Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 119 Joining the League (Part 2)

After introducing a lot of things about Iridium and Ruyicheng, it is naturally impossible for the national TV station to ignore the highlight of today, the signing ceremony of joining the United Nations.

The whole process is somewhat similar to the last time the two countries established diplomatic relations. It was actually a simple signing and exchange of contracts. The really complicated content has already been carried out, but all people see is this scene.

"...This will be a historic moment. Two countries that speak the same language and share common interests and dreams solemnly declare at this moment that the Iridium-Earth Interstellar Alliance is officially established!"

"On this day, the great Chinese nation will cast its sights on the boundless starry sky and enter a new era."

"The lives of our 1.3 billion compatriots will undergo earth-shaking changes today. A better life is worthy of everyone's sincere expectation."

"Let us shout at this moment, long live the Star Alliance!"

The very provocative eight-part script, recited in the familiar and vivid voice of the female anchor, spread all over the world. Especially people in China are all cheering for this.

The content that has been announced is already shocking enough. No one has any doubt that Country C will make a huge leap after joining the Star Alliance. Countless Chinese people are watching this great scene beside the TV, in front of the computer, and in front of the mobile phone screen with different thoughts.

However, it is inevitable that there are still some people who, for different purposes, are full of doubts about joining the League.

Despite the access to Iridium satellite technology, Country C has achieved complete control over the spread of online rumors, but the expression of normal opinions, even negative opinions, are still freely circulated on the Internet.

# Join the Alliance - has become the most popular tag on Weibo, even more than the second to tenth places on the search list combined.

"It only took one month to make such a major decision as joining the Star Alliance. Thinking about our country's previous negotiation process for joining international organizations, all of them were reached after several or even more than ten years of research and arduous negotiations. . Now it only takes a month to join the federation, which makes people worry whether the decision-makers have carefully considered this matter and what impact it will have on the country and the world."

"I have also read some of the recent news about the conditions offered by Iridium, and they are indeed very attractive. But in the face of Iridium, what ability do we have to ensure that they will fully fulfill these benefits? But we are It has actually made a lot of concessions, liberalizing immigration permission to Iridium, bilateral free trade agreements, and space development affairs being led by Iridium.”

"Are you really sure that this agreement to join the Alliance is not an agreement to subjugate the country? I have repeatedly said that the Star Alliance is not an international organization, but a country! We are now equivalent to a republic of the Star Alliance. Even our sovereignty has been transferred. , such a matter was passed directly without waiting for the National Congress to review it. Isn’t it called SHZY? This is a slap in the face. To join the federation, we have solicited the opinions of our 1.3 billion people. ? At least there should be a referendum."

"The industrial miracles created by private enterprises for more than thirty years since the reform will completely collapse today! This is definitely not alarmist. The country took precautions at the beginning and imposed various restrictions on foreign investment entering the country. Now it is better, foreign investment on the planet Foreign capital is not allowed to come in. Once the Star Alliance free trade begins, Iridium's high-tech products will completely defeat domestic products with a devastating force and have no power to fight back. Iridium people will completely rule us economically. !”

"The technology transferred by Iridium can be obtained by state-owned enterprises for almost free, but why do our private enterprises, as the real vitality and mainstay of Country C's economy, have to exchange shares and other conditions for technology? This kind of counter-marketization and Behavior that violates market rules will cause huge damage to our country's economy!"

In front of the computer, Cui Zhihao looked at the negative comments under the label # , feeling angry. He couldn't understand the intentions of the person who wrote such a comment. After eradicating a wave of rumor-mongering groups on the Internet, now all that are left are those with considerable fighting power. At least, their words seem very reasonable to many people.

However, by misinterpreting the content, magnifying the shortcomings, avoiding the truth, and instilling values, those GZJYs with strong combat effectiveness actually became more powerful after the guys who were lagging behind in the team were punished. However, the influence of this group of people is now very small.

Most of the comments Cui Zhihao saw about joining the federation were relatively positive. Ordinary people are imagining the future when Iridium technology enters the domestic market and what convenient products everyone will be able to enjoy; imagining what emerging industries and money-making opportunities will emerge in the future; imagining whether they can enter the universe and start their own lives on other planets in the future. .

After all, everything Iridium has done so far has been relatively positive. Including beating up Yingjiang's father, carrying out smog control projects in the imperial capital, etc., these all gave Iridium points. Of course, Cui Zhihao does not expect to be able to convince those people who regard America as their own father and value so-called universal values ​​over the nation.

However, Cui Zhihao still felt uncomfortable after seeing these unappetizing and disgusting remarks.

"If we don't join the Star Alliance and pursue technological progress and social development, will we sit back and wait, miss the opportunity, and then watch other rising countries give us another Opium War?"

"All technological revolutions will have an impact on old industries. It would be the stupidest thing to let down new industries in order to protect old industries."

"Almost all state-owned enterprises will be responsible for almost all national welfare programs in the subsequent industrialization reform of Starlink. For example, the new telecommunications group will be responsible for providing free network services to all people. The technology will be handed over to you private business owners for free, and then Watching you make money, you turn around and exploit your compatriots at home, and even hand over Starlink's high-tech technology to your foreign father?"

Cui Zhihao is also a 50-cent guy, and he has a bad temper. When something like this happens, you always have to fight. Looking at Bai Zhongqi's photo on the news homepage, Cui Zhihao also felt envious. He is also a student at the University of San Francisco. Many international students have experienced the process of becoming patriotic after going abroad. Jin Zhongqi is his senior. Although he has not had much contact with him, Cui Zhihao has a good impression of him. He feels that he is a very positive person and is as patriotic as himself.

Cui Zhihao absolutely does not believe that such a person would do something bad to Country C.

He refreshed the news and suddenly saw the headlines changed.

"Star Alliance announced the latest news. Iridium discovered a habitable planet in the Alpha Centauri system 4.2 light years away and named it Emerald Star. According to Star Alliance rules, Country C will obtain a total of 5 million square kilometers of Emerald Star. land."

Cui Zhihao's eyes widened when he saw the news, and then he burst into laughter. Then he forwarded the news links one by one under the negative comments just now, and attached a paragraph.

"Go eat shit!"

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