Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 105 Personally Conquer the Emerald Sea Star (Part 2)

Bai Zhongqi stood on the bridge of the Holy Falcon, looking at the infinite sea of ​​stars, feeling high-spirited.

The Sacred Falcon is flanked by two Tai'a-class frigates. Coincidentally, one was launched the day before yesterday, and the other was launched just a few hours ago. The launch of a starship is a term inherited from the Iridium navigation era. Different from the launch of an ocean ship, the launch of a starship is actually equivalent to the completion of construction and can be put into use immediately.

The Tai'a-class frigate is a mature model. Before time travel from the game, the Iridium United Empire built more than a thousand Tai'a-class frigates. This kind of frigate, which can be called the all-rounder of the fleet, is about five hundred meters long, has a total weight of nearly one million tons, and is shaped like a somewhat stubby sword. The names of this class of frigates are also named after swords. Tai'a is the famous sword in the ancient legend of Iridium.

Because the universe has been changed, the names of the Iridium ships have been rearranged. The first ship of the Tai'a class is also called the Tai'a, and the second ship that has just been launched is called the Juque.

For the time being, Bai Zhongqi did not fully man the two frigates, and randomly stuffed some androids into them. In addition, the two frigates originally had battleship AI, so there was no problem in accompanying the Holy Falcon.

Forming a small formation of three ships, Bai Zhongqi still felt a little regretful. If it were delayed for another month, he could at least pull out a large starship formation with two cruisers, four destroyers and four frigates. Of course, considering that potential enemies are still enemies at the end of feudal civilization, there seems to be no point in establishing a large-scale starship formation.

Unexpectedly, Bai Zhongqi encountered an enemy who also had the capability of interstellar voyages. He had already deployed observatories and other observation and early warning facilities in the earth's orbit. At least within a star area with a radius of 20 light years, Iridium had not discovered any interstellar civilization. If there are other signs of intelligent life, they can only be backward civilizations like the Earth and Emerald Sea Star that have not yet broken through their mother stars.

Next to her stood the tall Space Force Commander Xu Lanzhou. This beauty also had a different mood. This is not her first voyage. She has been leading ships to sail and kill in the universe for many years, but this is her first expedition under the command of the head of the empire. Xu Lanzhou couldn't help but look at Bai Zhongqi's side face. At this time, the head of state seemed to be meditating on something, which gave him a different kind of charm.

Xu Lanzhou soon noticed that he was in a daze, and felt a little embarrassed. He thought silently in his heart that he was the leader's shield, blocking the enemy's guns and breaking through all obstacles.

Nanma, who has completely stopped dressing up as an Iridium person, is completely obsessed with dressing up as an Earthling. At this time, he was dressed like a successful business person, with a custom-made suit and a white shirt with one button open, and his bald forehead was shining.

"Your Majesty, how do you plan to take the first step of imperial conquest on Emerald Star?"

Bai Zhongqi had already made a plan, and there was no need to hide anything from Nanma. He said directly: "The first is the Legend Continent. On this voyage, with the help of the atomic construction equipment on the Holy Falcon, we will build an agricultural city in the Legend Continent. At this stage, it mainly relies on bionic human and mechanical labor. After the construction is completed, this farm city will have the ability to provide agricultural products for at least 100 million people."

Xu Lanzhou also joined the discussion. She said: "In the past, agricultural cities in the empire were basically able to achieve such output capacity, but due to demand constraints, few were able to produce at full capacity."

Bai Zhongqi knew that Xu Lanzhou was right. Iridium's thirst for carbon elements even exceeded metal elements. A large number of bionic people and various materials are inseparable from carbon. Although agricultural carbon supply is an idea, Iridium prefers to find some large gas planets to directly extract methane and other gases inside to separate carbon and hydrogen. Since the breakthrough in atomic construction technology, various materials produced by agriculture can be directly synthesized using elements, which makes agriculture more of a simple matter of providing food for the United Iridium Empire. An Iridium administrative star has a population ranging from millions to billions. There are at least dozens of agricultural cities like this. They are basically built beyond the standard and are not operating at full capacity.

In fact, based on the current situation of the earth, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Iridium to build intensive farms on the legend continent of Emerald Sea Star and then transport them to the earth to provide them to Star Alliance member states to reach full capacity. The earth itself is also a planet with good agricultural conditions, and Star Alliance member states will also transform their own agriculture. In the future, in agriculture, in order to avoid plummeting prices of agricultural products and food, we must adopt the path of national planned procurement and underwriting. I don’t know how many farmers and farms will go bankrupt just relying on market regulation.

Bai Zhongqi said: "Build such a building first, and we don't need it to operate at full capacity. After that, we can get the population from the earth and other places on Cuihaixing, and then run other cities, basically achieving over-self-sufficiency in agricultural products, completely Standards that can meet the welfare needs of all people are sufficient.”

When food becomes a daily welfare and the price can be kept very low, expenditures on basic food types, such as rice, noodles, eggs, poultry, meat, milk, vegetables, etc. account for 10% of the total living expenditures. One or less will naturally allow Star Alliance citizens to enjoy a higher standard of living.

As for the problem of transporting large amounts of food from one galaxy to another, it is something that Iridium is accustomed to.

Of course, what Bai Zhongqi wants to do more is to bring hundreds of millions of Chinese people to Green Starfish and other habitable planets discovered later, and then gradually restore the ecological environment of his hometown, China.

Naturally, others cannot fathom the thoughts of the head of the empire.

Nan Ma asked again: "So, what about the Northern and Southern Continents?"

Bai Zhongqi said: "The scenes we shot about the 'Magician' were near a city called Infia on the north coast of the Southern Continent. This is one of the colonies established by the powerful Kingdom of Shang Duohan in the Southern Continent. I plan to visit the city first this time to look for traces of the magician. Master Nanma, you will also go with us. After all, you are the only Star Warrior among us."

Nan Ma nodded, touched his bald head, and said: "I am also very interested in the magicians on this planet, so I will follow your majesty for a walk. Maybe I will make some novel discoveries."

Xu Lanzhou had some opinions and said: "Your Majesty, why don't we directly send the Marine Corps and the Assault Corps to directly attack the countries in the Northern Continent and overwhelm them, whether they are magicians or star warriors, we will surrender them all. "

Xiao Yu, who was on the side, jumped out to criticize Xu Lanzhou and said: "Commander Xu, you don't know His Majesty's good intentions. After all, we have just discovered this planet, and there are still many things that we don't know clearly. Your Majesty acted in a prudent manner." The strategy is more prudent. What’s more, we at Iridium must be cautious when using our troops. We will not act rashly before we fully understand the enemy. Your Majesty’s military strategy is really admirable to this humble official!"

Xu Lanzhou didn't even look at Xiao Yu. This man was full of chatter, and what he said was not nutritious at all. But she also knew that it would be reckless to start a fight right away. Even if you want to push things aside, you still need to have corresponding strategies and deployment bases.

Of course, Bai Zhongqi has decided to unify the Emerald Sea Star, but before that, he needs to know enough about the situation, especially about the magicians who are suspected of being Star Warriors.

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