Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 107 Tomorrow Night

Various engineering equipment began to build the Iridium Star on the bank of the river named Panshui, the first city of Cuihaixing, Suao. The name was spelled out by Bai Zhongqi using random meaningful words (Waterfall Khan). Su actually refers to a famous city in the south of the Yangtze River, which has a symbolic meaning because of its wealth. Ao refers to a place where boats can be parked on the bend of the sea. Although Panshui is not a sea, But this is where the river does curve and has a lake-like width.

Bai Zhongqi doesn't have to worry about the specific construction process. Naturally, there are various unmanned equipment that can operate it. After the Holy Falcon landed in Su'ao, Bai Zhongqi took a group of people and boarded his current special vehicle, the Bibo Boat, accompanied by two military landing craft, each carrying a group of soldiers.

The blue wave boat headed east from Suao to the Legend Continent. In Bai Zhongqi's special cabin, there were only him and Han Jiaxue, while Nan Ma, Xiao Yu and other entourage were in the cabin outside. As for Xu Lanzhou, he naturally stayed with the Holy Falcon and took charge of the ship affairs and the construction of Suao.

Bai Zhongqi was still a little unbelievable. He thought that the Iridium people would be very nervous about conquering the Cuihai Star himself. Moreover, he decided to personally go to the cities on the northern coast of the Southern Continent to inquire about the situation of magicians. He expected that he might encounter opposition. Unexpectedly, even Xu Lanzhou, a general who was usually very nervous about himself, did not reject his proposal. At most, he regretted that he could not accompany him because he needed to command the Holy Falcon.

It seems that the Iridium people take it as a matter of course that the head of state personally does something. Bai Zhongqi thought for a while and felt that there might be many reasons for this. First, in the legend of Iridium, the image of the head of the empire who is omnipotent and takes the lead may be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Second, in many cases, the commanders of the exploration fleet will personally go to planets to explore and understand the situation first-hand so that they can better command the fleet and arrange affairs. Finally, no one thinks that there is anything that could threaten the head of state in a remote place like Cuihaixing. What's more, Star Warrior Master Nanma is still following him.

Han Jiaxue acted much calmer than Bai Zhongqi expected. With some curiosity, she jokingly asked Bai Zhongqi: "Our Head of State, what are you going to do?"

Bai Zhongqi did not hide what he wanted to do. He had explained the situation to Han Jiaxue before coming, and Han Jiaxue had proven that he was a trustworthy person.

"The magician we are looking for is probably in the city called Infia. I have no plans to attack this city for the time being. If there is a way, it is better to sneak in."

After all, Han Jiaxue is a girl and has a strong sense of compassion. She said: "If we can avoid using force, it would be better to be more peaceful."

Bai Zhongqi shook his head and said: "Believe me, the real civilized people on this planet are probably our Iridium planets and Earthlings. The development stage of the Cuihai Star people is limited, so violence and robbery are the mainstream. This heroic planet We don’t know how long it took to build Feia City, but there is no doubt that it is a colonial city full of blood and tears. The Shangdohan people crossed the Sea of ​​Hot Winds to the Southern Continent and robbed the land of the indigenous people of the Southern Continent. And they used them as slaves and forced them to work on the plantations set up by the Shandohan people. I don’t know how many bones of the indigenous people were buried in this land.”

Han Jiaxue couldn't help but exclaimed when she heard this and said, "It sounds really scary."

Bai Zhongqi said: "Therefore, it should be a better way for Iridium to stop the killing and robbery here, so that the Cuihai people in both the southern and northern continents can live in harmony and live a more prosperous life."

Han Jiaxue hummed slightly and said no more. She obviously didn't want to interfere with Bai Zhongqi on such matters, and at the same time she felt that these things were really not what she wanted to face.

Bai Zhongqi sighed secretly. He knew that Han Jiaxue was very smart, but his defense was actually very weak. The Shang Duohan people in the northern continent are interested in the land and resources of the tribesmen in the southern continent. So as the head of Iridium, what is the difference between him and the Shang Duohan people?

If the people of Cuihaixing can accept the rule of Iridium, then Bai Zhongqi will certainly not be stingy in fulfilling what he said and spread more advanced civilization here so that the locals can live a better life and gain more opportunities. But if the Cuihaixing people choose to resist, then Bai Zhongqi will never show mercy and can only express regret and then destroy them.

The compassion of the strong is a luxury, but not a necessity.

Regarding the earth, after all, Bai Zhongqi is naturally more from the earth than from Iridium. It is his home and hometown, so he is afraid of breaking bottles and jars when he acts. But Cuihai Star does not have such superiority. Although Bai Zhongqi also cares about the 200 million people living on Cuihai Star, he does not value the people of Cuihai Star as much as he values ​​the people on Earth.

Probably what he really cares about are those magicians who may be Star Warriors.

When the blue wave boat arrived near Infia City, it was already local midnight. Naturally, the spaceship would not appear in the city ostentatiously. Bai Zhongqi chose to park in the suburbs some distance away from Infia City in a relatively low-key manner.

When she and Han Jiaxue walked out of the stealth-mode spaceship, Han Jiaxue covered her mouth in surprise and said, "Shouldn't it be night now? Why is the largest moon so bright?"

Bai Zhongqi was not surprised by this, and explained to his girlfriend: "This galaxy is a three-body system. Proxima Centauri is too far away, so it is about the same brightness as the stars. The current moon is actually the sun, which is more than 20 astronomical distances from Cuihai Star. Star A of Alpha Centauri outside the unit. The two stars A and B orbit each other, and Emerald Star orbits Star B, thus forming an extremely complex day and night phenomenon of Emerald Star.

In different years and seasons, because the size and distance of Star A observed on Cuihai Star are different, the brightness of the night on Cuihai Star is also different. What we see now is only when Emerald Star is closest to Star A. The brightness of Star A is 6,300 times the brightness of the moon on our earth, almost the same as when it is cloudy on our earth, and it does not feel like a dark night at all. The Emerald Sea Star itself also has three relatively small satellites, which is the real moon. The relative positions of these satellites to the two stars and Emerald Star itself are constantly changing, so frequent solar and lunar eclipses occur.

Coupled with the influence of the curvature of the planet itself, sometimes the Star A they see at night is incomplete like the moon, which is what you see now. The Cuihaixing people are not aware of the difference between Planet A and other moons, so they call it the main moon, and the others are called slave moons. This probably means that the small moon must listen to the big moon.

If there is Star B between Starfish and Star A, then during these few years, only the real moon can be seen at night but not Star A. They call it a 'dark night'. And if Cuihaixing passes between Star A and Star B, at night, there will be a "bright night" phenomenon that is almost like daytime for many years. It is precisely because of the complexity of this astronomical system that the calendar of the Cuihaixing people is still full of errors and omissions. They use bright and dark nights as calendar tools. However, because star A and star B orbit each other, this calculation is also inaccurate. of. It is precisely because of the inaccuracy of the calendar that Cuihaixing has a poor concept of time, and its agricultural technology is also relatively backward and its development is very slow. "

Han Jiaxue sighed: "It's really complicated. The earth is better. There is only one sun and one moon. If the students here want to study geography and astronomy in school, they will almost want to die."

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