Under the terrifying coercion of Shen Hui's mid-level 5th level, even though Dongzheng Qingshu was a late-level 4th level ultimate Gu Master and was only one step away from level 5, he was still trembling and sweating profusely.

The gap between Gu Master and Gu Master, the higher the level, the bigger the gap becomes.

If a level 1 Gu Master fights hard, he might be able to counterattack a level 2 Gu Master.

However, the difference between a level 4 Gu Master and a level 5 Gu Master is even greater than that between a level 1 and a level 4 Gu Master. Except for the rare and extremely rare ones, there is absolutely no possibility of victory for level 4 Gu Masters who want to attack level 5. .

"Sir, the secret realm will be opened again after the energy ends. The little one can't open it."

Dongzheng Qingshu humbly resisted the huge pressure and struggled to respond to Shen Hui.

Hear the words.

The anger on Shen Hui's face became even brighter, and the coercion on his body pressed against Dongzheng Qingshu more fiercely. At the same time, he waved his hand and several sharp ice blades flew out of the air.





In the blink of an eye, screams were heard all around, and a dozen level 3 Gu Masters from the Dongzheng clan died tragically in an instant, without even the slightest strength to resist.

See this situation.

Dongzheng Qingshu's face suddenly turned extremely pale. These people were the pillars of their Dongzheng clan, and they died so innocently.

"I'll give you one more chance. Do you want to open this secret realm?" Shen Hui shouted sharply.

"Open, open! Please forgive me, sir. I will open the secret realm right now."

Dongzheng Qingshu said with some despair, and then staggered to the somewhat dim secret passage.


Looking at the secret passage, Dongzheng Qingshu couldn't help but sigh. The clan had been planning for decades for his promotion to the fifth level.

Unfortunately, fate is not as good as man. He never expected that at this critical moment, someone from Qiansong Sect would come to disrupt the situation.

Qiansongmen, this is a 6th level force with powerful Gu Immortals. It is hard to say whether there are more terrifying level 7 powerhouses hidden among them.

But no matter what, it is not something that the Dongzheng clan can compete with, even if Dongzheng Qingshu can successfully advance to level 5 today.

After all, there must be dozens, if not hundreds, of fifth-level elders in Qiansong Sect. How can one of them be compared to him?

Decades of plans were ruined in one fell swoop!

While feeling sad in my heart.

Dongzheng Qingshu didn't dare to delay the movements in his hands, for fear that Shen Hui would forcefully kill the third-level Gu Master of their Dongzheng clan after a disagreement.

Just when Dongzheng Qingshu opened the secret realm.

The elders of the three tribes who were fighting in the sky also ceased fighting, fell into the valley one after another, and walked to the ranks of their respective tribes.

Not long after.

Under Dongzheng Qingshu's unknown means, the secret passage became darker and darker.

Soon, the originally smoothly rotating secret passage began to jam, and twisted space cracks gradually appeared around it.


With a soft "bang" sound, the secret passage was shattered into slag.

Not far away, Shen Hui's eyes narrowed, thinking that Dongzheng Qingshu deliberately destroyed the secret passage and wanted to fight him to the death.

He flashed to Dongzheng Qingshu's side in an instant, which was a sign of his speed reaching a certain level.

Before he could take down Dongzheng Qingshu, four young figures suddenly fell where the secret passageway originally was.

Looking at the clothes worn by these young figures, one is from the Qingming clan, one is from the Lin clan, and two are from the Dongzheng clan.

Seeing these four people falling from the secret realm, everyone present was buzzing.

Of course, Qingming Chiyan, who had learned a little bit about the inside story through some special means within the clan, was not that surprised.

"What's going on? Where are the others?"

Dongzheng Qingshu couldn't help but asked the two Dongzheng clan members loudly.

He planned well. After everyone entered the secret realm, the people from the other two tribes would be forcibly dispersed throughout the secret realm, while the people from the Dongzheng tribe would gather together.

At that time, the people of the Dongzheng clan can join hands, from weak to strong, kill the people of the other two clans one by one, and collect the bodies of those people to refine the gu for him.

And now, although the people from the other two clans were indeed almost dead, how could the Dongzheng clan suffer so many casualties? This was not in line with his original expectations.

Logically speaking, the gap in combat power between level 1 Gu Masters should not be so big. With ten against one, how could the casualties be so heavy?

"Lin Fan, where is my Lin Fan?"

Lin Ye asked with the same urgency on his face.

Lin Fan has a first-class qualification that is rare for the Lin clan in a century. He is the future pillar of the Lin clan and the hub of the relationship between the Lin clan and Qiansongmen.

Now, among the four people who escaped from the secret realm, Lin Fan was nowhere to be seen. This made Lin Ye not anxious, but the urgency in his heart was even stronger than when he was besieged by the Dongzheng clan before.

If Lin Fan dies, then the Lin family will also fall to the bottom, and it will be difficult for them to rise again.

"Hand over my granddaughter's body!"

Shen Hui locked eyes with Li Si among the four at a glance, and the terrifying level 5 pressure suddenly pressed on Li Si like a mountain.

The reason why he was able to target Li Si so accurately was not because he could sense Shen Qinghe's corpse aura, but because he could see through the disguise of the Transformation Gu.

Although Li Si has now been promoted to level 2 in cultivation, the transformation Gu is still a level 1 Gu insect. At most, it can only prevent Gu masters below the limit of late level 4 from seeing through his disguise with the naked eye.

Facing a level 5 Gu Master, he had no chance of hiding anything.

In Shen Hui's eyes.

A Gu Master who deliberately changed his appearance and was still at the second level of cultivation was naturally the most suspicious among the four.

As Shen Hui spoke, others also turned their attention to Li Si.

At this time, Dongzheng Qingshu, Qingming Jinghao, and Lin Zhen, three Gu masters with late fourth-level extreme cultivation, also saw through Li Si's disguise under careful observation.

Since he had never known Qing Ming Wu Zhuo before, although Qing Ming Jinghao saw through Li Si's true appearance, he did not know whether he was a real member of the Qing Ming clan.

When he saw the clothes of the Qingming clan that Li Si was wearing, he couldn't help but feel frightened, thinking that the person who offended the boss Shen Hui was a member of his own family.

At this moment, Li Si, who was being watched by everyone, was not afraid, but instead felt a little confused and distressed.

He had just fed the light dust Gu and transplanted the Red Sun Tree and the soil around its roots into the gluttony Gu's stomach. Before he could collect the pieces of Shen Qinghe's body, he was struck by an invisible force. He was forced out of the secret realm.

That's a corpse with second-class qualifications. This time it's a huge loss.

Seeing the furious Shen Hui, Li Si, who was suppressed by his momentum and fell to the ground, turned his head and guessed the identity of the other party in an instant based on what he just said.

The other party was obviously Shen Qinghe's fifth-level elder grandfather.

Thinking of this, Li Si couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile.

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