Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 117 Dividing the Soil

It only takes two hours to return to Ruyi City from Cuihaixing. The Insight also took the Holy Falcon's warp bubble this time and returned to Ruyi City for rest. If traveling at its own warp speed, it would take almost five days to return to Earth.

Basically, except for the Sacred Falcon, the design speed of all warships is Wrap6, which is close to 400 times the speed of light. On the other hand, there is no difference between the maximum speed and the economic speed of the Iridium battleship. As long as it turns on the warp speed, it will be stable at this speed.

After Bai Zhongqi returned to Ruyi City, he did not show up to plan things about Cui Haixing. Xiang Fei quickly took a transport boat back to the imperial capital to make an observation report.

Xiang Fei returned to the imperial capital for only sixteen hours, and ran back to Ruyi City the next day. This time he asked to see Iridium Prime Minister Du Peng with a key question: How much land of Cuihaixing could Country C get if it joins the Union now.

In a conference hall that was not particularly large, Du Peng and Xiang Fei were sitting on opposite sides. A holographic projection appeared in front of them. It was none other than Cui Haixing.

Seeing that Xiang Fei had come straight to the point, Du Peng said without following him in circles: "His Majesty the Head of State has issued a decree that the Iridium United Empire will establish the Cuihai Star administrative star. However, in line with the principle of star alliance, the administrative star of Iridium Star , and will also leave corresponding space for Star Alliance and Star Alliance member states."

Xiang Fei was still nervous after hearing Du Peng's words. Although Country C had already expected it, Cuihai Star was discovered by Iridium Star after all. Even on Earth, there is such a territorial principle of first discovery and first possession. Moreover, if country C wants to colonize the Cuihai Star, it can only do it by subordinating Iridium, so the following scenario will definitely occur: nominally, country C has obtained a piece of land where its own flag is flying, but it wants to operate this To obtain the territory and obtain benefits from above, we have to rely on the Iridium people.

However, Xiang Fei is a sensible person after all. Once the Star Alliance is truly formed, there will actually be no issue between Country C and Iridium. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Country C has certainly followed an independent path, but it has never been truly free from foreign influence. Now the influencer has become the Iridium United Empire.

Fortunately, its monarch is from Country C, and there is a relatively large convergence of interests. Iridium has no intention of ruling Country C violently and maliciously, so even though it knows that there is a high possibility of being checked and balanced, the interests are even greater!

Du Peng clicked on the planets in the holographic image, and the first one marked was the Legend Continent. Xiang Fei couldn't help but drool when he saw this continent. This is a continent with an area of ​​more than 58 million square kilometers, which is larger than any continent on the earth. In particular, there are fertile plains on the east coast of the continent. Even assuming that the continent is not rich in minerals, these potential cultivated lands alone are already very valuable.

However, Du Peng's next sentence was: "The head of state has decided that the entire Legend Continent and the surrounding islands within 200 nautical miles shall be the direct imperial territory of the Iridium United Empire on the Cuihai Star."

Xiang Fei was a little disappointed after hearing this, but he was soon pleasantly surprised. The Legend Continent and surrounding islands account for about 60% of the entire Cuihai Star's land area. People say that Iridium only took over the Legend Continent, so the northern and southern continents were obviously vacant.

Xiang Fei couldn't help but think: "Are the Iridium people planning to give us the Northern Continent? Most of the Northern Continent is ice tundra like Siberia, so its value is less. On the other hand, the southern coast area has a pleasant climate and rich products. Although there are many countries, The level of civilization is low, but it can still be mastered with a lot of effort."

Du Peng then said: "The northern continent is still occupied by the local kingdoms and will not be included in the discussion for the time being. As for the southern continent, His Majesty the Head of State hopes that the center line of Chiyuan Ridge will be used as the boundary, and the northern area will be the Star Alliance's direct jurisdiction. The Imperial Green Sea Administrative Star Government is under the trusteeship, and the Clay Plains to the south and Elephant Trunk Island across the sea from the Clay Plains are the new territories of the other member states of the Star Alliance."

Xiang Fei quickly looked at the holographic map, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Many place names in the Southern Continent of Cuihaixing and the Legend Continent were newly chosen by the Iridium people. The southern continent covers an area of ​​24.42 million square kilometers. Except for the green grassland in the north, which is a low-altitude plateau, and the basin full of rainforest vegetation in the west, most of the central, eastern and southern parts are actually mountains and plateaus. This is not to say that these areas are not suitable for human habitation, but it is just that building colonies in these places will obviously require a little more energy and financial resources.

The southeastern part of the Southern Continent and the south of the Chiyuan Ridge is a clay plain. After a simple survey, it was found that this plain is called a clay plain because the soil is relatively poor and the ground is rich in non-ferrous metals and mostly clay. Its superiority is obviously not as good as the huge eastern plain of the legendary continent, but the environment is similar to the southeastern hilly area of ​​country C.

As for Elephant Trunk Island, it is an island with an area of ​​more than two million square kilometers and a relatively flat terrain. Because the island is shaped like an elephant's trunk, it was named so. Elephant Trunk Island is also the largest island in Cuihaixing.

The combined area of ​​these two areas is more than 5 million square kilometers, which is more than half of the current land area of ​​Country C. They are both flat areas and the engineering difficulty is relatively small. After improving the local soil, agriculture can also be promising.

Clay Plains and Elephant Trunk Island have actually been discovered by people from the Northern Continent. However, the journey is far away, and the output of the Clay Plains is limited. There are no people on Elephant Trunk Island yet. Therefore, the countries in the Northern Continent pay more attention to the development of a land with high output and close geographical location. Convenient green grassland area.

Xiang Fei felt that his heart was about to beat, and thought to himself: "Five million square kilometers! It's much better than I thought before."

Prime Minister Iridium looked at Xiang Fei's appearance with a little contempt in his heart. Although he does not agree with the head of state directly giving a land of five million square kilometers to the people of country C who have done nothing, but for Iridium, the land occupied in another universe is so vast that this gift is not worth it at all. Count things.

If a planet like Emerald Sea Star is not the first to be encountered in the new universe, and there are still some natives, it will not be enough to climb to the position of an administrative star. The empire doesn't know how many habitable planets are superior to Emerald Star, but they are directly labeled as resource stars and thrown there. At most, they are just some reckless tourists who go exploring on those planets with nothing.

On second thought, country C has actually been tied to the empire's chariot. It has actually become a vassal of the empire, and its land is no different from the empire's land.

Xiang Fei clapped his hands and was almost shocked to the point of thinking. Xiang Fei smiled and said: "Just Clay Plains and Elephant Trunk Island. After careful consideration, our Country C has decided to join the Star Alliance. The agreement to join the Alliance can be carried out within three days." Signed!"

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