Faced with Li Si's chest-exploding punch.

Qingming Huaizhu, however, had no idea of ​​dodge. He still fired the poisonous needle at Li Si while the black wind blew around him.


Li Si's fist hit Qingming Huaizhu hard.

However, at this moment, the body of Qingming Huaizhu disappeared like a dreamy bubble.

"Phantom? Or... a clone?"

Li Si's eyes condensed for an instant, and he immediately sprayed out a large amount of water vapor, spreading rapidly, trying to cover the surrounding area.

However, as the howling black wind blew by, the water vapor he released was blown away in an instant. It could not gather at all and could not achieve the effect of concealing people's ears.

This time.

Li Si's mood became really heavy.

He deeply realized that Qingming Huaizhu's entry into the top ten was not entirely dependent on cunning and luck. She had considerable strength and wisdom.

Sure enough, one cannot underestimate the people of the world.

"Haha, brother Wu Zhuo, you don't know how to show mercy. You told me not to burst your breasts, but you still greet your sister. This is a bit too much."

In the dark wind covering the whole place.

Qingming Huaizhu's figure reappeared not far away, looking at Li Si with a smile on his face and saying something teasingly.

Li Si stared at the opponent silently and stood still for the time being.

He didn't know whether the Qingming Huaizhu in front of him was real or fake, so he could only respond to the changes by remaining unchanged, waiting for the other party to reveal his flaws on his own.

Anyway, in terms of spiritual power consumption, Qingming Huaizhu, who has been blowing the black wind and shooting poisonous needles, must have consumed much more than him.

He only needs to maintain the water vapor barrier to protect himself, which does not consume much spiritual power.

as expected.

When Qingming Huaizhu saw that his trash talk failed to sway Li Si, he stopped talking and charged straight towards Li Si with a movement of his body.

See this.

Li Si's whole body immediately burst into blue light, which was the movement caused by activating his ice muscles.

With the help of the blue light, his faint light that contained dust also quietly lit up.

However, since there is no cover of water vapor around, and there are black winds released by Qingming Huaizhu in all directions.

The dim light he lit didn't dare to spread too far to prevent others from noticing anything unusual. It only covered a half-meter radius of himself.

This range is the range that the blue light generated by the activation of the ice muscle can reach, and can perfectly hide the movement caused by the light dust Gu.


Qingming Huaizhu then rode the wind to kill him, clenching his fists tightly, and swung towards Li Si's head.

Upon seeing this, although he didn't know whether the other party was real or fake, Li Si was not negligent at all. He leaned slightly to the side and dodged the opponent's attack.

At the same time, the Kung Fu in his hands was not polite, and the huge stone fist was swung instantly, and it was directed straight towards his chest without any hesitation.


Qingming Huaizhu's chest was immediately easily penetrated by Li Si's stone fist, and then turned into nothing, completely dissipated by the black wind.

"It's fake again..."

Li Si frowned slightly, looking around the surroundings that were obscured by the black wind, and felt a headache for a moment.

Regarding his situation, Qing Ming Zongyue was right about one thing. The Gu worms he controlled were indeed too few.

At this moment, if he had mastered the golden eye Gu that could transform his eyes like Qingming Moyuan, then he would be far from being so passive in the face of the current situation.

Time passed little by little.

Li Si was as steady as an old dog, standing in the howling black wind, just scanning the surroundings with his eyes vigilantly, without any intention of taking the initiative.

Qingming Huaizhu continued to hide his figure and did not appear.

Unlike the No. 2 ring where the battle situation was deadlocked.

The battles on the other four rings have entered a white-hot state.

The battles of Gu Masters have always been about speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

Only when one can use the power of his own Gu worm quickly, accurately and ruthlessly, interrupt and suppress the power of the opponent's Gu worm, can he be considered a Gu Master with qualified combat experience.

Therefore, less than five minutes after the battle began, the contestants on the other four rings were really angry.

Except for Qingming Wubudu, everyone used all their skills without reservation.

After all, as long as this battle is won, the top five special rewards will be obtained.

The audience in the audience was also nervously and excitedly watching the battles on each ring.

However, the situation on the No. 2 ring made them a little troubled.

Because the entire No. 2 ring was covered by the black wind, if they wanted to see the situation on it clearly, they must have a Gu worm with the ability to break through obstacles or see through.

Faced with such a situation, the idle audience couldn't help but discuss with each other.

"Have you noticed that Qingming Wuzhu has to come up with something to cover up the situation in the ring in every battle. Does he have any shameful secrets?"

"Not really, isn't it a routine operation for Gu Masters to interfere with the enemy's vision?"

"Yes, you have some conspiracy theories. Besides, the black wind that covered the ring this time was released by Qingming Huaizhu. What does Qingming Wuzhu have to do with it?"

"Haha, I think he is just jealous of Qingming Wuzhu."

"You are talking nonsense. Qingming Wuzhu is just a Ding-level qualification. What should I be jealous of?"

"It's hard to say..."



Unconsciously, among the group of people who follow Li Si, there are already many fans and haters.

After all, he can fight to the end with a Ding-level qualification and win the top ten position of the first-level Gu Master.

Such a record is enough to prove his own extraordinaryness even if he has the support of elders and relatives behind him.

Such people are often more charming.


At the same time.

In the black wind of the No. 2 ring.

The endless poison needles finally stopped.

But Qingming Huaizhu still did not appear.

Li Si had an idea.

He looked around and continued to maintain the water vapor barrier. After a while, he quietly retracted the water vapor barrier, with a look of heartache on his face.

At the moment he removed the water vapor barrier, the blowing black wind suddenly howled.


A sound of metal clashing sounded.

I saw that Qingming Huaizhu had come behind Li Si without knowing when, holding a metal blade in each hand, and stabbed Li Si's two kidneys fiercely.

Unfortunately, although Li Si had dispersed the defense of the water vapor barrier, he still had a good defense. His skin had long been transformed into solid metal.

The sharp blade of Qingming Huaizhu pierced Li Si's clothes and skin, and could not go any further.

"How is that possible?"

Qingming Huaizhu's pupils suddenly shrank. Seeing that the sneak attack failed, he had to retreat quickly, rolling up the howling black wind to cover his figure again.

"Brother Wuzhuo, you are really strong."

Not far away.

Qingming Huaizhu's figure reappeared and started to tease Li Si.

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