Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 17 Captive Space Station

While Bai Zhongqi was showing his strong side as a man and comforting the schoolgirl who was suffering from trauma and fear, the world was quietly changing. Chaos and panic are unfolding all over the world. Politicians are having frequent phone calls and meetings, and various countermeasures are being brewed and prepared for implementation.

And as the culprits that caused all this, the Iridium people were not idle either.

On the International Space Station, which has been operating for more than ten years, six astronauts from five different countries are also affected by what is happening on Earth. The astronauts also have information channels and can see various social media networks. After the San Francisco air battle, the US NSA once wanted to intervene and interrupt the spread of social media, but it failed in the end. On the one hand, there were too many witnesses and the scale of the spread was too large to cover it up; on the other hand, the power of capital was also present behind this incident. Obviously, interrupting several major social media is something that cannot be tolerated by capital. The blow to several IT giants is huge, and may even cause a decline in the technology sector, which will severely damage the entire securities market. Therefore, capital will never allow US government agencies to act randomly.

The work on the space station is busy, especially since the space station is approaching the end of its life, and there are no plans for subsequent space stations at all. Reductions in funding from various countries have also made experiments and other work on the space station more difficult.

The San Francisco air battle directly caused the astronauts on the space station to stop what they were doing and put themselves on standby. The astronauts on the space station are now together. In the past, they mostly did their own things.

American astronaut Luther was on his first space mission. He had just arrived at the space station not long ago. After the initial novelty wore off, he became miserable. The outbreak of the San Francisco incident made Luther even more uneasy. Luther said to Russian astronaut Dmitri: "Dmitri, doesn't Russia have a retreat plan for the space station yet? It's super dangerous for us to stay in space now, and those aliens don't know where they are hiding. "

Dmitri, who is in his forties and has participated in many space missions, is very calm. After staying in space for a long time, he naturally has the open-mindedness to disregard life and death. Dmitri took a small glass of distilled whiskey and drank it with a sip. When I walked in, my face was full of satisfaction. This wine is not a standard material for the space station, but is actually an experimental tool used to experiment with winemaking and material aging in the space station. After the incident, Dmitry and another Russian astronaut Mikhail looted the inventory and turned it into their current pastime. At this time, no one can control them, and even other astronauts plan to take a share of the pie.

Dmitri said: "Even if a spacecraft is launched and the evacuation plan is implemented, the Russian Federation and the United States will still argue about who will get the money, what is the cycle, and what rocket will be used. When these problems are really solved, we don't know. When did it happen?"

Luther was very desperate: "Are we just allowed to float in space, where we may be destroyed by aliens at any time?"

Dmitri drank the wine, minding his own business, and said casually: "We? We are just six astronauts who are not of much use. If you abandon them, you will abandon them. The guys on the ground may be more important now." Things need to be considered.”

Katsutsuna, an astronaut from Japan, said seriously: "I also tend not to have any evacuation plan. I think pessimistically that if aliens really want to destroy the earth, we will not retreat to the ground or stay in space." Too many differences."

Luther's face turned pale. He shook his hands and his eyes were distracted: "I still have my wife and children..."

Dmitri looked down upon this fearful American. He finished his glass of wine and said, "Who here doesn't have a family? Since it's our turn, there's nothing to complain about. Why don't we just enjoy it?" When bad luck strikes, there’s nothing to regret.”

After he finished speaking, the cabin fell into silence. In the entire space station, there is only the sound of various instruments operating. The decibel level is not high, but it is very stubborn as the background sound. But sometimes, astronauts are also grateful for such sounds. There is no sound transmission in a vacuum. If they are in an absolutely quiet environment, no one can bear such fear.

Outside the cabin is the dark space and a clear planet. No matter how huge or dirty the planet seems to people on the ground, it is still astonishingly beautiful when viewed from space. Several astronauts don't know what changes will happen to their fate, and they are powerless to do anything about the next changes.

At this moment, the entire space station suddenly shook. All the astronauts would not be unstable due to this shaking, because they were in the microgravity environment of space, and they had traction ropes connected to the equipment.

Dmitri woke up with a start: "What's going on?"

Luther had climbed to the porthole to look, "Oh my God!"

What he saw was definitely not God, but a small Iridium unmanned engineering ship. This type of unmanned engineering ship is carried in large numbers by the colonial ship Ruyicheng and is the main backbone of the United Empire's colonial orbit construction. The versatile unmanned engineering vessel can perform a variety of tasks such as mining, material preparation and construction, directly constructing various facilities in planetary orbit for Iridium's colonial fleet.

Of course, sometimes I am also responsible for the demolition work like now.

For unmanned engineering ships, the International Space Station is now an illegal structure in orbit and needs to be cleaned up forcibly. The engineering ship dragged a long mechanical arm and fixed it on the International Space Station. Then it started its engine and dragged this huge space building to other places.

Dmitri also saw this lobster-like spaceship and understood that it was definitely not something from the earth. However, he could see clearly now, and even grinned, showing two rows of teeth, and smiled, saying: " With luck, we may be the first wave of Earthlings to come face to face with aliens."

Filmmaker Katsutsuna was also a little excited about this and said: "Perhaps, aliens will inform us of their intentions and send us back to Earth for negotiation."

Luther's eyes lit up after hearing this, "That would be great if that's true."

Not long after, several astronauts heard the alarm.

"The door of the Columbus experimental module was forced open. The door of the Columbus experimental module was forced open."

Dmitri said: "Something has come in."

At this moment, even if a few astronauts want to resist, they have no weapons. Not to mention that humans have not yet experienced real fighting in a microgravity environment, and in order to prevent damage to equipment from causing danger, there are no weapons on the space station.

Six people came to the Columbus experimental module and were very worried about the alien intelligent creatures they were about to see. I don’t know if it’s an ET-like alien, or maybe it’s an alien or a Predator.

The hatch opened, and several soldiers wearing silver individual armor full of simple sci-fi features walked out. These soldiers walked out literally, not like astronauts floating out every day. In other words, these soldiers actually have gravity in the microgravity space capsule? !

These aliens have arms and legs, walk upright, and are no different from humans. When the leading alien opened the helmet mask, which was not thick, and revealed the face inside, several space station astronauts were already stunned.

This is the face of a young Asian man who is absolutely not uncommon on earth. From his height to his appearance, this alien wearing silver individual armor looks no different from the East Asians on earth.

The Asian-looking alien opened his mouth and said: "You have officially become prisoners of the Iridium United Empire Space Force. If you cooperate actively, the Empire Space Force will give you humane treatment."

When the Japanese filmmaker Katsatsuna was young, he had some exposure to Chinese. Although he was not proficient in daily conversation, he generally understood that what the other party spoke was definitely Mandarin Chinese.


The alien officer didn't bother to explain to them. He clicked some mechanism on his arm, and then the sentence he just said was automatically translated into English, Russian, French and other languages ​​and repeated. This time the remaining astronauts also understood.

Luther was most surprised: "Are these guys Chinese?"

Dmitri shook his head and said: "Impossible, how could the Chinese have such technology?"

Filmmaker Katsutsuna bowed to the alien officer to express respect, and then said in broken Chinese: "Sir, thank you for your kindness to us. I dare to ask, why do you know Chinese on Earth, and what are your plans for us? "

The alien officer glanced at him and said: "I can't answer you both of these questions. You don't have any worries about your lives for the time being. The Imperial Space Force is just routinely clearing non-our targets in the orbit of the planet."

Dmitri and others also joined in, hoping to get more information from this alien who looked like a Chinese and spoke Chinese. However, their questions annoyed the officer. He waved his hand and several The soldiers fastened metal bracelets on the wrists of the six astronauts. Then the officer clicked the control panel on his forearm again, and the six astronauts immediately felt electric shocks all over their bodies.

The alien officer said unceremoniously: "Pay attention to your identity and behavior. You are prisoners, not guests of the empire. If anyone makes any more noise, I don't mind raising the electric shock to your body to a higher level."

The moment just now was definitely uncomfortable. Although it only lasted a second, several astronauts were already frightened and did not dare to do it again. They lined up honestly and were escorted by Iridium soldiers to the Insight reconnaissance ship.

In fact, this officer did not tell the truth. The six astronauts were also the first Earthlings captured by Iridium. They also had a certain amount of knowledge and experience. They would be interrogated to obtain useful intelligence for Iridium.

I finally got home and asked for a recommendation vote. Some friends asked why they can’t reward because the contract hasn’t been sent yet, but it will be soon. Thank you all for your support, the future will be more and more exciting!

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