【Politicians outside the empire still felt that Hitler was a reasonable person who could cooperate with him. 】

When people saw this passage, they were speechless....

Hitler's ambitions had already been shown to such an extent.

They actually thought they could cooperate with him?

They were not politicians who managed a country.

They were clearly a bunch of blind people!......

【Hitler was a man who was never satisfied】

【But now, in 1938, European politicians do not realize this】

【They were completely deceived by Hitler's elaborate disguise.】

【Lloyd George, one of the three great leaders of World War I, praised Hitler as a great leader after meeting him.】

【After a meeting with Hitler, George Lansbury, leader of the English Labour Party, was convinced that Hitler would do everything in his power to avoid war.】

【The French ambassador to Germany recalled: Hitler was not scary or annoying, he was always full of sympathy.】

【Almost every foreign politician who visited Hitler had a positive impression of him.】

【They were immersed in the impression that Hitler was just dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles and wanted to restore Germany's status. As long as they made some concessions, they could win his support and cooperation.】

【Hitler was such a master of disguise】......

As if aware of the doubts of the audience about the rationality of the plot, Fang Yuan deliberately added a paragraph after the plot of annexing Austria to explain why so many compromises were made.


"Yeah, I almost forgot."

"Hitler was not only a nationalist, a racist"

"And he is also an actor with excellent acting skills!" Jiang Wen recalled the previous content about how Hitler disguised himself.



Hayao also thinks this reason is very reasonable.

"Yes, if that is the case, then it makes sense why other countries once again tolerated German expansion."......

Rowling added

"In addition, with the changes in the international situation at this time, they also need to lift the shackles of Germany and let them fight against other enemies."

"England needed him to check France, while France wanted him to check the Soviet Union.......I can only say that Hitler encountered the most suitable era for him."

After saying that, she sighed.

Since this is the situation, then it seems......

Germany's growth and Hitler's expansion of power will happen again.

Stories like Austria will not be the last.......


She guessed right.

The annexation of Austria was not the last piece of the puzzle of interests that Hitler seized by taking advantage of the situation and his own superb disguise.

After that, there was an even more notorious event - the Munich Agreement!......

【It is precisely because of this disguise that countries have a high degree of tolerance for Hitler.】

【Hitler took advantage of this and set his sights on the Sudetenland.】

【Sudetenland, located in Czechoslovakia, is a region inhabited by German-speaking people.】

【Hitler's national policy was brutal and transnational】

【He only looked at bloodline, not nationality. Therefore, in his opinion, as long as you are German, no matter where you are or what your nationality is, you should be protected by Germany.】

【If you were Jewish or black, even if you were of German nationality, even if you had served in the German army, paid taxes, and shed blood, Hitler would send you to a concentration camp and torture you to death.】

【So based on this logic, when Hitler heard that the Germans in the Sudetenland were being treated unfairly, he believed that Germany had the right to intervene.】

【So, how to intervene?】

【Hitler's solution was simple: just cede the Sudetenland to Germany.】......

【In response, British Prime Minister Chamberlain countered: If Germany attacks Czechoslovakia and forcibly annexs Sudetenland, then France will join the war, and then England will also fight back.】

【But Hitler seemed unafraid: Come on, I don't care, I'm ready for anything.】

【After the threat of force, Hitler immediately showed goodwill】

【He assured Chamberlain that the Sudetenland was his last territorial claim.】

【Chamberlain gave in.】

【He believed Hitler's words】

【He wrote to Czechoslovakia: Although Hitler seems cold and ruthless, I have the impression that this man can be trusted once he has made a promise.】......

When seeing this passage, many people feel bad!

——"God damn, once this person makes a promise, he can still be trusted’!"

——"Hitler was just short of having the word"greedy" carved on his forehead! And you still say he can be trusted?"

——"I am speechless. I am speechless, my family! How did such a person become the Prime Minister?"

——"I can only say......I can do it too!"


——"Although it is a bit outrageous, it seems that I have already written it very clearly just now. Hitler's disguise is too powerful! Chamberlain was deceived......Seems somewhat excusable?"

——"Moreover, considering England's trouble-making nature, I think it is reasonable for them to compromise. After all, the strength of Germany can help them better contain France."

——"I feel that it is very likely that the past will repeat itself, and Hitler will take over the Sudetenland without firing a shot."

——"I think so~"......

Although Chamberlain's reaction was a bit outrageous, the audience's predictions about the next plot were no longer the same as before.

They no longer believed that a war would occur.

In fact ,......

They actually guessed it right.......

【It was under this judgment that the policy of appeasement reached its peak.】

【On September 29, 1938, the leaders of Germany, Italy, Britain and France gathered in Munich.】

【Four countries sat at the negotiating table and demarcated the territory of another country.】

【When Chamberlain returned to London, he waved a piece of paper to the crowd - it had Hitler's signature on it.】

【Everyone believed that Hitler would abide by the agreement, and Europe would move towards peace under this agreement.】......

"Did it really work?"

Jiang Wen was a little speechless.

First, the troops were stationed in the Rhineland.

Then Austria was annexed.

Now the Sudetenland was taken. Hitler actually took over one piece of territory after another without firing a shot.

"Today we cede five cities, tomorrow we cede ten cities, then we can sleep well for one night, wake up and look around, and the Qin army will arrive again."

"Using land to serve Qin is like putting out a fire with fuel. The fire will not go out until the fuel is exhausted.......It seems that Europeans have not read the Six Kingdoms Theory"......

Jiang Wen knew that after taking over so much territory so smoothly,

Hitler would definitely not stop there.

The so-called guarantee was nothing more than a piece of waste paper.

As expected, new content appeared on the big screen, which confirmed his guess.......

【Just six months later, Hitler tore up the Munich Agreement and annexed the entire territory of Czechoslovakia.

When seeing this text, the whole room was speechless for a moment.

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