Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 208 Daughter and Puppy

In the lighthouse country of New York, outside the door of a small apartment in the Flushing District, Tashvi stood hesitantly at the door, not knowing whether to knock on the door.

After a few minutes, there was a noise from the stairs, and a pretty young mother came back with her daughter who was only four or five years old.

The young mother is Asian, and the little girl has some mixed-race characteristics. When the little girl saw Tashvi standing at the door, she cheered: "Daddy."

When Tashvi saw the little girl, all hesitation disappeared. A warm smile from the heart emerged when he saw the little girl's face.

"My little sweetheart!" Tashvi picked up her daughter and held her up high.

However, the young mother was not happy when she saw Tashvi.

The young mother stepped forward, took her daughter out of Tashvi's arms, and said somewhat coldly: "I said, Cindy and I don't need your money, please don't disturb my life."

Tashvi became very embarrassed, and the little girl probably felt the unfriendliness of the adults. She seemed a bit silent, not daring to speak out, and looked at her father and mother with big eyes.

Tashvi sighed helplessly. No matter how informal and bohemian he was in front of outsiders, he could never become like that in front of this mother and son.

"Amelia, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Then why did you show up? I thought I told you very clearly that I didn't want to see you anymore."

Tashwi knew that there were 10,000 very solid reasons for women to be ruthless. This thin-looking woman was just an ordinary international student many years ago, her Chinese name was Fang Ping, and she worked as a waiter at Tashwi's party. Tashvi fell in love with her, and they had a relationship and fell in love. Just when Fang Ping thought she could marry a stylish and wealthy man, Tashwi told her that she hadn't had enough fun yet.

Fang Ping left, and Tashwi didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until more than a year ago that Fang Ping told Tashwi that she and Tashwi had a daughter. At that time, his daughter suddenly fell seriously ill and needed a lot of medical expenses. Only then did Tashvi know that he had become a father in a daze.

He paid for all the expenses and liked this lovely daughter very much. The young Cindy also felt the father's love. For a child, a father who can play with him and bring her candies and dolls is sometimes better than a father who can play with him and bring her candies and dolls. Mom is cuter.

But at that time, Tashwi was still hesitant. Fang Ping was completely disheartened and ordered Tashwi to leave her life, saying that she would pay him back for her daughter's medical expenses.

Tashvi later tried every means to compensate the mother and daughter, but Fang Ping rejected them all.

Tashvi knew that he was indeed a bastard, and he no longer expected to be forgiven by women. He lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I came here this time just to see you again. I am now a flight pilot for the Star Alliance Space Force. I will have a lot of tasks in the future. I don't know if I will have time. I can come and see you two. If war does break out..."

Fang Ping looked at the man in front of her who was completely different from her impression. He looked fragile and even a little weak at this time. There was a layer of beard on his chin, and he looked a little decadent. The woman wanted to say something like, if you die, you will be less of a disaster, but she did not say it out in the end.

Tashwi felt a little sad when he saw that Fang Ping was silent and her daughter was blinking and didn't know what happened, even though everything was caused by herself.

"I have set up a trust fund, and a sum of money goes in every month. You can access it at any time if you need it. I have already appointed the person in charge of the fund."

Fang Ping still disagreed: "I have a job and I can support my daughter."

Tashvi raised his hands to express surrender and had no way to deal with Fang Ping's aggression. He thought for a while and then said: "If possible, take Cindy to live on Nansha Island. The welfare there will be better, and Cindy can also receive a better education. As an officer of the Star Alliance, my family has priority in choosing where to settle. rights."

Fang Ping didn't want to rely on Tashvi at all, so she still refused.

Tashvi had no choice but to shake his head and prepare to leave.

"Can I kiss Cindy?" Tashvi asked.

The daughter opened her hands and hugged Tashvi with a giggle. Then the little boy looked at his mother pitifully: "Mom, I want to play with my dad."

Looking at her daughter's appearance, Fang Ping finally let Tashvi into the house.

When he opened the door, a dog ran over. Tashwi touched the puppy's head and asked with a smile: "When did you get a Labrador?"

Cindy hugged the puppy's neck lovingly and said lovingly: "It was given to me by a very kind uncle on the roadside. Jolly is my good friend and she is the most well-behaved."

The labrador, which looked to be only a few months old, rubbed Cindy affectionately, grinning like it was smiling. Tashwi also liked this puppy a little bit. When he was playing with his daughter, this obedient puppy lay beside them, very well-behaved.

It seemed that after staying at home for a while, Fang Ping gradually let down her guard a little, and she asked Tashwi: "Have you done any genetic advantage liberation?"

Tashvi nodded and said: "Everyone who joins the Space Force will do this, otherwise they would not be able to bear the harsh environment of the universe. For example, when I fly a fighter jet, I may be pushed to more than ten or twenty G-forces. A normal person's body would have already exploded."

Fang Ping asked again: "I heard that doing this can make you healthier?"

Tashwi understood Fang Ping's thoughts. Their daughter Cindy's health has not been very good. She had a serious illness before and now she still needs to see a doctor regularly for check-ups. Tashwi immediately said: "Yes, the liberation of genetic advantages can greatly improve people's immunity and eliminate the chance of contracting some serious diseases at the genetic level, not to mention that life span will be greatly extended. Cindy is still young, please do it quickly If so, the effect will be better, and the lifespan can be more than two hundred years like ordinary Iridium people."

Fang Ping had to pay special attention to her daughter's body.

Tashvi said quickly: "You just need to apply to go to Nansha Island. When filling in relatives, add me in and indicate that I am an officer of the Star Alliance Space Force. Even if we are not a family, you will be considered." Priority is given to those who enter the immigration sequence.”

Fang Ping didn't speak, but nodded anyway.

Tashvi breathed a sigh of relief. If he went to Nansha Island, the amount of money he would give to his mother and daughter would be meaningless. Because all reasonable living expenses are covered there, there is no need to spend extra money. Being able to watch her daughter grow up better also solved one of Tashvi's worries.

The puppy named Jolly at the family's feet was still lying there, wagging its tail lazily.

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