Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 178 CV vs. CV (Part 2)

Wally, the elite US Navy naval pilot, stopped realizing without even reacting.

Other pilots from the Lighthouse Country looked at the exploding fighter planes in the sky. They had never seen any air-to-air missile that could cause such destructive power. It was not like an air-to-air missile, but like the effect of a powerful large-caliber artillery shell exploding.

"Fuck! Fight back, fight back!"

The American pilots pulled the control stick frantically and made maneuvers, trying to catch the shadows of the two flying sharks. However, the flying sharks' movements were not at all like the Su-27 Flanker series fighters they knew, but like A flying monster.

Yes, the Flying Shark may not be able to reach the stealth level of fifth-generation aircraft, but the current combat effectiveness of this HNA fighter jet is not something that fifth-generation aircraft can compete with. It has undergone earth-shaking changes inside and has the ability to defeat the enemy.

Compared with the nimble flying shark, the Super Hornet is like a clumsy duck in the sky. However, these Lighthouse pilots are also elite pilots who have flown the Super Hornet for thousands of hours, and are well aware of the Super Hornet's performance and advantages. Fox-7 pushed up the speed and followed behind, firing a barrage of cannons.

The shells passed through the sky at extremely high speeds. Naturally, such shooting would have no real effect. The purpose was actually to cause a certain amount of psychological pressure on those in front.

Fox-7 has not yet succeeded in biting its tail, but as long as the flying shark in front makes a mistake, the elite ace of the lighthouse country will seize the opportunity.

As if completely unaffected by the intimidation of the aircraft cannon, the flying shark in front was still flying calmly. The pilot was pulling out a small radius and circling instantly. Not to be outdone, the super hornet behind also followed the flying shark into a straight line.

Just when the lighthouse country pilot thought he was going to have a wonderful battle of wits and strength with the flying shark, the opponent's underwing pylon suddenly fired two combat missiles.

"Is this idiot crazy?" the Lighthouse pilot thought sarcastically.

But the next second, the two combat missiles actually deflected at a large off-axis angle and flew towards the Fox-7 Super Hornet. When the pilot saw this scene, the souls of the dead appeared. Originally, he thought that the angle between the opponent's nose and his was at least a hundred degrees, which was not enough to form any shooting window.

The reason why fighter jets have a very important indicator called "nose pointing rate" is because only when the nose of the aircraft can point at the opponent can it launch weapons and kill the enemy.

But now, at an off-axis angle of more than 100 degrees, the two air-to-air missiles actually turned around and adjusted their direction to rush over.

Even though this was a missile attacking head-on and the evasion rate was higher, the sudden appearance was enough to overturn the normal cognition of the lighthouse pilots.

"This is not a technology that people on Earth can achieve. This is a missile from the Iridium people!"

In fact, what the Americans said is completely wrong. This missile is called PL-10B. The prototype is a new combat missile developed by country C. The current modification is also designed by country C designers with the help of new technologies and artificial intelligence. of.

The missiles designed by the Iridium people for fighter jets cannot be that big.

Even the missiles made by people from China are deadly. The missile with its incredible maneuverability kept up with the Super Hornet even after it rolled, eventually destroying the Super Hornet. The warhead of the new missile uses total nitrogen anions, which has a more powerful explosive force. It can blow a fighter plane into pieces with one blow, and it is impossible for the enemy plane that is hit to return with injuries.

The other Flying Shark was also unequivocal. It used extremely high speed to throw away the two Super Hornets, and then used its superb maneuverability to shoot them down one by one.

About less than a hundred nautical miles away from the airspace here, Lu Zhinian, the captain of the Shandong aircraft carrier, turned slightly flushed at this moment. He still looked normal, but the deputy holding the chair was particularly hard, and the muscles in his hand were You can see it all.

The captain said: "Send a message to the Lighthouse Navy - it's war now."

The battleship AI interrupted at this time and said, "There are four more enemy planes behind the four enemy planes that were just shot down. They are within the fleet's air defense circle. Do you want to automatically authorize the escort ship to shoot them down?"

Lu Zhinian said: "Okay."

After receiving the order, the two Type 052D Aegis destroyers escorting the Shandong fired four HHQ-19 anti-aircraft missiles at the four target fighters.

This kind of missile, which has also been heavily modified with Iridium technology, can hit satellites in orbit or small orbital platforms, let alone fighter jets. What is even more commendable is their accuracy. Basically, one missile can guarantee a hit rate of more than 95%. However, according to the general operation manual, it is safer to launch two missiles against one target.

The next four Super Hornets in the second batch were shot down before they even had a chance to appear. The E-2 early warning aircraft on duty in the airspace suddenly lost all electronic signals and even lost its direction in the air, causing chaos.

Makinto was shocked when he received the news that all eight fighter planes were shot down by the C people. Although he expected that the people of Country C would not be so easy to talk to now, when would the people of Country C become a fighting nation and they would just roll up their sleeves and get going if they disagreed.

Beads of sweat also appeared on Kirkland's forehead. Although he understood that the technical level of the current Nimitz-class aircraft carrier battle group may be quite different from that of Country C's aircraft carrier battle group, he did not expect that the gap would be so big. The eight Super Hornets had no room for resistance and were destroyed by the C Navy.

In fact, the aircraft carrier battle group of the Lighthouse Nation has never been trained to engage in head-on confrontation with fleets of the same level or beyond its own. This kind of expensive and awesome-looking weapon is actually mainly used to bully small countries. .

Kirkland looked a little angry and shouted: "Are all people in country C crazy? They actually shouted for war."

Ma Jintuo was also extremely surprised and said: "We may have walked into a trap set by the people of country C."

Kirkland was very dissatisfied: "What kind of trap is this? The navigation we conduct is protected by international law. Why should we be restricted by other countries when we pass through the high seas?"

Makinto looked at the frightened and angry Kirkland, and actually wanted to say in his heart that the navy of the lighthouse country also restricted other countries' ships on the high seas in the same way. In the final analysis of this world, who has the biggest fist and who has the most weight. Now that the Takajia family's fists are not as big as those of the Usagi family, it is naturally their turn to suffer.

On the other side, Lu Zhinian was not interested in actually engaging in a ground-to-air battle with the Makinto aircraft carrier, because he knew that there was no need for it. It was impossible for an American aircraft carrier fleet to even deal with a Killer Bee carrier-based drone. .

So naturally someone else will finish it off.

Lu Zhinian asked at this time: "Is the orbital airborne assault unit in place?"

"Already in position, ready to go out at any time."

"Then, let's get started. We are here to pay back the old incident of the Yinhe ship being seized."

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