Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 21 Interception

Xu Lanzhou gently pulled his white gloves with his slender white fingers, and his appearance naturally revealed the beauty of a warrior with red makeup. No one on the bridge felt the slightest bit nervous, and everyone was doing their work in an orderly manner.

The holographic screen next to the captain's seat displayed updated messages one after another.

"Discovered targets hostile to the fleet, number 72."

"The target is determined to be a simple nuclear fission weapon, and the threat level is F5."

"Automated defense systems deployed."

"Defensive fire distribution optimization initiated."

For the Iridium people, the complexity of space combat is more than an order of magnitude higher than combat in the Earth's atmosphere. Human calculations and reactions alone are far from being able to keep up with complex combat environments. Almost all high-level space battles involving humanoid intelligent life require a certain degree of artificial intelligence and automation systems to assist. Human operations spend more time as the last layer of security and for major decision-making.

Even the military development on earth has advanced to the level of network-centric warfare. The technological level of the R19 fleet is much more advanced, but its essence is still the approach of turning many into one, sharing information, and group mobilization. The command and control system of the flagship Sacred Falcon can transcend the subsystems of each ship for unified weapon use, forming a unified and hierarchical firepower network. Whether in attack or defense, the unified combat system optimizes the use of firepower and reconnaissance resources to the maximum extent, greatly improving combat efficiency and greatly enhancing combat effectiveness.

Xu Lanzhou glanced at the no less than a hundred defense strategies provided by the automatic control system, reached out and touched the holographic screen to change. The defense and counterattack strategy of the control system requires the approval of the captain. If the captain fails to approve it within the time limit, the system will adopt the optimal strategy for defense and counterattack.

A space tactical group consisting of a battlecruiser, a heavy cruiser and two light frigates has considerable firepower and diverse firepower options. The Iridium fleet can directly illuminate missiles launched from the silo with laser weapons. , detonating it on the ground. This defensive counterattack method can shoot down and detonate these missiles at a distance of less than two thousand meters. It does not even need to mobilize the main gun-level laser weapons on the Holy Falcon. It only needs to use lightweight or higher-level laser weapons. can be done. As for the diffraction and deflection that occurs when passing through the atmosphere, the powerful on-board calculation program can complete the ballistic correction within femtoseconds.

However, Xu Lanzhou did not use such a method. With the yield of nuclear bombs launched by Americans, detonating these nuclear weapons directly in the atmosphere can basically destroy the entire north-central region of the United States and cause tens of millions of direct casualties. The subsequent nuclear dust clouds and radiation will have adverse effects on the wider region and even the world, and hundreds of millions of people may die as a result.

Xu Lanzhou wholeheartedly wants to expand the earth as the empire's colony in the new universe, but even the ruthless imperial soldiers armed with butcher knives will not cause excessive killing at will. In the empire's previous wars, tens of millions of civilians have rarely died. This is not only inhumane, but also inconsistent with the interests of the empire. A complete colony, a sufficient population, and rich cultural achievements can have a positive impact on the development and progress of the empire.

Therefore, Xu Lanzhou chose an interception method that is relatively less harmful to the earth, but this does not mean that the R19 fleet has to bear any risks. The F5-level threat cannot even break the protective cover of the lightest frigate.

72 enhanced Minuteman III missiles broke through the atmosphere and rushed towards the location of the R19 fleet at extremely high speeds. This extremely high speed is only for people on earth. For the Iridium fleet, a speed of Mach 20 or 30 is simply not enough. The probability cloud principle of space warfare that Ye Qing deduced before is a basic principle of space warfare. Even a large warship with not excellent maneuverability can calmly change its position when faced with missiles with speeds of Mach 20 or 30, thereby preventing nuclear missiles from hitting it.

But for the R19 fleet, the energy consumed by sailing due to several F5-level nuclear missiles is far greater than the energy consumed by simple interception. Therefore, the Sacred Falcon and other Iridium warships have no intention of moving, and even moving the ship's position is not an option in the intelligent command system.

The two Spear-class light frigates were the main force in the interception mission. On the contrary, the huge Sacred Falcon and Flying Bear only played a role in the mission. The Spear-class corvette itself is positioned as a fleet air defense ship. In the space battle between Iridium and other interstellar civilizations, many civilization fleets will have ships carrying a large number of interstellar fighters. This kind of aircraft-carrying interstellar battleship is generally called an aircraft-carrying cruiser. Only when the scale reaches a certain level, it will be called an aircraft carrier (space carrier). Although the firepower of starfighters is much weaker than the main gun-level firepower of battleships, they are very flexible and can carry out relatively long-distance attacks. Based on the principle of probability cloud, when an aircraft-carrying cruiser carries a certain amount of interstellar flying troops, it can cover a larger range of probability cloud. When the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower and efficiency are limited, starfighters carrying lightweight directed energy weapons, or even more terrifying high-damage anti-ship missiles, can continuously consume a warship's protective shield and eventually sink her. Moreover, starfighters also have advantages that artillery battleships do not have in areas such as planetary bombing, breaking engagements, harassment warfare, and reconnaissance warfare, allowing the fleet to attack enemies from a safer distance. Therefore, whether it is the Iridium United Empire or other interstellar civilizations, few people will ignore the construction of aircraft-carrying cruisers and aircraft carriers. Of course, the weaknesses of these two types of ships are also very prominent. Once a bombarded warship breaks into the range, it will be easily sunk by the opponent. Facing some battleships of the battleship level or even the heavy cruiser level, it is difficult for a weak fighter group to defeat the opponent. The protective cover, and the enemy fleet with powerful anti-aircraft firepower, will be able to destroy all the fighter groups in a short time.

The Spear-class anti-aircraft corvette is a special anti-aircraft warship built by Iridium. Although it is not large and does not have a particularly powerful main gun, each Spear-class is equipped with 36 lightweight or above laser cannons and 68 small and medium-caliber Gauss rail guns. It has 8 space missile launchers, which can launch 64 standard-volume missiles at the same time. The main gun is four twin large-caliber Gauss rail guns. The number of weapons on a Spear-class ship is even comparable to that of a battleship, but of course there is no comparison in terms of power. The large number of weapons is naturally used for larger area air defense. The defensive power of the fighter plane itself is negligible. Whether it is a lightweight laser or a small-caliber Gauss railgun, it can be easily destroyed.

When the Minuteman III missile launched by the United States broke through the atmosphere and rose to an altitude of about 100,000 kilometers above the earth's surface, the two Spear-class anti-aircraft corvettes fired laser cannons at the same time to illuminate the nuclear missile. At a distance of about 100,000 kilometers, the system automatically calculated the lead time, coupled with the light speed flyby of directed energy weapons, in the blink of an eye, all the Minuteman III missiles were detonated!

The huge explosion occurred silently, and extremely dazzling light filled the entire space at this moment, like a small sun, radiating a large amount of light and heat outward. Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. The most terrifying explosion in human history occurred in a state of absolute silence.

The R19 fleet one hundred thousand kilometers away was also silent. Such an explosion was nothing to them. The explosion of 72 nuclear bombs with a considerable yield could not even cover a distance of 100,000 kilometers and wiped out a hair on the Iridium warships. On the contrary, the radiated light is a bit dazzling, and when the extremely intelligent warship launches its laser weapon, it has already raised a strong light filter. All light that may cause damage to the officers and soldiers of the Iridium fleet cannot pass through this filter. And this was the only response they made. The extremely powerful battleship protective shield was not even activated at all. Even most of the thousands of imperial immigrants living on the Ruyi City had no idea what was going on. They were in a man-made ecosystem, looking up at a blue sky with white clouds. The Ruyicheng's highly transparent optical hull also filtered out the strong light.

As for radiation, although the movement distance in vacuum is farther, the Iridium battleship has to face a super complex cosmic environment. The ship body automatically shields all kinds of harmful radiation, and the protective cover also has a certain similar effect, so still, there is no Influence.

Dean Mo of the Fleet Research Institute even smacked his lips and said with lingering meaning: "With such a long distance, we can actually try the S05 particle jet cannon carried by the Holy Falcon to directly stop the fission chain reaction of those nuclear weapons. "

However, Dean Mo's words made her favorite disciple Lin Yin sneer. Lin Yin said: "The S05 jet cannon does have the ability to accurately control particles to cause damage or other effects, but the key is accuracy. As long as you know those nuclear weapons The specific structure of the jet cannon can prevent the chain reaction in a variety of ways, through a series of means such as neutron absorption or ionization destruction, or to increase the critical mass, or to prevent the atomic nucleus from crossing the fission barrier. Although we have obtained information about this U.S. Nuclear weapons data, but some things cannot be completely determined. A slight imprecision may cause chain reaction suppression to fail. The purpose of the design of the S05 jet cannon is not to allow scientific researchers to do things that can only be done in the laboratory. It is to pass Accurately and diversely adjust various particles and the energy they carry to attack opponents of different levels and defense forms more efficiently and effectively."

Dean Mo was not angry at all after being ridiculed by Lin Yin. His proud disciple had a very good talent in applied science, which made him very satisfied. Several other scientific researchers also joined the discussion, each expressing their own opinions and explaining what they thought was the best interception plan.

The Iridium fleet just raised its finger, and the US nuclear missiles were instantly destroyed. But a group of Iridium people were discussing with great interest how to intercept nuclear missiles more efficiently, or more elegantly.

This is the so-called gap in strength.

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