In an instant.

The fist of the veteran 1st level was hammered by Li Si, and the bones and tendons were broken, and the flesh and blood were blurred, completely erasing the traces of the light dust Gu's power.


The fist was severely hit, and the veteran 1st level screamed, and quickly retracted the severely injured fist, and his chest was exposed.

Li Si would not miss such a good opportunity. Seeing that the front door of the veteran 1st level was wide open, the hungry stone fist hit his chest again.

"Damn it!"

The veteran 1st level cursed secretly, endured the severe pain of his fist, and shouted with his big mouth, and a stream of yellow sand instantly attacked Li Si's face.

Although the attack power of the yellow sand was not strong, if it pierced the weak point such as the eyes, the damage would be great.

Ever since he guessed that the veteran 1st level was driving the yellow sand Gu.

Li Si always guarded against this kind of insidious trick of hitting the face, because if he were to control the yellow sand Gu, he would definitely use this trick.

Recalling the Monkey King Sun Wukong in Journey to the West, when he encountered the Yellow Wind Monster, he was also caught off guard by this kind of move and cried for his parents, which shows how dangerous and cruel this move is.

At the moment when the yellow sand was about to hit his face.

The water vapor barrier that had been prepared long ago instantly covered Li Si's whole body, especially his face, and protected it firmly. No matter how fast and cruel the yellow sand was, it could not cross the boundary.

At the same time.

Li Si's heavy punch continued to move, hitting the chest of the old first-level with a wide-open door.

The old first-level didn't expect that Li Si could block his insidious killing move so easily.

In a hurry, he had no time to move and dodge, and could only try his best to activate the animal hair Gu to strengthen the defense of his chest.



Two light sounds came in succession.

The old first-level also followed Qingming Bu Lu's footsteps, was knocked off the ring by a punch, and fell heavily to the ground, coughing blood in pain, with blood and flesh on his chest, and the animal hair couldn't stop it at all.


For a moment, the audience gasped one after another.

The veteran 1st level players who were eager to go on stage and teach Li Si a lesson suddenly stopped and couldn't help but whispered.

"Good fellow, is this guy really of Ding-level aptitude? Why do I feel that he has used the abilities of more than two Gu worms."

"You have a good feeling. I guess that he is likely to control too many stage-specific Gu worms."

"Yes, this is the only possible explanation."

"Yes, as far as I know, this Qingming Wuzhu is the only descendant of Elder Zongyue for four generations. With the full support of the elders, how can there be few stage-specific Gu worms?"

"So that's why, no wonder he has reached the late stage of the first level in less than a year after opening up his Dantian. It turns out that there are elders supporting him behind the scenes."

"Well, although we are all direct descendants of the Qingming clan, it is completely different to have elders above us or not."

"That's right, we have to work hard outside to earn a half-degree source stone, but what about others? Haha, they just need to lie down and take it."


The heated discussion among the audience became more and more climaxed, and for a while, no one came on stage to fight Li Si again.

Seeing this.

Li Si was also happy to relax, so he restrained the abilities of the poisonous insects and sat cross-legged in the middle of the ring, taking the opportunity to recover. He completely ignored the sour comments of those people.


He doesn't care anymore.

But some people couldn't sit still.

The Qingming Miao python came to Qingming Zongyue's side at some point and chewed the base of his tongue in a strange manner.

"Haha, Elder Zongyue is so heroic. He must have spent a lot of resources on his nephew Wu Zhuo. It is really difficult for Elder Zongyue. Three generations in a row have obtained D-level qualifications. As a result, you, an old man, are so old and still have to Wasted labor.”

"Qingming Miao Python, what do you mean?"

Qing Ming Zongyue suddenly looked at Qing Miao Miao Python with cold eyes, his tone was as cold as ice, his brows were lowered, suppressing his deep anger.

The poor qualifications of his offspring have been a long-standing pain in his heart.

Now, after finally seeing his great-grandson become more confident, others dare to expose his scars based on this, which is simply too much bullying.

"Haha, forgive me, Elder Zongyue, you know the temperament of my stupid brother, he always speaks louder than his head.

Didn't we see that nephew Wu Zhuo displaying his great power, and thought that your teachings were very good, so we came here to learn from them, so that we could go back and teach our unworthy future generations. "

Feeling that Qing Ming Zongyue was really angry, Qing Ming Anaconda on the side quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over.

Seeing the two Anaconda brothers who were openly and secretly mocking him for taking the public for personal gain, Qingming Zongyue snorted coldly and turned away, ignoring them.

Just when Li Si was in a deadlock with no one challenging him.

The other arenas are still raging with fierce battles.

Especially in the No. 1 arena where Qing Ming Budu was, the attackers came one after another, not wanting to give Qing Ming Budu any chance to breathe.

In fact.

Qingming Budu's combat prowess in dealing with his opponents was no worse than Li Si's.

In fact, as his combat experience became more and more abundant, his combat power was even more terrifying than that of Li Si. The defeated attackers under him were all seriously injured.

However, despite this, the group of people in the audience were still enjoying it. Everyone was like a wolf after seeing fresh meat, staring at Qingming Budu hungrily.

Because, through everyone's mutual discussions and exchanges, although the identity of Qingming Budu's super qualification has not been confirmed yet, it has reached the level of tacit understanding among everyone.

He has super qualifications. He is a Gu Immortal seedling. If he can defeat him, he will have no regrets in this life.

‘I once defeated Gu Immortal. ’

This is something that many people dream of talking about?

In the arena.

Facing the attacker's intense attack, Qing Ming Budu couldn't say it was easy to deal with it, but it was almost the same.

You know, he has controlled a total of eleven Gu worms now. In addition, he has also controlled two stage Gu worms before.

With the extraordinary ability of so many Gu insects, if he didn't want to consume too much spiritual energy to avoid insufficient stamina and an accident, he could take away an attacker with just one wave, and there would be no chance for his opponent to fight back.



Two loud bangs echoed through the valley.

The fifth attacker was violently knocked off the ring by Qing Ming Budu, and a big crater was made on the ground.

There was no good spot on the attacker's body in the pit. He was dripping with blood and was unconscious.

Two rescue personnel came over immediately and took him away to avoid loss of life.

"Qingming Budu has won five games in a row, so he can rest for half an hour."

The moment the attacker was blasted away, the elder referee who was sitting firmly on the edge of the ring warned, stopping those attackers who wanted to continue the challenge.

Qing Ming Budu on the stage gasped slightly, sat down cross-legged, silently restored his spiritual power, and continued to accept the challenge without arrogance.

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