fun to watch and can attract attention,......

I was shocked to think that some contestants would openly write about such an"evil" character on such a global stage and promote such dangerous values.......

If Hitler had succeeded in the end and realized all his ambitions......

Just thinking about it, he shuddered!

If the big guys saw this, it would be a disaster!......

The director knew the director 's worries.

At this moment, he was also hesitant.

But in the end......

When he saw the high popularity and the continuous influx of new viewers, the director finally made up his mind.

He gritted his teeth and said


"Let him write!"

"If something happens, I'll take responsibility!"

"Damn it! It's already so popular on the first day of broadcasting. I'll accept it no matter how dangerous it is!"......

Finally, the director made up his mind!

Even if he received a warning from above, he would still support Fang Yuan!

As long as this"Wen Si Quan Yong Creative Competition" became popular, then he would also become famous!

Such a risk......Worth a try!......

Just like that.

Without Fang Yuan knowing, someone was willing to take on the"scale issue" he was worried about, just to create a stage for him to create freely.

In the room, he continued to write.

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